Except for some special problems, Wang Xian didn't hide much from Tianci.

Although Tianci is small, he understands many truths.

Wang Xian looked at Tianci beside him with a smile on his face.

With a movement of his palm, he sensed the treasure of heaven and earth in his body.


At this time, Wang Xian discovered that the treasure of good fortune in Tianyuan located in his body had been greatly improved again.

The bud that was the size of a finger at the beginning is now the size of a palm, and several branches have grown on it.

The trunk of the decimal wood.

Several branched branches.

On several branches, there is a huge and pure energy of wood attribute

Under Wang Xian's induction, he found that these three branches contained special energy fluctuations.

This is derived from the wood attribute.

"Heavenly gift, this small tree in your body has three branches, and each of these three branches has special abilities. Please sense this special ability."

Wang Xian said to Tianci.

"Good uncle!"

Tianci nodded, followed by a sense, and his body exuded a strong wood attribute aura.


In the next moment, the illusory shadow of a branch appeared on his arm.

After trying three times in a row, Wang Xian sensed it from the side.

"Uncle, there are two attacking ones, one is hiding the breath, and the one who hides the breath can not only hide himself, but also hide the breath of others."

Tianci quickly replied.


Wang Xian nodded, his eyes were shining brightly.

The ability to hide the breath is a manifestation of the ability of this Tianyuan Fortune Treasure to hide the breath.

It used to be passive, but now it can be actively hidden.

And this concealment ability is more powerful than Wang Xian's covering him.

Under the concealment of Tianci, unless the strong Tianyuan good fortune approached him tens of meters and looked at him, otherwise, he would not be able to discover his own situation.

It is also impossible to find that there is wood attribute in his body.

This concealment method is very powerful.

As for the other two attacking branches, they are also very strong.

It can be said that Tianci, who has just stepped into the realm of the Immortal God King, can use these two branches to fight against the existence of the peak of the Immortal God King.

This is the horror of Tianyuan Fortune Supreme Treasure.

"In the future, after I block the wood attribute energy in your body, I will hide it myself."

Wang Xian said to Tianci.

"Good uncle."

Tianci nodded obediently.

"Okay, I just broke through today, so take a good rest."

Patting Tianci's head, Wang Xian said.

Tianci nodded with a smile.

In the following time, Wang Xian continued to recover from his injuries.

Tai Chi Dragon Pan is also constantly absorbing dark energy, trying to complete a breakthrough.

Time passed day by day.

More than ninety years have passed by in a flash, and now it has been a full hundred years since Tianci was born.

"Uncle, uncle, it's my birthday tonight, and I'm at home. Then come and have dinner with us."

At noon that day, Tianci ran in and yelled at Wang Xian.

Wang Xian opened his eyes and looked at the figure ahead.

A hundred years have passed, and today's Tianci is about 1.6 meters tall, placed in the Muli tribe, he is still a small boy.

Although Tianci is not tall, but after sorting out the wood attribute and water attribute, he has a delicate features.

There was an air of nobility exuding from his body.

This aura was cultivated by Wang Xian.

As the owner of Tianyuan Fortune Supreme Treasure, Wang Xian has always reminded him of one thing.

Be humble, but the arrogance and arrogance in your heart must surpass anyone else.

Born extraordinary, I am not weaker than anyone else.

Not weaker than anyone else, this is the idea Wang Xian instilled in him.

This also made Tianci exude a confident look.

Similarly, being low-key and introverted to others is also a must have.

"Oh? Is it your birthday?"

Wang Xian looked at Tianci with a smile on his face.

"Yes uncle, after my first birthday, I have to go to the academy of the Muli Tribe to study, and I will leave my parents and home!"

Tianci nodded and said to Wang Xian.

In the Muli tribe, children have to leave home after the age of one hundred and enter the academy of the Muli tribe to study.

"Uncle, I don't want to leave you and mom, and with my current strength, I don't need to go to the academy to study at all. If there is anything I don't understand, you can teach me, uncle."

Tianci walked to Wang Xian's side and spoke.

"You have to have your own complete life. I can't interfere with you too much. You have to learn by yourself, meet other people, and have your own friends."

Wang Xian said to Tianci.

Tianci opened his mouth, then lowered his head slightly: "I don't want friends. Others say that I don't have a father and I'm a bastard."


When Wang Xian heard this, he raised his eyebrows slightly: "This kind of person, you just hit him, challenge him directly, defeat him, he will not dare to say anything, and this kind of person is not a friend."

"Tianci, you have to know that no one is qualified to be your father, so don't be sad because of this."

Tianci doesn't have a father, and Wang Xian knew about it from the very beginning.

At first he thought it was because Mu Li Yin'er's man abandoned him.

Later, he got a message from the maid.

Tianci doesn't know her father, and even Mu Li Yin'er doesn't know who her man is.

Muli Yin'er is not very old, she was named the most beautiful and outstanding woman in the Muli tribe, not one of them.

But suddenly one day, Mu Li Yin'er became pregnant!

Mu Li Yin'er didn't know who her father was.

Just such a sudden pregnancy.

At first, Muli Yin'er's parents thought that Muli Yin'er was hiding this man.

Later, after all kinds of inquiries, I found out that my daughter didn't know how she was pregnant.

But such a thing as a woman's pregnancy can't be conceived out of thin air?

So Muli Yin'er's father suspected that there might be a strong person who used powerful means to have a relationship with Muli Yin'er.

Ling Muli Yin'er didn't notice.

Or erase her memory of this period.

Mu Li Yin'er's father and elders were extremely angry that her own daughter was insulted and she was pregnant with a child.

They wanted Mu Li Yin'er to abort her child.

But Muli Yin'er was reluctant and forced to give birth.

Muli Yin'er's move and the matter of her pregnancy and childbirth also caused a huge commotion in the entire Muli tribe.

Thinking that he is an unclean woman, Tianci is also a bastard.

So far, Tianci is not qualified to have the surname Muli.

Muli Yin'er's relatives are so skeptical, and the people of Muli tribe think so.

But Wang Xian sensed Mu Li Yin'er, and made a judgment in his heart.

Mu Li Yin'er was not insulted, she was pregnant because of a gift from God.

In other words, Godsend was born on her body.

Godsend, just like the name, bestowed by God.

Without a father, the essence of heaven and earth was conceived in Muliyin's womb!

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