

Mosha Beishuang and the others looked at each other, and then they moved and attacked the knotty-winged bird emperor in front of them.

The Knuckle-winged Bird King is a starry sky behemoth of birds.

He has huge wings, spread out, covering the sky and the sun.

The most frightening thing is that he has a tail with sections like a sharp steel whip.

Can tear everything apart!

Mosha Beishuang and the others surrounded and killed them.

Mosha is the strongest, and he directly heads towards the attack.

On the left and right positions, Beishuanglin Niu Xiaolan and the others attacked at the same time!

Terrifying energy attacked the multi-sectioned winged bird emperor.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

Facing Mosha's attack, the knotty-winged bird emperor's eyes shone fiercely.

However, facing one after another of terrifying attacks, the multi-sectioned winged bird emperor fanned his huge wings, wanting to make a breakthrough!

He chose the position on the right.

On the right are Beishuang and Water Dragon. In the eyes of the multi-sectioned winged bird emperor, this is the easiest position to break through.

However, although it is said that this is the first battle for Beishuang and the others to break through the realm of Tianyuan, they have also conducted some exchanges before.

Frost, fire dragon entanglement, water chain and other powerful attacks attacked and killed the knotty-winged bird emperor.

"Speed ​​kill!"

Mosha inherited everything from the Devilman, and naturally, all of his attack methods were also inherited.

A terrifying big hand slashed towards the knobby-winged bird emperor!

The battle became fierce in an instant.

Wang Xian watched quietly from the side without interfering.

This is an unequal battle. Even if the starry sky behemoth has stronger vitality and stronger talent, the strength of Mosha and the others is too strong to be completely suppressed.

Time passed little by little.

After the multi-sectioned winged bird emperor persisted for dozens of minutes, injuries appeared on his body.

Then, the injury became more and more serious.

The multi-sectioned winged bird emperor used his natural skills to escape.

As a bird-like star beast, his means of escape are very powerful.

However, before Wang Xian could make a move, Mo Sha intercepted his means of escape.

Mosha has inherited everything from the Devilman, and his combat experience is also in his mind.

This also makes him, although he has not reached the peak of the devil, but the grasp of various means and timing is very terrifying!

"Mo Sha, you need to restrain some energy and exercise Bei Shuang and the others!"

Seeing Mo Sha's bravery, Wang Xian smiled and said!

"It's the Dragon King!"

Mo Sha smiled and nodded.

This time it was mainly to train the strong men of the Dragon Palace, he couldn't suppress the multi-sectioned winged bird emperor alone!

As Mosha's attack power decreased, Beishuang and the others became more stressed.

Even, the fire leader was injured by the talent skill of the multi-sectioned winged bird emperor!

The battle lasted for a full five years.

The multi-sectioned winged bird emperor wanted to escape many times, but was intercepted by Mo Sha.

After fighting for five years, the multi-sectioned winged bird emperor was already covered with scars, and his vitality was very weak!

In the end, under their last round of attacks, they killed it!

Only one drop of surviving blood was collected by Wang Xian.

"Huh, this is really hard to kill. We are much stronger than it, and it took five years to completely wipe it out!"

After the battle, Chief Shui took a deep breath and said!

This battle is a bit difficult for them.

It is the longest stop of the battle.

However, in this battle, their combat experience has improved a lot.

"Hehe, it's not bad. Fighting experience needs constant fighting to improve. This time you have done a good job. Let's go back first. Now there is an extra space for starry sky behemoths in the starry sky universe. Xiao Zhai can make a breakthrough!"

Wang Xian flew over with a smile, put the corpse away, and said to them!

"It's the Dragon King!"

"It's the master!"

Beishuang and the others responded together, with smiles on their faces.

"Let's go."

Dark energy enveloped them, and Wang Xian and the others returned to the starry universe!

"Little house!"

Arriving in Chaos and their domain, Wang Xian looked at the two huge figures in the distance, and called out to Xiao Zhai.

Now, both Xiao Zhai and Xiao Bai can make a breakthrough!

However, after all, Xiao Zhai was born earlier and belongs to his elder brother, so naturally Xiao Zhai was the first to break through!

"Dragon King!"

Xiao Zhai flew over with a swaying huge body, and shouted respectfully towards Wang Xian.

"Get ready, break through!"

Wang Xian touched Xiao Zhai's body, and said with a smile to him!

"Breakthrough? Thank you Dragon King, thank you Dragon King!"

Xiao Zhai shouted happily!

"Well, you break through first, and Xiaobai can also break through in the future."

Wang Xian looked at Xiao Bai who was flying over, and said with a smile!


Xiao Bai yelled, flew over and rubbed Wang Xian's arm!

Xiaolan Xiaozhai Xiaobai and the others can almost be said to be Lan Qingyue's children.

Wang Xian was naturally very kind to them!



Wang Xian took out the blood of the multi-sectioned winged bird emperor, which was still full of vitality, and wiped it out directly, and then said to the small house!


Xiao Zhai roared excitedly, flew to the position above, and began to break through!

Huge energy began to gather!

"If Xiao Zhai breaks through again, there will be eight Tianyuan fortune-tellers in our Dragon Palace, including the Dragon King, there will be nine!"

Mo Sha watched Xiao Zhai break through, opened his mouth and said!

The existence of a force with nine heavenly origins is very terrifying.

Even if it is placed in the Justice League, it is still a top-level teacher!

"Well, in the future, our Dragon Palace will give birth to more Tianyuan fortune-tellers, who will become even stronger and become invincible existences."

Bei Shuang glanced at Xiao Zhai, and his eyes fell on Wang Xian, his eyes were full of admiration!

Everything is my own master, leading the Dragon Palace to a terrifying situation in a short period of time!

When Wang Xian heard what they said, he smiled faintly!

Standing aside, Chaos listened, with a pensive look on his face!

He glanced at the strong men around him.

At this time, he suddenly had an idea in his mind.

And the idea is to join Dragon Palace!

Yes, join Dragon Palace!

His breakthrough was due to the Dragon King, and during this period of calamity, he also obeyed the Dragon King!

And now the terrifying strength displayed by the Dragon Palace, the powerful strength displayed by the Dragon King.

He felt that joining Dragon Palace was the best choice.

Little did he know, Xiaolan Xiaozhai and Xiaobai, who used to be weak in his opinion, have already made two breakthroughs, and their strength is the same as his.

Xiaobai's breakthrough is only a matter of time!

Only by following such a strong Dragon Palace, such a strong Dragon King, can he become stronger.

He must be a starry sky behemoth without wisdom here in the starry sky universe.

He knows a lot, too, and needs friends and stuff.

Otherwise, he would be boring too.

Joining Dragon Palace is the best choice.

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