Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 4353: Calamity of the Sword and Sorcery Universe

"Go, still in the north!"

Liu Lan and Wu Wangtian were shocked when they heard the small roars.

They have already teleported for a long distance, but they have not encountered the roaring existence yet.

Where is he?

How terrifying is it, to be able to make such a terrifying roar from such a distance!

They continued to enter the teleportation array and teleported towards the north.

They have teleported five times, and they have come to the periphery very close to the mainland.

They just saw that huge figure.

"What kind of existence is this?"

When they came to the sky above a city, they looked forward, with a look of deep shock on their faces.

What kind of existence is this?

It looks like a terrifying crocodile, but unlike a crocodile, its size and mouth are too huge!

The terrifying teeth are densely packed, with some flesh and blood and various residues all over them.

Every tooth is as big as a city in their sword and magic universe.

This huge creature is comparable in size to dozens of giant cities.

The city was insignificant in front of him.

Here is the capital of a magical kingdom in the Jiuyuan universe, surrounded by guarded cities.

But now, those guarding the city were swallowed by that terrifying giant beast!

Yes, the monster is devouring a city.

In that city, Liu Lan and Wu Wangtian could see the frightened and desperate people!

Countless strong disciples frantically fled towards the distance.

There are also a large number of strong men, fleeing towards the teleportation array!

"Ho **** ho ho!"

That giant starry sky beast roared, and there was a huge wound on his body, making it look extremely tragic!

However, its terrifying power and violent aura still made Liu Lan and Wu Wangtian tremble!

"What kind of monster is this? How can it be so terrifying? How did it suddenly enter our sword and magic universe?"

Hopelessly staring at the monster, his body trembled and roared in a low voice!

The power of the monster in front of him made him feel powerless.

They are definitely not rivals!

"Save the creatures here first!"

Liu Lan's eyes widened, and he roared loudly. With a wave of his arm, he brought creatures into the space one by one!

"Two Masters of Heavenly Creation, save us!"

"Save us, save us!"

Some disciples sensed Liu Lan and Hopeless Sky, and hurriedly called for help loudly!

Liu Lan Wuwangtian's face was extremely embarrassing, and he immediately put away the creatures one by one!

"No, this monster is devouring too fast, and he is coming towards us!"

At this time, Wu Wangtian saw the giant beast moving towards this side, and his face changed drastically.

Behemoth is too big.

It is as huge as a magical country!

He only moved a little, and it was a very long distance!

He devoured all the energy, his eyes swept towards Liu Lan and Wu Wangtian, his eyes showed a desire for food!

"He's after us, run away!"

The moment they were stared at by this giant beast, Liu Lan and Wu Wangtian felt a terrifying threat.

Their hairs stood on end, and they roared in horror.

Without the slightest hesitation, they flew towards the distance.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom!"

However, the next moment, to their horror, the terrifying giant beast locked them.

The giant beast rushed towards them, the ground collapsed, and the building was flattened under his feet like an ant nest!

"Use the treasure!"

Liu Lan and Wu Wangtian felt the might of the starry sky behemoth, and roared loudly!

Use the escape treasure.

The speed of the giant starry sky beast behind is too fast!

It's so fast that they can't use the teleportation array to leave!

"Ho **** ho ho!"

"Ho **** ho ho!"

However, when they were about to take out the escape treasure and escape, there was a terrifying roar from behind.

Immediately afterwards, they felt that the sky and the earth went dark, and a terrifying mouth that swallowed the sky enveloped them.

"No, it's impossible!"

"What kind of existence is this? How can it be so terrifying?"

Liu Lan and Hopeless Sky are in despair and fear!

The distance between them and this giant beast was already very far away. As a result, the speed of the opponent's pursuit made it impossible for them to escape.

Now he was going to use the treasure, but the big mouth that swallowed the sky and the earth directly enveloped them.

They are the existence of Tianyuan Creation Realm!

But now, they can't even escape!

"Ho Ho!"

They heard a slightly excited voice, and immediately after, their vitality disappeared!

Instant kill!

"Hoo hoo!"

"Hoo hoo!"

In the next moment, it was located at the center of the sword and magic universe.

In a pool, Liu Lan sat up straight away, panting heavily, with a look of fear written all over her face!

They were instantly killed!

This is an instant kill!

"What kind of monster has come to our sword and magic universe!"

Liu Lan said tremblingly.


At this time, the message of Hopeless Heaven came.

He was killed too!

Just revived now!

Seeing the information, Liu Lan flew directly to the sky above without the slightest hesitation.



Immediately afterwards, an extremely urgent voice sounded from the center of the entire sword and magic universe.

The sound is piercing and hasty, after hearing it, it will make people extremely nervous!

On alert!

Highest state of alert!

The location at the center of the sword and magic universe, all the disciples of the strong man heard this voice, and their faces were full of astonishment.

"what's going on?"

"The highest alert state, this is the highest alert alert, only when the enemy has invaded the center of our universe will there be such alert, what happened? Is there an enemy invasion?"

"An enemy has invaded us? Are we entering a period of war? Is the calamity of calamity really coming?"

In the center, all the strong disciples discussed in shock.

They all stared wide-eyed.

too suddenly.

It's all so sudden!

None of them are ready yet!

"All disciples, regardless of whether they are closed or not, are all suspended in the air, all suspended in the air!"

At this time, Wuwangtian's voice resounded in the ears of all the disciples.

Hearing this voice, the expressions of all the strong disciples changed again.

The situation is probably more critical than they imagined!

A disciple of a strong man didn't dare to have any objections, he was suspended in the air, quietly waiting for the orders of the two Tianyuan Good Fortune Masters!

"That giant beast is too strong, we don't even have the qualifications to resist, if he continues to wreak havoc in our universe, our sword and magic universe will be finished, Liu Lan, please contact the Dragon King immediately to see if the Dragon King can come and help! "

"Otherwise, we will have to escape."

Hopelessly flying to Liu Lan's side, he spoke with cold sweat on his forehead.

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