Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 4376: breakthrough! ! ! superior

After distributing all the resources, the army of Jiuyuan Universe returned to Jiuyuan Universe!

After returning, the entire Jiuyuan universe immediately held a vast celebration!

All races, all strong disciples, all participated in a celebration party.

And this made those disciples who didn't go feel a little confused, but soon, a news was announced on the universe intelligence brain!

"Congratulations to the Jiuyuan Cosmic Legion, under the leadership of the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace, the leader of the Dragon Palace Venom Horned Dragon Legion, Lord Mosha, and the demon clan, the Falling Shadow Demon Emperor, for capturing the Void Universe and avenging their vengeance for hundreds of billions of years!"

"In this battle, we will wipe out all the powerhouses in the void universe, and wipe out all the powerhouses and legions in the void dynasty!"

"Congratulations to Jiuyuan Universe!"

This statement can be clearly seen as long as one enters into the brain of universal intelligence.

When all the disciples saw this message, their faces were extremely shocked.

Before the expedition, even the disciples of some peak races did not know about it.

And the legions participating in this battle, each peak race has no more than a million people!

The rest of the strong disciples don't know!

Seeing the news now, his face is full of shock.

"??? What's going on? Our army from the Nine Origins Universe actually set out to conquer the Void Universe during this period of time? They completely captured the Void Universe?"

"Hey, my god, is this true or not? This?? Isn't it, isn't the void universe very powerful? Our universe completely captured them?"

"Under the leadership of Lord Dragon King and Lord Falling Shadow Demon Emperor, what is the situation of Lord Mosha, the leader of the Dragon Palace Venomous Horned Dragon Legion? Even Lord Elf Queen and the ancestors of the Mingzu did not emphasize it, but emphasized A legion leader from Dragon Palace?"

"Hahaha, you don't know, this time all the powerhouses of our Jiuyuan universe went to the void universe and swept it directly. Who do you think Lord Mosha is? This one is a Dao-level existence, and one can compete with A terrifying existence comparable to Lord Falling Shadow Demon Emperor!"

"I participated in this battle. It's really not too exciting. The Void Dynasty was swept away, and eleven strong fortune-tellers in the Void Universe fell. However, what scares me the most is that the Dragon Palace is too strong. The Dragon Palace has There are eleven strong Tianyuan fortune-tellers, eleven, it's too scary, that Lord Mosha can be compared to Senior Falling Shadow Demon Emperor!"

"I'm going, is it true or not? How can the strength of the Dragon Palace be so terrifying? How can there be more than a dozen strong men in the realm of Tianyuan Fortune? With so many strong men, isn't it against the sky?"

"Dragon Palace's current strength is so strong that it defies the sky, especially the Dragon King, who can instantly kill four existences in the Tianyuan Fortune Realm. My God, they are completely invincible existences."

The entire Jiuyuan universe boiled up.

Countless disciples inquired about various news in astonishment.

And soon, the disciples of the top races who participated in the battle told all about this time.

Especially the strength of Dragon Palace, which made the entire Jiuyuan universe boil!

All the disciples were dumbfounded!

There are more than a dozen Tianyuan Creation Realm existences in one Dragon Palace, which is simply inconceivably strong.

What shocked them most was.

In the Dragon Palace, there is actually an existence comparable to the Fallen Shadow Demon Emperor.

this? ? ?

One of Dragon Palace's subordinates can rival Falling Shadow Demon King, so how strong is Dragon King?

Instantly kill four existences in the realm of Tianyuan Creation?

Later, some experts speculated that the strength of the Dragon King should be comparable to that of Lord Mo Sha and Falling Shadow Demon Emperor.

This guess has been approved by many people.

A group of peak races celebrated and decided to celebrate with the entire universe.

So we held various competitions together.

Even for the sake of fairness, a competition event was specially set up for a weak race, and the rewards were exciting!

The strong disciples of all other races followed suit.

The whole universe is full of excitement.

This kind of celebration lasted for tens of thousands of years.

Because of various competitions, the duration has reached tens of thousands of years.

This puts Jiuyuan Universe in a very positive state.

Disciples fight for the top, Tianjiao is arrogant.

The strong compete for a higher level!

The various rewards presented are great opportunities for any strong disciple.

For ten thousand years, Wang Xian has not cultivated, but looked at the prosperous Jiuyuan universe with a smile on his face.

Sometimes I even watched the competitions between disciples.

However, during the ten thousand years when Wang Xian was relaxing, he also used some time to solve some things.

For example, exchanging the treasures in his hand for resources for his breakthrough.

Because the resources in his hands are too huge, he came to the Justice League universe.

Contacted the old man Song Ta and the others, and held a large-scale auction in the communicator in the Justice League universe.

Auction to obtain treasures from the void universe.

The treasures of the space attribute cannot be used by the disciples of the Dragon Palace.

Corpses are useless to disciples of Dragon Palace!

Wang Xian exchanged all of them for resources in the justice universe.

Coupled with the corpse of the Dao-level starry sky behemoth, the resources in his hands are enough to make his strength break through!

However, for this breakthrough, it may take hundreds of thousands of years just to devour these resources and digest them.

So Wang Xian was not in a hurry!

The body of the Void Dragon is cultivating in the Primal Chaos Stone.

Ten thousand years is a million years inside.

However, it is still a bit far from a breakthrough.

Celebrating the past, Wang Xian is ready to start a breakthrough!

"It's about to start, the last breakthrough of the universe dominator realm, after this breakthrough, I don't know if I can still make the breakthrough!"

Wang Xian murmured.

He turned into a dragon and hovered in the Dragon King Hall of the Dragon Palace!

The position in front of you is a lot of resources.

This breakthrough is a big improvement for his strength.

Chaos level, currently, the strongest state known among the major universes.


He opened the dragon's mouth, and a large amount of resources entered the mouth, quickly turning into dragon energy.

The energy in Wang Xian's body increased rapidly.

Massive resources entered his body.

This time, Wang Xian had to consume 30% of the resources obtained from the Void Universe in order to break through.

Adding all the previous resources, one can imagine how terrifying it is.

Time passed day by day.

The energy in Wang Xian's body became more and more terrifying!

His aura is getting stronger and stronger!

Nine-colored light filled the entire Dragon King Hall.

The powerful coercion spread towards the surroundings.

Hundreds of thousands of years later, Wang Xian felt something in his heart and devoured all the resources in front of him.

A kind of metamorphosis, in his body, completely ended.

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