"Meet the Dragon King."

"Meet the master!"

Sixty-eight disciples of the pinnacle of the master of the universe came to Wang Xian and respectfully worshiped him.

Wang Xian looked at them and nodded in satisfaction.

"You enter here to practice, and try to reach the threshold of Tianyuan Good Fortune. Once you reach it, notify me immediately."

Wang Xian looked at them: "In me, the flow of time is a hundred times slower than the outside world, which means that you have cultivated in it for 10,000 years, which is equivalent to a million years."

"In addition, I draw the surrounding energy into the field where you practice, and practicing in it is much, much higher than in the tree of chaos."

"Do not disappoint me!"

Wang Xian spoke to them lightly.

"It's the Dragon King, we must try our best to reach the threshold of the Heavenly Creation Realm."

A disciple of Dragon Palace said firmly.

They have improved to where they are today, but they have consumed too many resources.

The corpses of the strong men in the Tianyuan Creation Realm were absorbed almost casually.

All kinds of powerful energy for them to consume.

A large part of Dragon Palace's resources are concentrated on them.


Wang Xian nodded towards them.

A group of Dragon Palace disciples immediately entered the Primal Chaos Stone and began to practice!

In the other palaces, a group of disciples also started to practice.

The God of Element Fragments attracted the surrounding energy, exuding powerful fluctuations, and was unusually eye-catching on the Tongtian Avenue.

Wang Xian made some simple arrangements to cover up the energy of the fragments of the God of Elements.

Afterwards, he stayed quietly in the palace and turned on the Tianyuan communicator.

In the hands of Wang Xian, there are still many resources.

For example pinching the corpse of the spirit man.

This pinched half of the spirit man's corpse can be exchanged for huge resources.

Although it's not enough for Wang Xian's strength to break through, but he can get a lot of accumulation.

In addition, there are more than a dozen fragments of the God of Elements in his hand.

The fragments of these elemental gods are also very valuable.

Of course, Wang Xian can also use these fragments of the God of Elements to continue to build a holy place for cultivation.

But in order to prevent accidents, Wang Xian gave up.

In this riot area, no one knows whether the turmoil will continue.

Once great changes happen again, too many disciples staying here will be very dangerous.

Through the Tianyuan communicator, he also learned that a large number of forces from the Justice League came to Tongtian Avenue to build a treasure land for cultivation.

This also made the riot area extremely lively.

Where there are many strong disciples, there will naturally be business.

At the entrance of Tongtian Avenue, a trading place is formed.

Wang Xian looked at the information, and at the same time looked at the information in the trading area. He considered whether he should give up the half of the spirit pincher.

After thinking for a while, he still gave up, not in a hurry.

There are still many, many resources away from the resources he needs to break through.

There is no rush to make a move now.

"Dragon Palace disciples, if you have nothing to do, you can stroll around."

Wang Xian looked at some information, and then sent a sound transmission to all Dragon Palace disciples.

Cultivating this kind of thing does not mean retreating all the time.

Sometimes inspiration is needed.

Even, inspiration is greater than penance.

In addition, let the disciples of Dragon Palace also meet the strong disciples outside to increase their knowledge.

Some Dragon Palace disciples nodded excitedly when they heard Wang Xian's words.

Some of the disciples even prepared to form a team to look around.

Anyway, there are only nine thousand training positions in the nine palaces.

Although the cultivation speed here is very fast, they have been practicing for a long time, and they also want to look around.

Some disciples left.

Wang Xian quietly closed his eyes.

Not long after, An Lie came over with a message that there were many peak races preparing to bring their disciples from Jiuyuan Universe.

Among them, the Fallen Shadow Demon Emperor will also rush over to take a look.

After Wang Xian got the news, he was not surprised.

Now that Jiuyuan Universe is in a relatively safe situation, it is normal for some strong people to seek opportunities in the chaos.

However, it is estimated that it will take tens of thousands of years for them to rush here from the Jiuyuan universe.

Thinking in his heart, Wang Xian also sat up cross-legged and began to practice.

After practicing for thousands of years, Wang Xian felt a little bored.

Practicing here for thousands of years, the improvement of dragon energy in the body is simply too little.

According to this speed of cultivation, it is estimated that Wang Xian will be able to break through after several tens of billions of years of cultivation.

He glanced at the inside of the Chaos Stone.

A group of disciples are cultivators.

But among them, Beishuang is the most powerful.

This time, Wang Xian obtained an ice-attributed chaotic gem, which was of a very high level.

There is great hope that Beishuang can make a breakthrough.

As a mutated dragon, Beishuang's current strength is terrifying.

The Chaos Gem is suspended above the head, absorbing it little by little.

In the surrounding positions, the power of the other disciples is also very strong.

This is the pillar of Dragon Palace's future.

Scanning his surroundings, he moved and flew out of the palace.

Looking to the left and right, there are forces thousands of kilometers away on both sides that have built their own cultivation treasures.

None of them bothered each other.

He also saw in the Tianyuan communicator that some strong members of the Justice League said that it is best not to fight in the riot area.

This has won the support of many strong people.

Wang Xian flew straight towards the starting position of Tongtian Avenue.

There, in the past few thousand years, a large trading ground has been formed.

Wang Xian flew over, all the energy in his body restrained.

Now, he has fused two ten thousandths of the original Chaos Stone.

In his body, there is an extra energy, the power of chaos.

Although this energy is extremely rare in Wang Xian's body, its level is terrifyingly high.

Under Wang Xian's operation, his aura was directly reduced to the realm of dominance peak, fire attribute.

Although it is said that the original chaos stone is separated from him now, after this period of research, he was able to summon the original chaos stone in an instant.

Another point is that other powerhouses can't control the Chaos Stone at all.

So he wasn't worried about whether the Chaos Stone would be taken away.

With a movement of his body, Wang Xian quickly flew towards the trading field in the riot area.

On Tongtian Avenue, he could see all kinds of strong disciples.

Technology, magic, mystery, fairy Buddha, aircraft with various characteristics.

"It's quite lively."

Wang Xian came to this trading venue.

Now this trading venue is very large, and some forces in the universe have even started business here.

Cultivation is lonely for any strong disciple.

It is also a good choice to come here to relax sometimes.

Wang Xian walked in the trading area, seeing all kinds of strong disciples from various universes, he was also in a good mood.

It's been a long time since I walked around the bustling area.

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