Wang Xian was not too surprised that Qianjiang Beast Emperor was not completely wiped out.

If the starry sky behemoth was so easy to kill, the starry sky universe would have been captured long ago.

He was very satisfied with the harvest this time.

Qianjiang Beast Emperor's corpse, he was going to exchange it for treasures to prepare for his breakthrough.

Of course, Wang Xian is also going to give one-fifth of this flesh and blood.

After all, he is his own son.

Although Tianci's strength is good, his tribal strength is still too weak and needs some background.

After returning to the Dragon Palace, Tianci excitedly brought a large amount of the flesh and blood of Qianjiang Beast Emperor back to the Six Paths Universe.

The corpse of the Nine Corpse Beast Emperor last time gave their Muli tribe a big boost.

This kind of corpse is simply a huge treasure for ordinary practitioners.

This time, they obtained a large amount of resources, which is enough for their Muli tribe to add another four or five strong men who dominate the peak realm.

With so many resources, it is very difficult for ordinary Tianyuan fortune-tellers to obtain.

Wang Xian returned to the Nine Origins universe and took a break for the time being.

However, not long after, Falling Shadow Demon King contacted him suddenly.

"Senior Shadow Demon Emperor!"

When Wang Xian came to the Demon Clan, he saw the Falling Shadow Demon King welcoming him, and shouted with a smile!

"Hehe, Dragon King, come in and sit down!"

Falling Shadow Demon Emperor smiled slightly at Wang Xian and motioned.

Wang Xian nodded and entered the hall of the Fallen Shadow Demon Emperor.

"Greetings, Lord Dragon King!"

In the main hall, a powerful demon saw Wang Xian and bowed respectfully!

Wang Xian nodded and glanced over.

"Senior Fallen Shadow Demon Emperor found a universe that can break through?"

Wang Xian asked with a smile.

"Yes, I found a universe. It's not far from the Jiuyuan universe, but it's not very close. There is still a place for the dark attribute of that universe. I'm afraid I will trouble you, Dragon King."

Falling Shadow Demon Emperor said to Wang Xian.

"No trouble, senior, you sit in the Jiuyuan universe, and I should go to protect the formation for other disciples. When can I go? What is the strength of that universe?"

Wang Xian asked.

There are disciples of the demon family who can break through, and they need to go to the universe with quotas.

Wang Xian needs to have a detailed understanding of the strength of this universe.

After all, occupying the places in other universes is a complete invasion for the powerhouses of this universe.

It will be subject to fierce resistance from their universe.

There may even be a war.

So Wang Xian must understand the strength of this universe.

"The three Tianyuan fortune-tellers are all beginners, and their strength is not strong. If there is no accident, Jiuli should be able to break through easily!"

Falling Shadow Demon King said, "You can go anytime!"


Wang Xian nodded: "Then let's go now, I don't have anything to do right now, senior, don't worry, I will let him complete the breakthrough as a disciple of the demon clan!"

"Then thank you Dragon King!"

Falling Shadow Demon Emperor cupped his hands towards Wang Xian.

"Jiuli thank you Dragon King for protecting his disciples!"

On the side, Jiuli, a demon clan, thanked Wang Xian excitedly.

"No, I'm also a creature of the Jiuyuan universe, this is what I should do!"

Wang Xian shook his head.

"This is the coordinates of that universe, be careful, I have a clone there, Dragon King, contact me when you arrive!"

Falling Shadow Demon Emperor handed Wang Xian a coordinate and reminded.

"Oh well!"

Wang Xian nodded and looked at Jiuli.

Jiuli bowed to Wang Xian.


With a wave of his arm, he took the disciples of the demon family and quickly flew out of the Jiuyuan universe.

Wang Xian came to the chaos outside the Jiuyuan universe, took out the location given by the Falling Shadow Demon Emperor, and opened it.

"I'll put you in the storage space first, and I'll summon you out there!"

Wang Xian said to Jiuli!

"Everything is under your arrangement, Dragon King!"

Jiuli nodded.

Wang Xian put it into the mother's nest, and then flew towards the coordinates.

The universe that Jiuli broke through was found by the Falling Shadow Demon Emperor with his avatar.

It's called the Arnoldau universe.

A universe with a very strange name.

A disciple with a strong background has huge benefits.

At least they can break through the universe without them taking risks to find it.

Even a clone of the Falling Shadow Demon King is still waiting there.

This kind of treatment is not comparable to that of the skeleton clan and the **** tiger clan.

Wang Xian quickly flew through the chaos.

Combined with the power of teleportation, his speed is terrifying.

However, even if Wang Xian is very fast, it will not take a day or two to get there.

It even takes him tens of thousands of years to fly.

The distance between the universe and the universe is still very far away!

Of course, Dragon Palace has the bug level of An Lie.

If Wang Xian wants to come back, it will be very easy!

Quickly travel through chaos.

On the way, Wang Xian even saw some creatures from other universes flying in the chaos.

Wang Xian didn't stop on the way.

Everything is based on the breakthrough of the disciples of the demon family.

If the breakthrough is completed, you can stroll around.

Time passed day by day.

Soon, Wang Xian flew in the chaos for tens of thousands of years.

He looked at the distance, and there were still about a few thousand years of flight time.

Five thousand years passed in a flash again, and the position ahead, an incomparably huge universe, appeared in his sight.

When the calamity comes, the universes are like the sun in the chaos, very eye-catching.

It can be seen clearly from a long distance.

Wang Xian took out the communicator and sent a message to Falling Shadow Demon Emperor!

Then, continue to fly towards that universe.

Ten days later, Wang Xian came to the front of this universe.

"Dragon King!"

At this time, the figure of Falling Shadow Demon Emperor also appeared in front of him, flying towards this side.


Wang Xian nodded, and with a wave of his arm, Jiuli was released.

"Greetings to Lord Fallen Shadow Demon Emperor!"

Jiuli immediately bowed to the Falling Shadow Demon Emperor!

"Get up, we will bring people into their universe to make a breakthrough, which will attract the attention of the entire universe, and we will need you, Dragon King, to deter them!"

Falling Shadow Demon Emperor said to Wang Xian!

"No problem, if they disagree, then fight!"

Wang Xian nodded.

This is the law of chaos in the calamity.

Strength is king.

If someone blocks it, kill it directly.

The way Wang Xian and the others did it was relatively gentle during the period of calamity.

Some strong players in the evil sequence formation, if they encounter a weak universe, let alone make themselves break through.

It is very likely that it will also slaughter the creatures of the entire universe.

Absorb blood food, devour flesh and blood, and improve your own strength.

This kind of thing is very common during the calamity.

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