In the Jiuyuan universe, there is no space attribute, and there are no space practitioners.

The void universe has only the attribute of space and no other attributes.

Logically speaking, there is no need for any battle between the void universe and the Jiuyuan universe.

But all because of the cosmic intelligent brain that was born a long time ago in the Jiuyuan universe.

This piece of Tianyuan Fortune Treasure is very special, it can create a virtual space, a very real virtual space.

The Void Dynasty of the Void Universe has taken a fancy to this Cosmic Brain.

This cosmic intellectual brain has a huge effect on them.

The Jiuyuan universe is not a weak universe like the Liudao universe. It is simply a joke to want to take away the treasure of heaven and fortune that belongs to the Jiuyuan universe.

Even if the Universal Intelligence Brain is a treasure that is not needed by the Nine Origin Universe, it is not something you can just take away if you want it.

Then Jiuyuan Universe fought against the Void Universe.

This battle lasted for a long, long time.

It lasted for several calamities.

Now, once the calamity broke out, it would be a direct war.

Time passed day by day, 100 million years, 100 million years, passed very quickly.

Wang Xian didn't go out during this period, he stayed in Dragon Palace and Jiuyuan Universe.

And with time, the background of Dragon Palace, and the disciples of Dragon Palace became stronger and stronger.

Originally, the establishment of the Dragon Palace was relatively short, and the Dragon Palace lacked foundation.

After absorbing the Phoenix Clan, after time has passed, Dragon Palace has become the most top peak race in the Jiuyuan Universe!

The only one faintly capable of contending is the demon clan.

In the blink of an eye, more than a billion years have passed, and the arrival of the calamity is getting closer and closer.


On this day, the communication stone plate in Wang Xian's hand rang.

Seeing the news above, he moved and flew outside immediately.

He is now in the position of the tree of chaos.

Soon, they came to the top of the Chaos Tree.

Surrounding them, a strong fortune-telling expert named Jiuyuan Universe also flew towards this side.

The Fallen Shadow Demon King was already sitting on a seat there.

Wang Xian glanced over them, came to a seat and sat down.

Soon, all the heavenly creation powerhouses of the Jiuyuan universe will arrive.

Falling Shadow Devil Emperor, Xuanwu Patriarch, Hetian Saint, Elf Queen, Twelve Ancestral Witches, Floating Water Queen, Royal Patriarch, Emperor of the Hades, Emperor of Angels.

In addition, Wang Xian and Lin Niu were added.

"Everyone is here, the calamity is about to come in 100 million years, everyone sit down and discuss it in detail!"

Falling Shadow Demon King looked at them and said.

"Senior Falling Shadow Demon Emperor, this time, our strength is much stronger than last time. Last time, the Void Clan hunted and killed many of our disciples. This time, it's time for us to take revenge!"

The elf queen said with a murderous look on her face.

Wang Xian was a little surprised that such a powerful killing intent appeared on his exquisite face.

"In the void universe, they must be killed."

The Twelve Ancestral Witch also agreed with killing intent on his face.

"In the Void Universe, we have to kill it, but we are not yet sure if the Void Universe's strength has increased."

Falling Shadow Demon Emperor said: "In the early stage, we mainly focus on probing, and in the middle and late stages, we are fighting."

"This time our Jiuyuan Universe is very strong, we can consider escorting some disciples to make a breakthrough."

"In the past, I needed to sit in the Jiuyuan Universe. Now that the Dragon King is here, I can consider adding one or two Tianyuan fortune-tellers. For the Skeleton Clan, the Skeleton Emperor has reached the limit. As long as there are places, he can break through."

"Where the Shenhu clan is, or where the saints are, there are strong people who can break through."

"In the early stage, our Jiuyuan universe has two or three more Tianyuan good fortune experts, which is a good improvement for our Jiuyuan universe."

"In addition, we must also consider the tree of chaos. Once the calamity comes, the energy in the chaos is gentle, and the tree of chaos is very eye-catching. It is a valuable place for cultivation for any universe."

Falling Shadow Demon King started talking to them one by one.

Increase the Tianyuan good luck powerhouse of Jiuyuan universe.

Chaos Tree is safe here.

The Tree of Chaos is a holy place for cultivation, and any universe would be jealous.

All this needs to be planned.

Adding the matter of Tianyuan fortune-telling powerhouse is a big improvement for Jiuyuan universe.

The Tianyuan Creation Quota of Jiuyuan Universe has been exhausted, but there are still those who dominate the peak realm who can break through at any time.

This requires going to the universe with this quota.

Breakthrough to another universe.

However, for a strong man who dominates the peak realm, if he wants to break through to another universe, he will have a narrow escape, or even ten deaths.

It is impossible for a strong man in the opponent's universe to let you occupy this place.

This requires a guard.

In the past, in order to prevent the sneak attack of the void universe, the Fallen Shadow Demon Emperor needed to sit in the Jiuyuan universe.

But this time, with Wang Xian, he was able to escape.

At that time, the Fallen Shadow Demon King can take his disciples to other universes to make a breakthrough.

There is a Dao-level existence to protect the law, and it is very safe to break through.

In the past, because there was only one Dao-level existence in Jiuyuan Universe, if there was a strong person who could break through, he could only fight outside through himself, through his own race.

But this time, I am afraid life will be easier.

"As for the matter of leading the disciples to break through, either I or Senior Falling Shadow Demon Emperor can go. I haven't broken through for long, and I have a question, how long will the calamity last, and if there are any special circumstances, seniors, please tell me in detail for a year! "

Wang Xian asked them.

Wang Xian asked the Elf Queen about some things about Liang Jie, but it was not too detailed.

Now, the calamity of measurement is coming, so we must understand and prepare well!

"Let me answer it!"

The ancestor of Xuanwu said: "As we all know, the chaotic space is dead and silent, and it is difficult for the strong who are not in the realm of Tianyuan to survive. However, some strong people have guessed and verified that the chaotic space is actually the condensation and combination of all energies. The energy together is so violent that it cannot be absorbed!"

"The chaotic space has a period. After a certain period, the chaotic space becomes gentle and can absorb all kinds of energy in it. Because in this case, there is no boundary of the universe, and the energy in the chaos will also flow into the space. To the major universes, so the suppression of the outer beings in the major universes will also disappear."

"During this period, it's called the Calamity Period, and it doesn't matter how long it lasts. Sometimes it's five billion years, sometimes it's six billion years, and most of them are maintained between five and eight billion years. between!"

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