Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 4265: Behead the Duke of Xining


A loud roar sounded.

Wang Xian's extremely terrifying dragon tail, the dragon tail shining with nine colors of light, hit the Void Tower heavily.


Scary cracks appeared in the entire powerful Void Tower in an instant.

Xining Gong's Void Tower, after all, has not reached the level of Tianyuan Fortune Treasure.

Although powerful, he couldn't hold back at all against the all-out attack of the Wangxian Dao level powerhouse.

"not good!"

"The strength of the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace is too terrifying!"

Xining Gong is located in the Void Tower, and the terrifying energy entered it, his expression changed drastically, and his body suffered a huge impact!


Spit blood out of his mouth, he moved and flew out of the Void Tower.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

At this moment, Wang Xian's dragon tail swept across the entire Void Tower.

This huge Void Tower, under the sweep of his dragon tail, began to deform and completely collapsed!

Wang Xian flicked the dragon's tail, and the Void Tower flew into the distance.

"The Dragon King of the Dragon Palace is very powerful, I can't resist it at all!"

The Duke of Xining was terrified and shouted hastily!

They underestimated the strength of the Dragon King.

Underestimated the strength of Dragon Palace.

With their strength, let alone last five minutes.

They couldn't even support it for two minutes.

The gap is too big!

You can only escape immediately!

"The king asked us to hold on for five minutes and use our hole cards!"

Another Zhen Guogong from the Void Universe shouted with embarrassment!

"Damn it!"

Lord Xining let out a low growl, and with a wave of his arm, he threw **** directly with some distress.

The ball directly attacked Wang Xian.

Wang Xian focused his eyes and sensed the terrifying energy contained in the ball.

His body shook, and countless wind and thunder forces rushed forward!

The power of wind and thunder instantly covered the entire void.

Envelope Xining Gong and them all in it.

"Boom boom boom!"

And the **** exploded under the attack of wind and thunder.

Every explosion creates a terrifying mushroom cloud!

However, this terrifying mushroom cloud was completely resisted by Wang Xian's wind and thunder power.


However, although Wang Xian resisted the attack, he was also a little shocked by the attacks of these balls.

The destructive power of these **** is comparable to two strong players at the control level.

This is not something that the Duke of Xining can explode!

Something like a tech item!

Wang Xian thought to himself!


At this moment, he looked at Duke Xining with a cold look in his eyes!

"Pursuit of the Underworld Dragon!"

With a wave of his arm, a dragon claw attacked Duke Xining!

At the same time, the body disappeared instantly!

When Duke Xining saw Wang Xian's dragon claw attack, his face changed drastically.

With his strength, he couldn't resist any attack from Wang Xian at all, he could only dodge it.

With a movement of his body, he quickly teleported!



The moment his teleportation ended, Wang Xian's figure appeared beside him!

A dragon claw grabbed at him.

Duke Xining's face changed dramatically, revealing a look of fear.


The dragon's claw landed on his body, making it impossible for him to avoid it!


His body collapsed directly.

However, the next moment, his body began to distort, and the surrounding space also began to distort.

The whole body instantly appeared on the side.

"Hoo hoo!"

"Hoo hoo!"

He was panting heavily, with a look of horror on his face.

This time, it was a powerful treasure he obtained, which made him dodge the fatal blow in an instant!

"Cloud Mist Dragon!"

When Wang Xian saw that he had escaped his fatal blow, his expression did not change at all.

As a strong man who controls the level, it is normal to have this kind of treasure!

Wang Yun opened the dragon's mouth, and a cloud of mist sprayed out from the mouth!

Instantly enveloped the entire void!

"Mr. Jin Ming, I can't hold on anymore. If this goes on, I will be killed. The treasure in my hand will make me hold on for two minutes at most!"

The Duke of Xining saw the surrounding clouds appear.

His eyesight was greatly blocked, and he roared in embarrassment!

"I'm not their opponent either. The strength on their side is comparable to two ordinary control-level powerhouses!"

Duke Jin Ming's face changed drastically, and he replied loudly!

He is now facing the body of the Void Dragon, Lin Niu Lan Qingyue and the others, and he is not an opponent at all!

"Damn it!"

Duke Xining's heart sank.

This time, he is also preparing to use the characteristics of the space attribute to hunt and kill some disciples of the Dragon Palace while avoiding the Dragon King's attack!

As a result, I didn't expect this situation to happen!

There is no power to fight back!

He was short of breath, and his body was trembling a little!

"Ho Ho!"

At this time, a dragon chant came into his mind, making his head seem to explode!

He gritted his teeth and teleported towards the rear!


But at this time, a dragon tail appeared at his teleportation position.

Sweeping directly towards his body!

Another deadly attack!

With one blow, Duke Xining felt that there was only a trace of vitality left in him!

With a movement of his palm, a jumping fruit was directly thrown into his mouth!

In an instant, the injuries on his body recovered directly!

"Run away, you can't fight head-on, you fight!"

Lord Xining gritted his teeth, and his body began to flicker continuously!


However, when he flashed twice in a row, he felt an invisible barrier in front of him blocking his way.

This made his expression change, and with a movement of his palm, a dagger appeared in his hand, attacking towards the barrier!


Just as he was attacking forward with a dagger in his hand, a deadly attack came again!

"Space substitute!"

The Duke of Xining bit it, and roared in heartache!


Wang Xian's attack landed on his body, causing its vitality to dissipate quickly.

However, in the distance, the body of Duke Xining appeared again. He held a dagger and landed heavily in the void in front of him.

The dagger seems to be able to cut through the void of the universe, directly cutting a huge crack.

He quickly jumped into the crack!

"Can you escape?"

With a movement of the palm, a branch appeared and wrapped around Duke Xining's body in an instant.

This is the branch of the most precious treasure of Tianyuan on Tianci's body.

Wang Xian took several of the most precious branches of Tianyuan fortune on his body, and after being conceived and raised by the ancestor tree, they also possessed terrifying strength.

"It's over!"

The branches wrapped around Duke Xining's body, causing a look of despair on Duke Xining's face.

The life-saving treasure in his hand has been exhausted.

This time, he brought three life-saving treasures with him.

In his opinion, this is enough.

If you are really in danger, three are not enough, and I am afraid that four or five are not enough.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, he would only carry three life-saving treasures with him.

The rest stay.

It is impossible for him to carry all his heritage with him, otherwise, once he dies, he cannot bear the loss.

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