Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 4308: Three against one, great harvest!

They were shocked by Wang Xian's strength.

Being able to suppress the pinching spirits also means that Wang Xian's strength is stronger than them.

This is an opportunity for Song Ta and old man Jian.

This time, with Wang Xian joining forces, it will definitely make Ling Lingren pay a heavy price!

"Damn it, your Justice League, when did you have such a strong man?"

Looking at this scene, the pinching man felt his heart sink, and he couldn't help but roared in a low voice!

"Hehe, I'm not a member of the Justice League. I met you not long ago, and you told me to go away. I didn't bother with you. Now that you have come to my range, I told you to go away. How dare you not go away, dog , I thought you were so strong, but that's all!"

"I don't know who gave you the confidence to make you so rampant!"

Wang Man stared at the pinching man with a cold face.

Dawei Tianlong and Bafanglongzhu slowly disappeared under his strong resistance.

But at this time, the pinching spirit will face the attack of Song Ta and old man Jian.

Wang Xian also saw that they were enemies.

Two strong men from different camps would never let each other go if given the chance.

Now, he will face three Dao level powerhouses to siege.

In particular, everyone's strength is no weaker than him.

In the case of three against one, it can be completely killed.



When Wang Xian was speaking, two terrifying energies had descended in front of the pinching man.

The attack of the two powerful men is almost certain to kill if the pinching man is not prepared!

Seeing the two attacks, the pinching man felt his heart sink.

With a movement of his palm, a clay figurine appeared in his hand.


All the attacks fell on him, but the spirit pincher didn't resist at all!

The clay figurine in his hand collapsed and disappeared in smoke.

And his body didn't have the slightest injury.

Damage transfer.

He transferred this fatal injury to that clay figurine!

"Hehe, let me see how many hole cards you have!"

Wang Xian was not at all surprised by this strong player's trump card.

He also has a similar hole card in his hand!

Wang Xian stretched out his dragon claws, which condensed ten kinds of terrifying and vast energies, and grabbed the spirit pincher!

"Haha, I want to see it too!"

Seeing him consume a powerful treasure, Song Ta laughed loudly and continued to prepare for the second round of attack!

The old man Jian also made preparations.

They will carry out lore the moment Wang Xian's attack falls.

With the strength of the pinching man, it is very difficult to resist Wang Xian's attack. Coupled with the attacks of two extremely strong men, he can only use his hole cards to resist, or resist hard!

Every time it is good to consume such a powerful treasure as the clay figurine.

"Ling, waste!"

The spirit pincher is obviously also aware of this problem.

He gritted his teeth, without the slightest hesitation, he directly used his powerful escape ability, his body was illusory, and fled in all directions!

"Spirit pinching man, have you forgotten me, Baota town is empty!"

Song Ta saw that the pinching man wanted to escape, and his gaze was also fixed. The whole pagoda vibrated slightly in the void!


For a moment, everything around seemed to freeze, and the phantom of a pagoda enveloped the world.

Even the quicksand stopped.

If you want to escape from this world, you need to break through this pagoda!

"Abyss Embrace!"

The old man Jian also let out a low growl, and transformed himself into a terrifying magic sword.

The magic swords are connected together to form an abyss, which also covers the surroundings.

Wang Xian's dragon claws still attacked the illusory figure of the pinching man!

"Song Ta, Demon Sword, and you...I remember you, you wait, I will make you pay for everything today!"

Sensing the terrifying power around him, the spirit pincer roared with an extremely ugly face.

He knew that he was no match for Wang Xian and the others.

The longer the battle, the greater his loss!

At this time, he broke his wrist.

The body of the pinching man slowly solidified, but he could sense that the vitality and soul in his body seemed to be passing away!

His move is suicide.

Similarly, his move is also an escape!

"Haha, the disintegration of life, the severing of the strong man's wrist, the pinching of the spirit, good means, haha, thank you for sending such a great gift, this gift, we accept it!"

Song Ta laughed when he saw the movement of the pinching man, and stopped attacking!

The old man Jian also stopped attacking.


Wang Xian looked at this scene with a look of surprise.

Under his induction, the pinching man abandoned his body, and half of his vitality and soul fled to the distance.

"Don't you need to keep his escaped life force and soul?"

Wang Xian looked at Song Ta and the others, and asked.

"Haha, Brother Wang Xian, no need."

Song Ta smiled excitedly at the moment: "This is a means of escape for the spirit pincer. Half of his life force and soul escape, leaving his body and the other half of his life force. A strong man cuts off his wrist. If we stop his life force and soul Run away, then his body will explode directly."

"At that time, our harvest will not be as good as one-tenth of what it is now."


When Wang Xian heard his words, he raised his brows slightly, watching the spirit pinching man's vitality and soul quickly flee and disappear.

In the central position, a corpse was left.

Although the corpse still contained a huge vitality, it was actually dead.

It has become an unconscious corpse!

"I really didn't expect it to be so detailed!"

The old man Jian looked at the corpse, his eyes were shining brightly.

"Brother Wang Xian, how about dividing this corpse based on merit and strength? You discovered this spirit pincher, and you were the first to suppress it, and your strength is also the strongest. You account for half, and we share the other half." ,how?"

Song Ta looked at the corpse of the spirit pincher with fiery eyes, looked at Wang Xian, and said!

"Naturally no problem!"

Wang Xian nodded, also in a good mood!

Without the words of Song Ta and old man Jian, it would be impossible for him to let the spirit pincer leave a corpse here.

Although this is not the complete corpse of a Dao level powerhouse, it is equivalent to 70%!

The energy contained in it is of great benefit to powerhouses like Song Ta and Old Man Jian.

In addition, some of the treasures on his body that have not been completely refined are also left behind!

The things that can be put on the body of the Dao level powerhouse are naturally of great value!

This time, for Wang Xian, it was a huge harvest!

Wang Xian moved, returned to his human form, and flew towards the corpse of the pinching man.

Song Ta and Jian old man also flew over, ready to carve up this treasure!

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