Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 4379: Under the outbreak of war

"Huh? There's a complete fight between the evil sequence camp and the Justice League?"

When Wang Xian got the news, his eyes were filled with astonishment.

It has only been a few years since the calamity broke out, has a war completely broken out in the evil sequence camp?

There are billions of years to come.

"Maybe it's because the Justice League is getting stronger."

Wang Xian thought to himself.

In the universe of the evil sequence camp, they are good at aggression and like to invade other universes.

Under such circumstances, those invaded universes naturally want to hide and seek help.

By the end, they'll be joining the Justice League.

The more universes they invaded, the more universes would be scared and aware of the crisis. They had no choice but to join the Justice League.

The power of the Justice League universe, under the persecution of the universe of the evil sequence camp, is getting stronger and stronger.

Going on like this, one day, the strength of the Justice League will surpass that of the Evil Sequence camp.

This is also the reason why the evil sequence camp wants to invade the universe of justice in an all-round way.

Because, now they can only invade the Justice League.

Attacking other universes will instead cause more universes to join the Justice League.

When the strength of the Justice League is strong enough, the Justice League's hatred for the evil sequence camp will definitely attack them in turn.

So the evil sequence camp, now decided to invade the Justice League and weaken the power of the Justice League.

Even, want to destroy it.

Wang Xian didn't have much interest in the battle between the two forces.

He took the disciples of Dragon Palace and flew towards Natian Universe.

The disciples of Dragon Palace who were able to break through this time were of the wood attribute.

Both the Natian Universe and the Sword and Magic Universe have quotas for wood attributes, so there is no need for Wang Xian to go out to find this quota.

After coming to Natian Universe, the breakthrough of Dragon Palace disciples went very smoothly.

After breaking through easily, Wang Xian returned to Tongtian Avenue again.

At this point, the twelfth disciple of the Tianyuan Good Fortune Realm of Dragon Palace was born.

Time passed quickly again.

Wang Xian was at Tongtian Avenue, and occasionally looked at the Tianyuan communicator to check the situation of the battle.

According to the information above, several universes in the justice universe were slaughtered by the alliance of evil sequences!

Countless creatures died.

The strong Tianyuan good fortune fell.

After the strongmen of the Justice League got there, a world-shattering battle broke out.

A full battle broke out between the two sides with hundreds of strong Tianyuan Fortune.

There were casualties above.

This caused the war to temporarily stabilize.

However, battles still broke out everywhere.

Even the Evil Sequence camp, there are several powerhouses at the Dao level, who teamed up to attack the powerhouses of the Justice League universe.

Attacked and killed seven or eight Tianyuan fortune-tellers from the universe of justice.

In short, although the Justice League is now stronger, its overall strength is still not as good as that of the Evil Sequence camp.

Although Wang Xian was interested in the war between the two major forces, he did not participate in it.

To participate in a battle of this level is to fall into it.

Both the Justice League and the Sequence of Evil camps seem to have Chaos-level existence.

There are also a large number of Tianyuan good fortune realms.

Although Wang Xian is strong, he has not reached the point of being invincible.

What's more, this time his shard of the God of Elements was stolen, and Wang Xian suspected that 90% of it was the powerhouse in the Justice League who did it.

Therefore, Wang Xian will not be stupid enough to help the Justice League.

Wouldn't it be nice to slowly increase your strength first?

Time passed again, and more than a million years later, another Tianyuan Fortune was born in the Dragon Palace, with a metallic nature, and there was still no need to find a place, and the universe directly broke through that day.

More than three million years later, another one was born in the Dragon Palace, with the attribute of light.

It is still a breakthrough in the Natian Universe.

More than five million years later, a strong Tianyuan Fortune was born again in the Dragon Palace.

wind properties.

Nine million years later, a wind-attribute Tianyuan fortune-maker was born in the Dragon Palace.

So far, the attribute places stored in the Dragon Palace are only wood attribute and light attribute.

All other attribute quotas have been consumed!

So far, Dragon Palace's Tianyuan fortune-telling powerhouses have reached sixteen.

Sixteen strong men from the Heavenly Origin Realm, this is a very large number.

The reason why Dragon Palace was able to give birth to a strong man named Tianyuan Fortune Realm so quickly.

One is because of the resources obtained from the void universe. These resources are exchanged for various treasures for breakthroughs in the Justice League.

In addition, one million years of cultivation in the original chaotic stone is equivalent to 100 million years.

Coupled with the majestic energy here in the Tongtian Avenue, this is why the powerhouses of the Dragon Palace are born so quickly.

"Huh? We're about to break through!"

But on this day, Wang Xian's heart moved and a smile appeared on his face.

The body of the Void Dragon, who has cultivated in the Primal Chaos Stone for more than a billion years, has finally broken through!

The strength has reached the control level, and when using the Void Dragon Pan, you can also use the Void Dragon Pan!

This made Wang Xian instantly increase the fighting power of the two newcomers to Tianyuan Creation.

The strength has reached a level of chaos, a level of avenue, a level of control, and a level of beginners.

A smile appeared on Wang Xian's face.

Possessing two heavenly treasures!

With all kinds of powerful means, Wang Xian feels that he is extremely powerful now!

"Next, continue to improve."

Wang Xian thought to himself.

However, what Wang Xian did not expect was that not long after, something broke his peaceful cultivation life!

Located at the Dragon Palace of Jiuyuan Universe.

On this day, very abruptly, a god-given body appeared in front of the ancestor tree.

A maternal fruit, slowly disappearing!

After Tianci appeared in Dragon Palace, there was a trace of cold sweat on his face.

He took a big gulp of fresh air.


The sudden appearance of Tianci attracted the attention of Prime Minister Turtle in the Dragon Palace.

As soon as he moved, he immediately came to the Dragon King Hall and looked at Tianci in surprise.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, what are you?"

Prime Minister Gui looked at him suspiciously and asked.

"Uncle Turtle Prime Minister."

Tianci shouted politely, and then said, "I was killed by someone, so I was resurrected here in Dragon Palace."

Yes, Tianci suddenly appeared here because he was resurrected here after death.

Wang Xian gave Tianci a maternal womb fruit.

This fruit has been kept here in Dragon Palace.

After Tianci died, he could be resurrected here immediately.

It's just that this mother's womb fruit is consumed a little fast.

"What? His Royal Highness Prince Tianci was killed? Who killed you?"

Prime Minister Gui's gaze was fixed, and he immediately said: "I will immediately inform His Majesty the Dragon King of this matter!


Tianci opened his mouth and shook his head in refusal.

Although he is young in terms of age, his strength is already very strong.

Moreover, the adoptive father has already helped him a lot.

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