Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 4342: Completely kill the control level strong

Wang Xian took the divination lamp and flew quickly in Natian Universe, looking for the figures of Buddha and Saint Haoyang.

At the same time, it was located on a planet in the Natian universe.

Buddha and Saint Haoyang are hiding in the inner palace of this planet.

Since they were beheaded by Wang Xian last time, they were revived with anger.

However, soon they got the news that the fairy Sanren were killed and fled.

This shocked the hearts of Saint Buddha and Saint Haoyang!

I was shocked by Wang Xian's strength!

However, although they were shocked, it also made them hate Wang Xian even more!

They immediately contacted Xianling Sanren and the others, wanting revenge.

Futu and Haoyang sage are all people who must repay their flaws.

Even if the opponent is a strong person at the Dao level.

However, they don't have their own forces, and they don't have any concerns, so what about the Dao level?

However, when they contacted Xianling Sanren, Xianling Sanren and the others didn't want to provoke such a strong Dao level expert.

This made their faces a little embarrassed.

Eventually, they came up with a condition.

That is the living beings of the entire Natian universe.

That's right, they took out all the creatures of the Natian universe to let Xianling Sanren and the others cooperate with the two of them.

Although the dragon king who killed them was very strong.

It is a strong person at the Dao level.

But as long as they join forces, they will be equivalent to having four masters at the control level, plus one at the beginner level.

In fact, if it is subdivided, it is equivalent to five masters.

Because the strength of the immortals and the others is not the weakest level of control.

Five control-level existences, even if the Dragon King is very powerful, but as long as they work together, they can still compete with it.

Still able to make the Dragon King pay a tragic price!

When the fairy Sanren of the evil sequence camp got the news of Buddha Buddha and Haoyang Saint, they secretly thought that they were crazy, and at the same time agreed.

After all, this is the creature of the entire universe.

If they can get it, they can get a lot of improvement.

In addition, when they join forces, they are not afraid of that Dragon King at all!

It's just that they were beheaded by the Dragon King just now, and they still need to recover their strength.

In addition, they also need to find out where the Dragon King is.

So there has been no action.

"Huh? Why do I have a feeling of being locked in?"

At this time, it is located in the inner palace of that living planet.

Saint Buddha suddenly opened his eyes, with a look of surprise on his face.

He is a strong man of the light attribute, and he has a special induction.

When encountering a crisis, there will be a sense.

He frowned slightly, and with a thought, he immediately sent a sound transmission to Saint Haoyang.

"Haoyang, I have a bad feeling that I'm locked in."

Saint Futu sent a sound transmission to Saint Haoyang!


Saint Haoyang received his message, moved his body, and instantly came to his side.

"What's going on? I planted the fire of life spirit around me, and I didn't sense any strong people approaching. How could you feel this way?"

Saint Haoyang frowned slightly, with a serious look on his face.

Saint Haoyang attaches great importance to Saint Buddha's response.

"I don't know, I always feel locked in."

The Buddha Buddha shook his head, moved his palm, and took out a fugitive treasure, holding it in his hand.

"I'll check it out!"

Saint Haoyang moved his palm and flicked his fingers, and a flame merged into the planet and quickly dispersed towards the surroundings.

However, Saint Haoyang searched for a full hour, but did not find anything.

"There is no situation, do you want to change a place?"

Saint Haoyang also attached great importance to this premonition of Saint Buddha.

Powerhouses of their level often have a hunch that they will be very prepared.

"Well, change to another place!"

Saint Haoyang nodded, and the two moved away immediately.

The two of them have not yet recovered to their peak.

It will take tens of millions of years of practice to recover.

The two moved to another empty space.

There are meteorites all around, and the entire void is dead silent.

"Do you still have this feeling?"

Saint Haoyang looked at Saint Buddha and asked.

"Yes, could it be the Dragon King?"

Saint Buddha frowned tightly. This special premonition always had a bad feeling for him.

A feeling of horror!

"Probably not. He has been away for a long time, and it is impossible to come here. Moreover, it is impossible for him to kill us completely. He should also know it."

Saint Haoyang shook his head, and looked around: "Will there be strong people around our universe, spying on my universe, and doing something wrong?"

"Very likely, we play it by ear."

Saint Futu nodded and reminded Saint Haoyang.

Saint Haoyang nodded.

"It changed its position?"

At the same time, at the edge of the Natian universe, Wang Xian frowned slightly when he foresaw the change of their orientation through the divination lamp.

However, Wang Xian is far away from them now, so the general direction has not changed much.

Continue to fly forward.

Time passed little by little.

The universe is huge, and even with Wang Xian's current strength, it would take hundreds of years to fly from one side to the other.

This is still under the condition of Wang Xian's extreme speed.

However, the location of the Buddha Buddha and the Haoyang saint is located in the center of the Natian universe.

More than two hundred years later, Wang Xian came to the center of the Natian universe.

The divination lamp continued to divination, and Wang Xian got a precise location.

Then he flew over quickly.

After flying again for several years, Wang Xian came to a barren area.

Looking at this area, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

Saint Buddha and Saint Haoyang are inside.

Wang Xian's body was running, the power of chaos wrapped around his body, and the breath and energy on his body were transformed.

In an instant, his breath completely changed.

Even if it is a strong man at the Dao level, if you check him carefully, you will think that he is a strong man who dominates the peak.

Wang Xian changed his countenance and entered this void without life.

Around the void, there are meteorites one after another.

The distance between Wang Xian and the Buddha Saint Haoyang is getting closer and closer!

A few days later, Wang Xian felt something, pretended to be an ordinary creature and continued to fly forward.

At this time, Saint Buddha and Saint Haoyang who were hidden in the two meteorites felt something.

"A creature that dominates the peak realm!"

Saint Haoyang opened his voice and said!

"Never mind."

The Buddha sage pondered for a moment before speaking.

Now he still feels like he is locked in, but there have been no accidents in the past few years, and he doesn't want extra complications.

Now, it won't take long for them to return to their peak strength.

It's time to investigate why I feel this way.

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