Once the calamity comes, the powerhouses of other universes will not be able to believe it.

Once the calamity begins, the strong in the same universe, under normal circumstances, will also unite the front and abandon the past.

When the calamity breaks out, the only ones who can be believed are teammates from the same universe.

Wang Xian doesn't care if they have enmity with him or not, if he can kill them, he will kill them.

It's like Tianci has no enmity with them, but they all want to kill Tianci to obtain the treasure of Tianyuan.

There is nothing good or bad, only the cruel laws of the universe!

Wang Xian continued to pursue, but to his regret, the energy of Fenglei's lock on the enemy disappeared after ten minutes.

It takes a long time for the underworld dragon's pursuit ability to be used once.

Without this skill, it was too difficult for Wang Xian to hunt down a strong Tianyuan Fortune!

Just like when the strong men of the Void Universe chased and killed Wang Xian, it was extremely difficult to kill a Tianyuan Fortune!

After more than ten hours, Wang Xian gave up completely and summoned the Five Elements Grinding Machine and Tai Chi Dragon Plate!

Then he flew towards the dungeon.

Because he used the ability of the underworld dragon to chase once, the place where Wang Xian is currently is no longer in Tuyuan, but in the grassland!

But without the suppression of the six universes, Wang Xian's speed is still very fast!

Halfway through, the Twelve Ancestral Witch Elf Empress and several Tianyuan fortune-tellers sent Wang Xian a message.

They wanted to meet Wang Xian at the Chaos Tree next to Jiuyuan Universe to see if they could make some deals!

After seeing their information, Wang Xian agreed directly!

In his hand, there are many corpses of strong Tianyuan good fortune, and the Twelve Ancestral Witches are all aware of them.

Such a level of resources is also of great use to those who are strong in Tianyuan Fortune!

Not to mention it is used to train subordinates!

And the corpses in Wang Xian's hands are inexhaustible, and they can be traded with them in exchange for some treasures and resources!

"This time, I should be able to gather the resources for my own breakthrough!"

Wang Xian's eyes flickered.

This time the harvest is more than enough.

After chatting with the Twelve Ancestral Witch Elf Queen and the others for a while, he returned to the dungeon not long after.

When Wang Xian arrived, he found that some destroyed buildings in the dungeon had been rebuilt.

In the dungeon, there is an aura of a strong heavenly fortune.

"The earth-attribute Tianyuan fortune-teller has returned."

Wang Xian thought to himself, sensed the location of Tianci, and immediately flew over!


Soon, Wang Xian's figure appeared in a large hall.

Above the main hall, there are six seats.

Lin Niu turned into a human and sat at the top, and beside him, Tianci also sat there.

The other one is Tusha City, the strong fortune-maker from the Six Paths Universe.

In the main hall, there are also the strong disciples of the Muli tribe, the mother of the godsend.

In addition, there are also a group of powerhouses who are at the pinnacle of the ninth-level masters of the universe.

"Meet the Dragon King!"

A group of strong men from the six universes saw Wang Xian coming, and hurriedly worshiped him.

Nowadays, the relationship between Wang Xian and their six universes is very subtle.

If the three of them want to protect Muli Tianci and help him break through to the realm of Tianyuan Fortune, then the relationship between Wang Xian and them is very good.

Of course, all of this requires their adults to speak formally.

However, they can also see it based on the current situation.

Muli Tianci is going to become a strong Tianyuan good fortune in the future.

The Dragon King of the Dragon Palace is too powerful, even if the three masters of the Six Path Universe want to take away the treasure of Tianyuan, the chances are very slim!

"The dragon king of the dragon family of the Jiuyuan universe, it is a great honor to be able to get to know each other in this way, and I also thank the dragon king for helping us protect the treasure of our universe in the six universes!"

Seeing Wang Xian's arrival, Tushacheng immediately stood up, cupped his hands with flickering eyes and thanked him!


Tianci saw Wang Xian and immediately ran to his side.

"Everything is good luck!"

Wang Xian touched Tianci's head and said with a smile towards Tushacheng!

"Hehe, it's the Dragon King who has a destiny with our six-path universe. Anyway, our six-path universe needs to thank you, Dragon King. If there is no Dragon King, the treasure of our six-path universe will be taken away, and our six-path universe will be less in the future." A strong man who can suppress everything."

Tushacheng said to Wang Xian very politely.

This can't be helped, the strength that Wang Xian has displayed now is not weaker than their Six Universes at all.

In addition, it currently does not have the suppression of the six universes.

If they become enemies with Wang Xian, their entire six universes will be devastated.

Most of the creatures will be wiped out!

"Hehe, maybe we are really destined."

Wang Xian smiled and was very polite to him.

"Haha, it is indeed destined, this time we have to thank the Dragon King!"

At this time, a voice came from outside.

The other two undead and the golden leopard from the six universes entered the hall.

The undead laughed and said to Wang Xian!

"Thanks are unnecessary."

Seeing them coming, Wang Xian shook his head.

"I have to thank you. If it wasn't for your help, the Dragon King, our six universes would have suffered a lot in today's incident. We also prepared some treasures and gave them to the Dragon King. We hope to make friends with you, the Dragon King!"

The undead looked at Wang Xian and said seriously.

"If you really want to thank you, give God some treasures, and let him step into the realm of Tianyuan Fortune as soon as possible!"

Wang Xian smiled and said to them!

"Haha, that's fine too. The Tianyuan Creation Supreme Treasure is directly conceived and recognized as the owner. Tianci is born extraordinary, and we will be the best comrades in arms in the future. Now we naturally have to take out the treasures to make it reach the Tianyuan Creation Realm as soon as possible!"

Undead smiled and nodded.

"Next, while all the tribes of the Six Universes are here, let's hold a grand ceremony, celebrate it well, and wish our Six Universes' future Tianyuan good luck powerhouses."

Tushacheng opened his mouth and suggested!

"This is your decision, but after a while, I will take Tianci to Jiuyuan Universe, and let him come back after he reaches the realm of Tianyuan Creation."

Wang Xian said to them!


His words made the undead startled slightly, their eyes flickering.

Mu Liyin'er and the others didn't have too many surprises at the side.

Godsend had already told them something.

Muli Yin'er and Tianci's grandparents also agreed to let Tianci follow Wang Xian back to Jiuyuan Universe first.

Because they knew that in this world, apart from them, only Tianci's adoptive father was sincerely kind to Tianci.

It won't hurt him.

They also completely trusted Wang Xian.

Even more than the trust in the three adults of their six universes!

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