The energy of Chaos Stone is solidified and cannot be absorbed.

There are other impure energies mixed in it, even if Wang Xian has ten attributes, he can't absorb it.

Wang Xian sensed it, and flew towards the position ahead!

"Boom boom boom!"

When he flew towards the inside, the deeper he went, the faster the Chaos Stone would move.

There are no rules at all.

Moreover, some Chaos Stones collided directly, making a huge roar, and after the collision, they were ejected towards the surroundings at an even more terrifying speed.

He needs to keep an eye out for these ejected Chaos Stones.

Otherwise, once hit, it will take some damage.

These Chaos Stones are so hard that even Wang Xian couldn't break through them!

Incomparably strong!

Continuing to fly inside, Wang Xian looked around.

Treasures are not everywhere as imagined, and, in this extremely chaotic area, treasures are always being born.

It was because the Chaos Stones collided, and after the Chaos Stones were split apart by the collision, they formed fragments of the God of Elements.

It is possible that not long after you left here, a fragment of the God of Elements was born here.

Everything depends on fate and luck!

Of course, if you want to get the fragments of the God of Elements, it doesn't mean that you can get them easily by entering it!

It is possible to go into it and search for hundreds of millions of years, but you can't find a piece.

But there is one thing, that is, the closer to the center, the greater the chance of obtaining the God of Elements!

And the closer to the center, the more dangerous.

The speed of some Chaos Stones can be described as terrifying. If they are caught off guard, even the strong in the realm of Tianyuan Creation cannot avoid it!

Wang Xian's strength is still relatively strong, so he flew straight to a more central position.

"Bump, bump!"

"Boom boom boom!"

The farther they fly inward, the louder and louder the roar of the collision becomes.

Deafening sound, accompanied by some splashing of energy!

Fire light, thunder light, cold light, etc., wait!

So much so that later, Wang Xian had to set up a defense around himself to resist the aftermath of these splashing energy.

After flying inward for a month, Wang Xian didn't get anything, not even a single treasure.

He is not in a hurry either, this is a normal phenomenon.

Even where he is now deep, some strong people at the control level dare not step in.

"If you want to get treasures here, you must either be lucky or have absolute strength, but you need to go deeper to get treasures with absolute strength!"

This area is very large, Wang Xian looked forward.

There are some special situations in the front position.

That is ahead, some gods of elements appeared.

A powerful **** of the elements.

Move around unconsciously.

Wang Xian also saw that the two gods of elements were fighting fiercely, and there were chaos stones colliding around them.

In that area, it was as if everything was going to be destroyed.

However, in that area, Wang Xian could clearly see the fragments of the God of Elements in it.

There are also special Chaos Orbs.

"Hey, there is a fragment of the God of Elements at that location, and the power of the two Gods of Elements is at the control level, but one of the Gods of Elements is a bit special."

Wang Xian looked at it and frowned slightly.

One of the elemental gods is not simply an attribute.

A sea of ​​flames shrouded it, and it also possessed the power of thunder.

Thunder and lightning kept flickering in the sea of ​​flames.

This made Wang Xian raise his eyebrows slightly.

God of dual attribute elements?

In the chaos, Wang Xian has not encountered a strong Tianyuan good fortune with two attributes so far.

Of course, Linniu's kind of special bloodline doesn't count.

The two attributes are compatible, and Wang Xian has never met someone who has reached the realm of Tianyuan Creation.

But the magic of chaos gave birth to the God of Elements with two attributes.

God of Elements has a feature.

If the elemental **** is of the fire attribute, then you are also of the fire attribute, and you will not be attacked if you enter it.

If you practice in it, there are huge benefits.

But if strong disciples of other attributes enter the God of Fire Element, they will suffer endless attacks.

Either you will be expelled, or you will suppress the **** of elements!

The two elemental gods fought against each other, and those with other attributes would be attacked by the two elemental gods at the same time.

Although these two are only Gods of Elements at the control level, there are still some violent Chaos Stones in these Gods of Elements.

Under the traction of energy, these Chaos Stones fly and rotate quickly, and they also have extremely powerful destructive power.

There are fragments of the God of Elements inside, but if you want to get them, you may be attacked by two Gods of Elements immediately.

Dao-level powerhouses can't take advantage of it if they enter it.

Whether you can get the fragments of the God of Elements depends on your luck.

"The **** of fire, thunder and elemental elements, plus a **** of metallic elements, is it the same as before? As long as you have flame, thunder, and metallic elements, after entering it, the three attributes will continue to operate, and you will not suffer. attack?"

"If that's the case, the chances of getting the fragments of the God of Elements will increase a lot."

Wang Xian thought to himself.

He felt that this possibility was very high, after all, he had encountered such a thing before.

If this is the case, Wang Xian will definitely have a good harvest this time.

Thinking in his heart, he flew directly towards the position of the God of Elements.

When he came to the edge, the violent energy ahead rushed over.

Once inside, it is equivalent to being attacked by two masters at the control level all the time.

Even the existence of Dao level can only focus on defense.

However, even if the defense is opened, it can only last for a few hours inside.

After all, attacks happen all the time!

"It shouldn't be a big problem to enter here by yourself!"

Wang Xian thought to himself, he moved and flew towards the position in front of him.

Once inside, Wang Xian instantly sensed the violent energy around him rushing towards him!

Feeling this terrifying energy, his face changed slightly.

Wave after wave of terrifying energy, he could sense that the violent energy in this space was attacking him.

The energy of the attack is getting stronger and stronger, and it is becoming more and more terrifying!

Maybe in the end, the violent energy of the entire area will be concentrated on his body!


Wang Xian's body shook, resisting the violent energy.

At the same time, he began to sense the energy here, causing the energy in his body to start running.

Fire, Thunder, Metallicity!

With the energy running, Wang Xian immediately canceled the defense in front.

The next moment, Wang Xian showed a smile on his face!

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