Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 3904: Kill the Crystal Behemoth


Dragon Claw grabbed the energy crystal and flew directly towards Wang Xian.

Looking at the energy crystal flying over, he scanned his surroundings with a look of vigilance in his eyes.

How many energy crystals are there in this area, Wang Xian still doesn't know.

Therefore, even if the strength is increasing sharply now, you still have to be careful!

"Ho Ho!"

When the energy crystal was about to arrive in front of Wang Xian, a murderous roar came directly!

Not far from him, in an ordinary crystal, a giant crystal beast flew out and directly attacked Wang Xian and the others.


When Wang Xian saw this giant crystal beast, his eyes shone brightly.

"It doesn't seem to be the one I met last time."

When Lan Qingyue saw it, her eyes shone with luster.

Wang Xian nodded slightly, this crystal monster is not as powerful as the previous one.

The strength of this one is also comparable to that of a master at the peak, but it is weaker than the previous one.

"Fire Meteor!"

Wang Xian moved his palm without the slightest hesitation, and with a wave of his arm, a flaming meteor flew out of his palm, directly attacking the crystal monster.


The flaming meteor appeared and landed on the crystal behemoth in an instant, with a terrifying speed, as if teleporting!

"Bump, bump!"


The scream sounded instantly, and the body of the crystal monster slowly cracked and collapsed.

Seeing this scene, Wang Xian smiled!

This is the terrifying attack power of the fragments of the star field.

Instant kill!

Complete spike.

With a wave of his arm, the cracked body of the crystal giant flew towards him.

Wang Xian sensed that there was a majestic and incomparable energy in it.

"Killing one is almost enough to make Xiao Zhai break through!"

He handed the energy crystal to Lan Qingyue and said with a smile.

"There may be more than one or two crystal monsters in this area!"

Lan Qingyue took it over, looked it over, and said.

"Yes, since that's the case, let's hunt here!"

Wang Xian nodded and continued to fly towards the depths.

Travel through this special field again.

But this time, it took him half a month to find more than a dozen energy crystals.

"There should be one around here."

Wang Xian looked at the dozen or so energy crystals in front of him with a smile on his face.

In the same way, he condensed into dragon claws again and grabbed towards the energy crystal.

"Ho **** ho ho!"

"Ho **** ho ho!"

When the energy crystal was caught by Wang Xian again, as expected, the roaring sound came again.

Wang Xian narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked at the giant crystal beast that suddenly emerged from a crystal.

"This one seems to be the one we met back then."

He muttered in his mouth, sensing the power of this giant crystal beast!

Wang Xian opened his five fingers, and a star was floating on one finger. With a flick of his finger, the five stars became bigger and attacked the crystal monster directly!

"Ho Ho!"

The moment the giant crystal beast flew out, sensing the attack of the five-fingered star and the terrifying power above it, its pupils shrank slightly.

It stopped in a hurry and flew towards an ordinary crystal.

The talent of the crystal behemoth is that it can be submerged in an ordinary crystal instantly, and can be transferred within the crystal instantly.

Some are similar to the transformation of the underworld dragon. Every ordinary crystal is the medium of their transformation.

"Want to escape?"

Wang Xian smiled, his body shook slightly, and a gray star appeared above his head.

"Heavy empty!"

He growled.

"Bump, bump!"

The gray stars emitted a burst of energy and swept towards the surroundings.

At the same time, the surrounding crystals began to collapse rapidly one by one.

Coverage, very scary!

Everything, again in an instant.

"Ho **** ho ho!"

The crystal collapsed, and the crystal monster appeared in Wang Xian's sight.

It roared angrily, and directly attacked Wang Xian.

"court death!"

With a movement of Wang Xian's palm, the five-fingered star that hadn't disappeared turned around and attacked the crystal monster again.

"Boom boom boom!"

The violent collision sounded again, and the body of the crystal monster quickly collapsed!

Turn into pieces of energy crystals!

"Xiaoxian, your strength is really powerful!"

Lan Qingyue at the side couldn't help sighing.

This giant crystal beast should be the one that chased and killed Wang Xian and the eight gods.

When the eight gods relied on the power of the fragments of the star field, none of them were their opponents, and several of them were killed.

But now that Wang Xian has completely refined the power of the star fragments, he can easily kill them.

"It's a treasure of Tianyuan fortune-making level, it's too powerful!"

Wang Xian said with a smile, and with a wave of his arm, he took the body of the crystal behemoth: "Now the improvement of Xiaozhai should be enough!"


Lan Qingyue smiled and nodded: "There are even a lot of energy crystals left, which will give Xiaobai a big boost."

"Then let's search here again and collect all the energy that Xiaobai has raised!"

Wang Xian said.

Lan Qingyue naturally has no objection!

Next, Wang Xian and the others continued to search here.

In this area, the strongest crystal behemoth can only dominate the seventh-order realm.

After all, this is only the ocean at the edge of the infinite starry sky, and there is no too powerful existence.

In the next few months, Wang Xian and the others hunted down two more crystal behemoths, one at the sixth level of dominance, and the other at the seventh level of domination.

The corpses of these two crystal behemoths were enough for Xiaobai to complete his breakthrough.

Then they searched for a few more months, and almost searched the entire area. After finding nothing, Wang Xian was ready to leave.

"Let's go back!"

Wang Xian said to Lan Qingyue.


Lan Qingyue nodded.

Wang Xian took out the communication stone plate and contacted An Lie and Prime Minister Gui.

Tens of seconds later, Wang Xian and Lan Qingyue appeared in a mansion!

This is the territory of the starry sky giant dragon palace.

In the starry sky giant city, all peak races have their own domains.

Although the site is not big, it is enough for a group of top race powerhouses to live and rest!

"Meet the Dragon King!"

When Prime Minister Gui saw Wang Xian's arrival, he was already waiting by the side, bowing respectfully.

"Well, what happened recently?"

Wang Xian asked Prime Minister Gui with a smile all over his face!

"Dragon King, there is nothing wrong for the time being, but now in the communication stone plate, the Phoenix family and the Angel family are very arrogant, and even a strong Phoenix family has personally admitted in the communication stone plate that our dozens of disciples, They killed it on purpose!"

Prime Minister Turtle said!

"Hehe, in this way, their Phoenix clan thinks they have four starry sky behemoths who rule the seventh-order realm, so they are not afraid of us at all?"

Wang Xian smiled lightly and said.

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