Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 3899: The Legion of Faith is broken up!

"Let's go."

Wang Xian led Lan Qingyue to fly to the left.

Their speed is very fast. In order to better intercept them, Wang Xian's flight direction is close to the position of the Faith Universe Passage.

With his current speed, it is ten times faster than the Faith Cosmic Legion!

After flying continuously for a month, Wang Xian and the others searched aimlessly.

It does have a needle-in-a-haystack feel to it.

If it weren't for the large number of 'needles', Wang Xian would not have tried this way.

But there is also a little bit of good.

That is, the millions of gods and disciples who believe in the Cosmic Legion cannot hide them perfectly.

As long as he leaves a place for a short time, Wang Xian can feel it.

As long as it is sensed, it can quickly pursue!

In addition, the benefits of destroying a Legion of Faith are too great, even if it is a waste of time and chances, Wang Xian will not give up.

"Both Yaoyang Palace and Amishan Palace have been destroyed, **** it, the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace is really terrifying!"

Just as Wang Xian was looking for pursuit, the news also reached the legions of Faith Universe.

When they received the news, their expressions were extremely ugly.

Even in my heart, I was a little terrified!

These are the two major armies, especially the armies of the Ami Mountain Palace. Their overall strength can be ranked in the forefront of the twenty-four palaces of the belief universe!

Such a terrifying strength has been directly wiped out. Once they encounter the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace, their end will be the same!

"The entire starry universe is so big, we may not be touched, but we still have to be careful!"

In a void in the starry universe, a legion of palaces quickly flew forward.

A seventh-order **** said with a dignified expression.

"Once we meet, we will have no possibility of escaping. The elders in the palace have sent news that the fragment of faith has also been obtained by the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace. The strength of the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace is no longer something we can compete with!"

A seventh-rank **** next to him spoke, his face cloudy and uncertain!

"Once we meet, we will be wiped out 100%. I think we can disperse and escape, and disperse and fly towards our belief channel."

A seventh-order **** suggested.

His suggestion made the faces of the surrounding seventh-rank gods look pensive.

If they are separated, then their legion will not be completely wiped out, and everyone will depend on their own luck.

This has advantages, but also has a disadvantage, that is, once they separate, the chances of meeting the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace will increase a bit.

"Let me ask the elder, obey the elder's order!"

A seventh-order **** said.

"From the perspective of the elders, it should separate us. After all, every palace cannot bear the risk of being completely wiped out. This risk is simply too great!"

A seventh-order **** said slowly!

The rest of the gods nodded, and they looked at each other.

"Then let's separate, one by one, divide into small teams and go to the passage of faith, everyone will ask for blessings."

A seventh-order **** said.


The rest of the seventh-order gods nodded.

Immediately afterwards, the entire million legion was divided into hundreds of small teams and flew towards the surroundings.

This way, although it is said that the chance of encountering the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace has increased a lot.

But the biggest advantage is that the entire legion will not be wiped out!

This method is also the most helpless choice.

Not only this Legion of Faith flew towards the passage of Faith in this way.

There is also a large part of the Legion of Faith in the rest, breaking up the entire legion.

Because no palace can afford the loss of the entire legion being wiped out.

Time passed day by day.

A group of legion gods and believers who believed in the universe flew fearfully.

Their speed, compared to the flying speed of the entire legion, has dropped by about ten times.

Each team is dominated by the gods of the seventh and sixth ranks.


Months passed in the blink of an eye.

Wang Xian led Lan Qingyue to search aimlessly in the starry universe.

At this time, his mind moved, and his eyes looked in one direction.

In that direction, he vaguely sensed the breath of the power of faith.

"Sensed, let's go!"

Wang Xian's face brightened, and he flew directly in that direction.

His speed was very fast, but in less than ten minutes, a team of more than one hundred people who believed in the gods and believers of the universe appeared in sight.

Among the more than one hundred gods and believers, there are only ten god-level existences.

"Huh? Are they scattered?"

Seeing this, Lan Qingyue frowned slightly and said!

There are only more than one hundred gods and believers, this number is too small!

"Look and see!"

Wang Xian smiled, moved his body, and flew towards them in an instant.

In the front position, before the more than one hundred gods and believers who believed in the universe could react, they saw a figure appearing beside them.

When they saw the face of this figure, their pupils shrank slightly, and a look of despair appeared on their faces instantly!

"'s the Dragon King!"

One of the believers said with a face full of horror!


Wang Xian didn't say much. With a wave of his arm, a wave of energy directly charged towards them.

Seventh-order gods, even if Wang Xian didn't use the star jade fragments, he could easily kill them!

A wave of energy swept away, and the terrifying power instantly overwhelmed more than a hundred believers in the gods.


Only the seventh-rank **** let out a scream, and the rest, except for the few gods that Wang Xian left on purpose, all died!


At the same time, with a wave of his arm, he cast his soul-stirring power on several other gods.

Because of the special reason of believing in the gods of the universe and the power of faith, Wang Xian was unable to use the power of soul-stirring on existences of the same level.

The power of soul-stirring was completed, and a stream of information came into his mind.

"The Legion of Faith in their palace was completely broken up and divided into hundreds of teams, ha ha!"

Wang Xian turned to Lan Qingyue and said with a smile!

"Oh? Xiaoxian, do you know where the other teams are?"

Lan Qingyue raised her eyebrows and asked.

"I know a general idea. There is a team closest to here, and there are more than two hundred gods in that team!"

Wang Xian said.

"In that case, even if their army disperses the gods and believers, they can still hunt and kill them one by one, and Xiaoxian, I think we can separate, and even let Xiaolan and the others act alone!"

Lan Qingyue suggested!


Wang Xian nodded, this time, if he can hunt more believer gods, then hunt more.

This is an incomparably rich resource!

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