Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 4184: Tianyuan Good Fortune on the Run

"not good!"

When Duke Xining heard Wang Xian's voice and saw him attacking the two of them, his heart sank!

He glanced away, startled one after another.

Beside Wang Xian, there are two terrifying dragons on the left and right, one with five elements and one with yin and yang!

The two divine dragons of yin and yang and five elements exude a strength that is not weaker than that of Tianyuan's good fortune!

"This is? The Dragon King's own strength is not weaker than the control level!"

The elf queen and the others looked at her, their pupils shrank slightly, and their faces were full of shock.

"This Dragon Palace Dragon King has grown up really fast!"

Even the ancestor of Xuanwu said in amazement!

It wasn't long before Wang Xian possessed the strength of Tianyuan Fortune Realm, but now he is comparable to a control-level existence.

This is not to mention that he still has a powerful subordinate!

In addition, as well as the adoptive son of the man who will become a strong man of heaven and earth in the future.

The future of Dragon Palace is too strong!

"Oh no!"

Seeing Wang Xian's invincibility, the Phoenix Emperor's heart sank, and a bad premonition enveloped his heart.

The current Dragon King has a great chance to destroy him!

"Idle space!"

Seeing Wang Xian attacking him, Duke Xining took out an extremely powerful treasure without any hesitation.

Idle space, make yourself in another space.

As long as you can't find the entrance to the void space, don't try to kill him at all.

Similarly, he who is in the void space cannot attack external opponents.

This is an evasive treasure. When he encountered the undead last time, he used this treasure to escape easily!

But he avoided it, and the Tianyuan fortune-telling expert in the void universe was a little confused!

He looked at Wang Xian who was attacking towards him, and at the seven strong men from the Nine Origin Universe who were still besieging him, with a look of bitterness and despair on his face.

There is no way to avoid it.

It was very difficult for him to fight against the Twelve Ancestral Witches alone.

Not to mention the addition of the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace who has not been suppressed by the six universes, and the two treasures beside him that have not been suppressed.

He teleported, wanting to dodge continuously.

As long as the blockade of Tusha City fails, he is still sure to escape!


However, his teleportation speed was too slow in Wang Xian's opinion!

Wang Xian's body shook, and the Beginless Saint Wings appeared on both sides of his body. The power of wind and thunder flickered, and he came to the side of the Void Universe powerhouse in an instant!

Dragon Claw, grab him directly!


That strong man from the void universe couldn't dodge at all, he let out a desperate roar!

With a wave of Wang Xian's arm, he beheaded him directly, and the corpse was put away!

"Dragon King Dragon Palace, my void universe will destroy you in the future!"

Seeing this scene, Duke Xining, who was hiding in the empty space, roared with a gloomy face full of murderous intent!


When Wang Xian heard his words, he smiled contemptuously.

Sensing the location of Lord Xining, Wang Xian didn't attack him, but glanced to the side!

He set his sights on the twenty or so strong Tianyuan creatures attacked by the undead.

Wang Xian swayed his huge figure and flew over directly!

Only ten seconds had passed since Wang Xian beheaded the six Tianyuan Creation of Baibai Fusheng to the beheading of the Tianyuan Creation of Void Universe.

There are still a few seconds left.

In these few seconds, if Wang Xian can slay one more Tianyuan fortune-telling expert, he will gain a huge amount of resources.

This resource can give Dragon Palace disciples a terrifying boost.

"No, the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace has locked on us. He has two special treasures that are comparable to the powerhouses of Tianyuan Fortune. We can't compete with them at all!"

When Wang Xian flew towards the more than twenty Tianyuan fortune-telling powerhouses, the expressions of the twenty-odd Tianyuan fortune-telling powerhouses changed drastically, and they shouted angrily!

"We must break through the surrounding blockade, otherwise all of us will die!"

A strong Tianyuan Fortune shouted frantically!

"Boom boom boom!"

He directly took out a treasure, and attacked the blockade set up by Tusha City!

A violent roar sounded!

Faint ripples appeared in the blockade of Tusha City, and it began to become unreal!


Seeing this scene, Wang Xian focused his eyes, stirring the Beginless Sacred Wings.

Countless lightning powers cover the entire space, and all the strong Tianyuan fortunetellers are all within the coverage!

Thunder shower!


The blockade is attacked again and starts to go blank!


At this time, a strong man with Tianyuan fortune escaped through the treasure.

All the heavenly beings in the surroundings also quickly escaped through the treasures.

Especially the more than twenty Tianyuan fortune-tellers who were targeted by Wang Xian, each one of them was not stingy with their cards!

Seeing this scene, Wang Xian's eyes flickered slightly.

With a wave of his arm, the five-element dragon beside him turned into a five-element mill. Wang Xian injected the power of wind and thunder into it, and waved his arm!

The Great Mill of the Five Elements flew directly in one direction at a terrifying speed.

The next moment, Wang Xian grabbed the Tai Chi dragon plate, waved it vigorously, and flew towards another place!

Fenglei locked the enemy!

The thunder has fallen into the bodies of all the strong Tianyuan good fortunes. After Wang Xian's wind and thunder lock is activated, he immediately ordered Taiji Longpan and Wuxing Damo to chase the two strong Tianyuan good fortunes.

His eyes fell on Duke Xining who stepped out of the empty space in an instant!

The heavenly creation powerhouse of the void universe is his first target of hunting!

After Xining Gong came out of the empty space, he moved his palm, opened a scroll, and disappeared quickly!

With a movement of Wang Xian's figure, according to the ability of finding the enemy in the void, he quickly pursued towards Duke Xining!

"Pursue, hunt them down!"

Undead Golden Leopard and the others had reddened eyes, and roared with murderous intent on their faces!

"Boom boom boom!"

In the surrounding area, some of the Tianyuan fortune-tellers did not use their treasures to escape, and fled in all directions!

A series of energy attacks, covering the entire world!

At this time, all the strong Tianyuan fortune-tellers no longer have the intention to fight for the treasure of Tianyuan fortune.

They knew that beside the young man who was the supreme treasure of Yuan Hua, there was also a strong man of Tian Yuan who was not suppressed by the power of the universe.

It was too difficult for them to take that young man away from his hands!

In an instant, all the strong Tianyuan Fortune fled!

The undead are chasing them!

Over the entire dungeon, the terrifying energy and aura disappeared quickly!

"Whirring whirring!"

"Hoo hoo!"

The disciples of all the strong tribes on the lost planet saw all the strong Tianyuan good fortune leave, panting heavily, and wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads!

This time today, for them, it was a complete journey back from hell!

At this moment, they are glad that they are still alive.

Glad I didn't die.

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