Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 4357: On Hunting Avenue Star Behemoth

"Boom boom boom!"

In an instant, countless attacks attacked the Heaven Devouring Earth Beast Emperor below.

At the position below, the huge and incomparably large Heaven-Eating Earth Beast Emperor sensed the terrifying attacks, raised his head, and showed a frightened and angry expression.

A strong luster bloomed from its pupils, and it opened its huge mouth, directly spitting out a strange space.

From its mouth, it seems to spit out a space.

And the body of the Heaven-Eating Earth Beast Emperor was strangely shifted to an extremely distant position in the rear.

Wang Xian and the others' attacks all failed!


When Wang Xian saw this move of devouring the Heaven and Earth Beast Emperor, his eyes narrowed slightly.

With a movement of his figure, he instantly moved to the front of the Heaven-Eating Earth Beast Emperor!

"Ho **** ho ho!"

The Heaven Swallowing Earth Beast Emperor roared angrily when he saw Wang Xian attacking him again.

It opened its mouth, spit out energy-condensed teeth, and greeted Wang Xian.

Wang Xian opened the dragon's mouth, and a terrifying sword of light cut straight away.

"Bump, bump!"

There was a violent collision sound, and the teeth containing powerful attack power were cut off directly.

A sword of light continued to attack the Heaven Devouring Earth Beast Emperor.

Swords of light fell on its body, leaving scars one after another.

"Ho Ho!"

The beast emperor who devoured the sky and devoured the earth was suffering from pain, shaking his huge body, trying to escape.

It can sense Wang Xian's strength, and it can sense that it is not Wang Xian's opponent.

"Nine Origin Dragon Realm!"

Wang Xian saw that the Heaven Swallowing Earth Beast Emperor wanted to escape, his eyes fixed, and the nine-colored dragon domain covered it!

At the same time, one after another chains are entangled towards the Heaven Swallowing Earth Beast Emperor!

The divination lamp was suspended by his side, performing divination!


"Dragon breath!"

Beishuang Mosha and the others rushed over quickly at this time.

Beishuang's dragons spewed out terrifying dragon breaths, and attacked the Heaven-Eating Earth Beast Emperor.

"The devil's curse, tear!"

Mo Sha stared at the wound of the Heaven-Swallowing Earth-Earth Beast Emperor, streaks of black energy flew towards it.

When the black energy meets the wound, it directly transforms into a ferocious claw, tearing and corroding the wound!

"Attack with all your might!"

Wang Xian predicted from the divination lamp that the Heaven Swallowing Earth Beast Emperor would not use the means of escape in a short time, and immediately roared loudly!

Located in the sky above him, an extremely huge leader swooped down, rushing towards the Heaven Devouring Earth Beast Emperor!


Xiaolan Xiaozhai and the others opened their mouths wide and roared.

The gray energy on his body condensed into densely packed countless swimming fish.

Every fish has extremely sharp thorns, which are hundreds of meters long!

Chaos is also a talent attack.

The two tentacles on the top of the head are shining with luster.

One after another, the mountains are heading towards the suppression of the Heaven Swallowing Earth Beast Emperor!

All kinds of attacks, attack and kill come!

"Ho **** ho ho!"

"Ho **** ho ho!"

Feeling this threat, the Swallowing Heaven and Earth Beast Emperor opened his mouth.

Its mouth instantly turned into an abyss, devouring all attacks!

Whether it was Wang Xian's attack or Mo Sha's attack, they all fell into his abyssal mouth.


After swallowing, a painful sound came out of his mouth.

At the position behind him, the wound overflowed with a lot of blood, making it even more serious.

However, these injuries are not fatal!

"Huh? Actually absorbed all the attacks directly, and only suffered a little damage?"

Seeing this scene, Wang Xian's face changed slightly.

This starry sky behemoth is indeed powerful.

Facing an attack four times stronger than itself, it was able to absorb it!


Wang Xian let out a low cry, swayed the incomparably huge dragon tail, and directly attacked the Heaven Swallowing Earth Beast Emperor again.

On his dragon tail, the energy of the Tai Chi Dragon Plate and the Five Elements Great Mill rotated and superimposed on it!

"Ho Ho!"

Seeing this attack, the Heaven Swallowing Earth Beast Emperor let out a terrified roar, and directly opened his mouth to bite towards the void beside him.

The void next to it was directly bitten into the mouth.

Immediately afterwards, he flung towards Wang Xian's attack.

The dragon tail swept across the void, and Wang Xian suddenly felt that his attack seemed to hit the air.

And the beast emperor who swallowed the sky and devoured the earth seemed to be not in the same space as him!

"Attack the right side with all your strength, attack the place I marked!"

At this moment, Wang Xian used the divination lamp to divination to the beast emperor who devoured the sky and devoured the earth and wanted to escape, so he immediately ordered.

At a place on the right of Wang Xian's mark, a bright spear appeared and pierced there!

Mosha and the others obeyed the order and also attacked that position.

When they attacked, the body of the beast king who swallowed the sky and devoured the earth appeared there strangely.

It spits out strange voids, and its attack methods are very strange.

"Bump, bump!"

However, under the prediction of the divination lamp, this blow directly landed on its huge body.

This caused the beast king who devoured the world to have a large number of wounds on his body again!


The Heaven Swallowing Earth Beast Emperor was a little mad, and he stared at Mosha and the others with serious eyes.

He opened his mouth.

An incomparably huge mouth enveloped Mosha and the others out of thin air.

"Be careful, its move is terrifying, and we were instantly swallowed by it."

When Liu Lan Wuwangtian saw this move, he was startled, and immediately shouted loudly!

"Don't be afraid, get together and defend together!"

Mosha yelled, and gathered the crowd together, a Xu Ying in his body expanded to envelop everyone.

Beishuang and the others also immediately released their defenses.

"Hmph, there are many methods, but you are going to die today!"

Wang Xian stared at the Heaven Swallowing Earth Beast Emperor with a serious face, and swung his dragon claws towards it.

The gigantic dragon claw landed on the body of the Heaven Swallowing Earth Beast Emperor.

Located on his body, streams of energy circulated to resist Wang Xian's attack.

However, the strength of this Heaven Swallowing Earth Beast Emperor is much weaker than Wang Xian's after all.

It's not easy to resist.

A large number of wounds appeared on his body again!


He made the pupil cry again!

There was a look of horror in the pupils!


He raised his head, and a huge mouth that seemed to be able to swallow the world appeared!

The giant mouth directly enveloped Wang Xian and the others!

Including the body of the Swallowing Heaven and Earth Beast Emperor, they are all shrouded in this giant mouth!

The sky and the earth darkened, as if everything was swallowed up!

Wang Xian stared at this weird attack, and looked at the divination lamp!

"Attack its body!"

Wang Xian yelled, and continued to order Mosha and the others.



All kinds of attacks are attacking the main body of Devouring Heaven and Earth!

"Bump, bump!"

The attack landed on him, making the wounds on his body more and more serious.

But at this time, Wang Xian felt that the world was dark.

The Heaven Swallowing Earth Beast Emperor in front of him disappeared strangely!

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