Wang Xian looked at the sword in front of him, feeling a little hot!

The weapons that every strong man can control are limited.

It is impossible for a strong person to control treasures infinitely.

For example, if he is a newcomer, if he is a good fortune with hundreds of celestial beings, wouldn't he be directly invincible in the universe?

That's not the case. A novice level can control at most one Tianyuan Fortune Treasure.

Give him another treasure that is comparable to the fighting power of entering the realm of Tianyuan Creation, and he will not be able to control it!

In addition, it is difficult to control too much Tianyuan good fortune treasure, even if it is a powerhouse at the Dao level.

Especially, if a Dao-level powerhouse possesses two aggressive treasures of good fortune.

Then if he used it at the same time, it would be very difficult for him to use the two offensive Tianyuan Fortune Treasures to give him two control-level combat powers.

It is difficult to exert the power of two heavenly treasures.

At most, it is a little better than a Tianyuan Good Fortune Supreme Treasure.

Of course, there is also a possibility to maximize one's own strength and control more heavenly treasures.

That is, I have an offensive type, a defensive type, and an auxiliary type in my hands.

Attack defense and support, this kind of mutual non-interference, can control more!

Like offensive weapons, because the Five Elements Grinding Machine and the Tai Chi Dragon Pan have dragon souls, they don't actually need Wang Xian to control them.

The Void Dragon Pool has the body of a Void Dragon to control, and it doesn't need it.

Now, with an auxiliary ancestral tree in his body, he can still control an attacking treasure in his hand.

This seemingly powerful sword of light can increase Wang Xian's strength.

This increase is calculated according to this sharp sword.

And this sharp sword should have the power of entering the realm of Tianyuan Creation for the first time.

Wang Xian felt a little hot in his heart.

If I can get this sharp sword and build it a little bit, my combat power will be comparable to two Dao level existences!

"If you want to obtain this sword of light, you need to be careful!"

Wang Xian was thinking in his heart, and with a movement of his palm, he propped up a space with the power of light and darkness!

Immediately afterwards, he took out the divination lamp.

The divination lamp is purely an auxiliary treasure, and it doesn't add much to the combat power!

But if it is used for divination to predict danger, it has great benefits.


Wang Xian injected a wave of energy into the divination lamp, and at the same time, a wave of information was transmitted into it.


The divination lamp was turned on, and a picture came under the lamp!

Looking at this picture, Wang Xian frowned!

In the picture, he flew towards the **** of the light element, and grabbed the light sword!

This triggered the wave of the God of Elements, and a terrifying energy attacked him.

I resisted with all my strength, and under the resistance, it aroused fluctuations on the side of the God of Dark Elements, a certain balance was broken, and a powerful force of darkness attacked me.

Facing the frontal attack of two Dao-level elemental gods at the same time, Wang Xian couldn't maintain the balance of yin and yang in his body!

Immediately afterwards, violent energy covered him!



At this time, Wang Xian saw that the energy in the divination lamp was burning crazily and consumed crazily!

According to this burning speed, at most five seconds, the energy will be completely burned!

Wang Xian watched and immediately extinguished the divination lamp!

Seeing the previous situation, there are already results!


Before he could grasp the sword of space in his hand, the balance of yin and yang in his body was broken.

Once the balance in your body is broken, you will naturally be attacked!

Therefore, if you go directly to seize it, you will fail.

"I have to find another way. In addition, this divination lamp is indeed a powerful treasure. No wonder the good-natured sage did not hesitate to take risks to obtain this divination lamp. It's amazing!"

Wang Xian thought to himself.

He put away the divination lamp, and looked at the sword of space again.

But after thinking about it for a while, I still couldn't think of any way!

He himself can use the light attribute to condense into a rope to grab it.

But when one's own energy enters here, it will be assimilated by the power of light and impacted by the power of darkness.

A power that is too weak is useless in the face of the attack of the **** of elemental gods who are close to the Dao level.

After thinking for a few minutes, Wang Xian could only shake his head in the end!

"Go to other places first and think of a way!"

Wang Xian could only give up temporarily, walked around again, and then flew in the direction of the God of Dark Elements.

Come to the **** of dark elements, the dark energy here is much more than the light energy.

The surroundings are extremely dark, and the line of sight is even worse than that on the other side.


However, when Wang Xian was flying, suddenly a corrosive sound came.

This surprised him slightly, and he immediately looked in front of him.

A stream of liquid-like dark energy was looking down on his physical body.

"Good guy, this corroded real energy is a treasure, and I have ignored it!"

Wang Xian wrapped it with energy, and his eyes shone brightly.

Filled with corrosive dark liquid, the range is a hundred meters in size.

This erosive force can seriously injure even a strong person who has just entered the realm of Tianyuan Creation.

If it is used to forge weapons, it can be compared to a strong man who has just entered the realm of Tianyuan Creation.

Of course, this one is different from that sharp sword. This special dark liquid requires some later refining.

Otherwise, it is difficult to control and use!

After putting it away, continue to search around.

A few hours passed, and he obtained four pieces of the elemental **** of darkness attribute again.

This surprised him very much!

"Huh? This is it?"

When he continued to search, he was suddenly taken aback for a moment, and looked forward with surprise on his face.

In the front position, there is a fragment of the **** of elements with a dark attribute, but this fragment of the **** of elements is in the shape of a special monster.

It has a blood-red pupil, just like a living thing!

There is a thin rope above the fragment of the elemental god.

This rope is attached to this special elemental **** fragment!

The string stretches all the way up to where it looks so weird!

"what's the situation?"

Wang Xian looked at this special scene with astonishment on his face.

This is obviously not formed in this area.

A fragment of the God of Elements bound by a string?

Thin rope?

At this time, Wang Xian saw the fragment of the God of Elements moving towards him!

However, Wang Xian also clearly sensed that the fragment of the God of Elements did not sense him.

He hesitated for a moment, and immediately backed away!

Then, take out the divination lamp again!

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