Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 3910: Dragon Palace vs Phoenix family Angel family 4

? ? ? ?

What's happening here?

What happened?

The phoenix family, the angel family, and all the strong disciples on the starry sky giant city, saw that the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace actually took out a token, and even talked a few words with the Qingying starry sky giant.

As a result, those giant green cherry starry sky beasts were going to leave directly?

this? Just leave now?

"What's the situation? What is the Star Beastmaster Order?"

"An ally of the Phoenix Clan, the giant green cherry starry sky beast is going to leave? It's not attacking the Dragon Palace, it's just ridiculous!"

"Hiss, if the four starry sky behemoths leave directly, then the peak fighting power of the Phoenix clan and the Angel clan will be equal!"

All the strong disciples on the giant starry sky stared at this scene dumbfounded.

No one expected this to be the case.

"The four members of the Qingying Starry Sky Giant Beast, we have agreed."

A strong man of the Phoenix family who dominates the seventh-order realm looked at the four starry sky behemoths, his face darkened, and he said, "What do you mean by leaving now?"

"We have no choice. The Dragon King and the others have the order of the King of Chaos, and we have to obey it!"

A Qingying starry sky behemoth looked at them and said in a deep voice!

After he finished speaking, without the slightest hesitation, he flew directly into the void in front of him.

The order of the starry sky beast king is an irresistible order for these starry sky behemoths, otherwise, death will greet them.

They can't say no!

What's more, they were able to return to the starry universe because those kings brought them here!

Orders must be obeyed!

All the strong disciples of the Phoenix Clan saw it with embarrassing expressions.

The strong men of the angel family are also constantly changing there.

This time they are going to destroy the Dragon Palace, and part of their reliance is the group of giant beasts in the Qingying Starry Sky.

The four starry sky behemoths who dominate the seventh-order realm, plus their four tamed starry sky behemoths, are enough to destroy Dragon Palace and the others!

But now, the four green cherry starry sky behemoths have left, and the four starry sky behemoths of the phoenix family and the angelic family who rule the seventh-order realm are just the ancient **** Kun **** who can compete against the Dragon Palace!

Then, in the next battle, the Phoenix family and the Angel family will fight against the Dragon King and the others!

"Hehe, the majestic Phoenix Clan and the Angel Clan have teamed up to deal with our Dragon Palace. Now that your allies are gone, isn't it just right, show your true strength, let's fight!"

Wang Xian stared at all the strong disciples of the Phoenix Clan and the Angel Clan with a smile on his face, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Now, it's time to compete for real strength!"

"This is a fair battle, but it may take a long time for this battle to be decided!"

"Although there are many strong people in the Dragon Palace who dominate the seventh-order realm, the Phoenix family and the Angel family have their own cards. Their cards are enough to fight against the existence that dominates the eighth- and ninth-order realms, so whoever loses wins. Hard to say!"

"Yes, the current battle is considered fairer. The Phoenix family and the Angel family join forces to fight against the Dragon Palace, without the participation of other strong races!"

On the starry sky giant city, everyone looked at this scene and spoke, their eyes shining brightly.

The battle just now was still crushing, but not now!

"Hehe, even if there is no Qingying starry sky behemoth group, we will destroy your Dragon Palace!"

The strong men of the Phoenix family and the strong men of the Angel family looked at each other, gritted their teeth, and said solemnly!

Now, on the bright side, and the hole cards they have in hand, they are still much stronger than Dragon Palace!

Moreover, this battle can no longer be avoided, and has to be fought!

There was a serious look in their eyes!


They are still confident that they can win!

"All disciples of the Phoenix Clan, prepare and fight!"

"All disciples of the angel family, prepare and fight!"

The strong masters of the seventh-order realm headed by the Phoenix Clan and the Angel Clan roared and raised the innate treasure in their hands!


"Destroy Dragon Palace, leave no one behind!"

"Hahaha, destroy Dragon Palace, leave no one behind!"

Forty to fifty thousand strong men in the realm of masters of the universe roared loudly.

Their might soared into the sky!

"The four starry sky giants are for you, Qingyue!"

Wang Xian glanced over the Angel Clan and Phoenix Clan, and when he heard their roars, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, and he said to Lan Qingyue!


Lan Qingyue nodded, and glanced at the four giant starry sky beasts that dominate the seventh-order realm!




Xiaolan Xiaobai Xiaozhai and the others let out a roar, and flew directly to the position above, pulling away a long distance!


The powerhouses of the Phoenix Clan and the Angel Clan also immediately ordered the four starry space behemoths that ruled the seventh-order realm to directly attack Xiaolan and the others!

"Dragon Palace, you have many strong people who rule the seventh-order realm, but the background of our Phoenix family and the Angel family is something that your Dragon Palace will never be able to match. Today is your day of death!"

The eyes of a Huofenghuang who is the ruler of the universe at the seventh level are full of ice-cold look.

He is holding a fiery phoenix statue.

"Phoenix Nirvana!"

He let out a low growl, and the surrounding six fire phoenixes who were in the seventh-order realm of universe masters directly injected the majestic power of life!

The entire fiery phoenix statue gradually became real.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

The sound of a phoenix came from the sculpture of the fire phoenix.

Locked tightly, terrifying flames enveloped a starry sky!

"Hmph, today, I will kill you Dragon King, no one can stop you!"

In the angel clan, the leading archangel waved his arm, and a feather floated in the sky above.

Slowly, the feather aimed at Wang Xian's position.

"Hehe, Dragon Palace disciple, kill me!"

Wang Xian saw the angels and the phoenixes showing some of their hole cards again, with a cold look in their eyes!

He waved his arm!

At the same time, in his body, the Five Elements Grinding Machine and the Tai Chi Dragon Plate directly attacked the Phoenix Clan and the Angel Clan!

A soul battleship and two soul spears appeared directly, attacking the fiery phoenix sculpture!

The battle broke out directly!

"Fight, kill!"

The powerhouses of the Phoenix Clan and the Angel Clan let out a wild roar and charged forward!

"Choo Choo Choo!"

The revived fire phoenix in the sky let out another phoenix cry, stared at the soul spear and soul battleship attacking towards him, and let out a low growl!

He went straight up to meet him!

His speed is much faster than those of the angel and phoenix families below!

"Boom boom boom!"

Streams of flames spewed out from the mouth of the fire phoenix. This terrifying flame was enough to threaten the powerhouse who dominated the ninth level.

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