Wang Xian chatted with Liulan Wuwangtian for a while.

After Wang Xian ordered the body of the Void Dragon to stay here, he returned to the Nine Origin Universe.

This time, Wang Xian was going to hunt a Tianyuan Good Fortune at the control level, so he had to be prepared.

Be fully prepared.

He was going to take Linniu with him.

In addition, call Tianci over.

Tianci's strength is very strong, and it also allows him to fight against the real Tianyuan good fortune to gain some combat experience!

Within the six universes!

It is located at the junction edge of water source and grassland.

A huge tribe stands here!

Although this location is on the edge of the two treasures, the energy concentration here is no worse than the location in the center!

This is the Muli tribe.

There is also the Jiuhe tribe on the left side of the water source.

On the right are the top tribes that gathered many grasslands.

Because Tianci is a wood attribute.

It is better to cultivate here in the grassland.

Therefore, the Muli tribe moved the entire tribe to the junction of the grassland and the water source.

The Jiuhe tribe also moved here directly because of Gongcheng's relationship with Tianci.

After all, this is the place where a strong Tianyuan good fortune sits.

Here, it is naturally safer and has many benefits.

All the top tribes in the grassland got the news and wanted to please Godsend.

After all, Tianci is a wood attribute Tianyuan strongman, and in terms of cultivation, he is relatively close to the major tribes in their grassland.

The Calamity of Calamity is coming soon, so it is naturally safer to follow a strong Tianyuan Fortune.

Although he moved away from his own tribal land, but here, the benefits are more.

A group of top grassland tribes moved here, and Tianci naturally had no objection.

He is originally a wood attribute, and his attitude towards wood attribute practitioners is relatively friendly.

He even gave some pointers on the cultivation of disciples of wood attribute experts once in a while.

On this day, Tianci was discussing things with Mu Liyin'er and grandpa in the same study.

Suddenly, Godsend felt something!

"Mother, grandpa, foster father is here!"

Tianci raised his head and said to them!

"Huh? Is the Dragon King coming?"

Muli Tianci's grandfather was slightly taken aback, and asked.


Tianci nodded, took out the communication stone plate, and sent a message!


Soon, Wang Xian came to the sky above the Muli tribe.

Tianci sensed Wang Xian's breath and flew over immediately!


Seeing Wang Xian, Tianci shouted happily!


Wang Xian looked at him, nodded, and the two flew towards the position below.

"Father, I feel that the ancestral tree in your body seems to have fully matured!"

Tianci knew the ancestral tree in Wang Xian's body, and could sense the breath.

"Yes, some are ripe, you hold this mother's womb fruit."

Wang Xian nodded, and handed him the mother's womb fruit.

The fruit of the mother's womb is more cost-effective to use for those who are strong in Tianyuan.

The use of the realm of **** is too wasteful!

After all, in the realm of mastery, even if you need to practice again after resurrection, you need relatively few resources!

"A fruit of the resurrection type, Yifu, this fruit is very powerful, it is completely a second life."

Tianci received it, his eyes glowed, and he said excitedly.

"Yes, you take it yourself first. If you die accidentally, you can directly resurrect it on the ancestral tree!"

Wang Xian nodded: "This time I am here to take you to another universe for a hunt!"


Tianci had a surprised look on his face when he heard Wang Xian's words, and looked at him.


Wang Xian nodded: "Go and kill a Tianyuan fortune-telling expert at the control level. In the chaos, his strength is about the same as yours. This time, I will let you see the real battle of a Tianyuan fortune-telling strongman and accumulate some experience!"

"Good foster father, I listen to you, I'm bored at home now, I feel invincible, hehe!"

Tianci nodded with interest, a little eager to try.

After all, you are invincible when you are young, and invincible is very lonely!

Wang Xian smiled and nodded.

"Tell your mother and the others, it will probably take hundreds of years to go out!"

Wang Xian said to him.

"Yeah, foster father, since you're here, let's have a meal and let's go!"

Tianci nodded and said!


Wang Xian agreed.

Then they came to a quiet courtyard.

Wang Xian, Tianci Muli Yin'er, Gongcheng Miaomiao and Tianci's grandfather sat at the same dining table eating and chatting about some things!

"Mom, Miao Miao, this time I go out with my adoptive father, and I will come back in a few hundred years at most!"

Before parting, Muli Tianci said to them!

"Heavenly gift, everything must be safe!"

Mu Li Yin'er said with a smile.

"Don't worry, mom, what can happen with the adoptive father here?"

Tianci said with a smile: "And my adoptive father also gave me a treasure, which can be resurrected without injury, that is, I can be resurrected directly after death, and nothing will happen. The resurrected treasure, my adoptive father has given me a lot. It's all difficult!"

"I know, I know, listen to your adoptive father outside, don't be brave."

Mu Li Yin'er smiled and nodded.

They are not very worried about Tianci.

Muli Yin'er and the others all had the reborn fruit given by Wang Xian.

There are more resurrected treasures in the hands of Tianci, and they can be resurrected in real danger!

"Tianci is already very strong, but there is still some experience to accumulate!"

"With me here, nothing will happen!"

Wang Xian said to them.

"The child will have to face some problems on his own after all. It's better to experience more with Wang Xian and you now. Go, and when you come back, I will prepare some delicious food for you!"

Mu Li Yin'er nodded.

"Don't worry Mom, Miao Miao, goodbye, I will be back soon!"

Tianci waved at them.

The dark energy on the side enveloped them and disappeared in an instant!


"Father, which universe are we going to? Is there a strong person in that universe? Will I be suppressed by that universe when I go there?"

Tianci followed Wang Xian to the Dragon Palace.

He kept asking Wang Xian curiously.

"We are going to the sword and magic universe. There are very few strong people in that universe. There are only two Tianyuan good fortunes, and they are not your opponents. Now there are other strong heavenly good fortunes around that universe. Attack that universe when it comes!"

"We need to get rid of the strong Tianyuan who covet the universe. The target is the strong Tianyuan who believe in the universe. Their attack methods and abilities are different from ours. Be careful!"

Wang Xian said to Tianci!

"The sword and magic universe? I haven't heard of this, but I have heard of the belief universe!"

Tianci raised his eyebrows and said.

"Oh? Believe in the universe, you know?"

Wang Xian looked at him and asked curiously.

"Uncle Tushacheng and the others gave me some information about other universes, including some records of belief in the universe!"

Tianci nodded!

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