Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 4381: To **** the treasure of heaven and earth?

Tianci was killed.

Now the six universes are also in danger.

So what is certain is that the opponent's strength is not weak.

It's not just as simple as an avenue level.

The entire Six Paths universe, with the strength bestowed by God, plus Undead, Golden Leopard, and Tushacheng, they are already able to fight against a strong man at the Dao level.

However, now that the Six Paths Universe is in danger, it must have been invaded by a powerful enemy!

Tianci looked at his adoptive father and nodded.

The Undead of the Six Paths universe sent him an urgent message that a strong man wanted to invade the Six Paths universe.

And the strong man who invaded them was the strong man who beheaded him.

In addition, there is a powerful force that cooperates with that strong man.

Facing this kind of enemy, their six universes couldn't resist it.

There was nothing they could do.

The undead Golden Leopard and the others wanted Tianci to call the Dragon King for help!

In addition, the cause of this incident was also caused by a gift from God.

The reason is that there are strong people who want to plunder the treasure of heavenly fortune in Tianci's body!

"Tell me, what exactly is it?"

Wang Xian took the gift of heaven and teleported towards the six universes.

When they came to the Muli tribe, they asked him.

"Father, the cause of the incident is in the place of origin. Undead Uncle and I, together with them, are going to hunt and kill Chaos giant beasts, looking for treasures and the like. the fight that took place."

"The fight was originally nothing, but later, those strong men brought more strong men. There was a strong man at Dao level. He said he wanted the treasure of good fortune in my body, and I naturally disagreed."

"The opponent's strength is very strong, and he also possesses a Tianyuan Good Fortune Supreme Treasure, and his strength has reached the Dao level. I couldn't beat him and was killed by him."

Tianci said, and then thought of something: "By the way, adoptive father, among them, some of them use the power of faith, and they seem to be strong people who believe in the universe."

"There are also strong people who believe in the universe? Have you seen it?"

Wang Xian raised his eyebrows and asked.

"No, the other party is not the few strong believers in the universe who were beheaded by you, foster father, but what they use is indeed the power of faith."

Godsend replied.

"Well, that should be a strong person who believes in the universe. The belief in the universe is very strong. They have two universes, ha ha!"

Wang Xian smiled coldly: "What's the situation now?"

"Uncle Undead told me that the group of people invaded, and with their strength, the Six Universes couldn't resist them. They said that if I don't hand over the Tianyuan Fortune Supreme Treasure, the entire Six Universes will be occupied."

Tianci said.


Wang Xian smiled lightly.


At this time, Wang Xian sensed that a strong man appeared not far away.

"I replied to Undead Uncle and the others, and they rushed over."

Tianci said.


Wang Xian nodded, and came to the main hall of the Muli Tribe with Tianci.

"Undead Undead, come in!"

When he came to the main hall, Tianci spoke forward.


In the next moment, the undead Golden Leopard and Tushacheng appeared.

The three of them looked at Wang Xian's arrival, breathed a sigh of relief, and cupped their hands towards Wang Xian: "Dragon King!"

"What's the current situation?"

Wang Xian looked at them and asked.

"Dragon King, the current situation is not optimistic."

The undead frowned slightly, with a dignified look on his face: "Now, Ao Cangtian of Cangtian Universe, leading a group of subordinates from the Tianyuan Fortune Realm, and four or five Tianyuan Fortune experts who believe in the universe, are preparing to invade our six-path universe. .”

"They have already rushed towards us and told us that if you don't hand over the treasure of heaven and earth, he will make our six universes miserable and completely destroy our six universes."

The undead said, his face was a little ugly.

"Heaven universe?"

Wang Xian raised his brows slightly when he heard the undead's words: "This is to forcibly **** Tianyuan's treasure of good fortune!"

"Yes, they are already on their way now, and it is estimated that they will reach our universe in a short time,"

The undead nodded and looked at Wang Xian with an ugly expression on his face: "Dragon King, they are very powerful and difficult to deal with. We must be prepared. Tianyuan is the ultimate treasure of fortune. How could we give it to them if they want it?"

"Can you reach them?"

Wang Xian looked at the undead and continued to ask.

"Yes, the other party is very confident. Ao Cangtian and the others have a great reputation in the place of origin. The strength of the Cangtian universe is also very strong, and they have many friends from other universes."

"Even if we don't notify them, they will come over, because their main purpose is the treasure of Tianyuan Fortune, and they are afraid of Tianci to hide."

Undead nodded.

"Well, let them come to the Muli tribe."

Wang Xian turned to the undead and said calmly.

"Dragon King, do you have a solution? Their strength is very strong. I heard from a friend in another universe that there are about ten strong heavenly creatures in the Cangtian universe, and Ao Cangtian is the strongest."

"In addition, he has some cooperating experts. At that time, there may be more than a dozen experts from the Tianyuan Fortune Realm. I think we can use this time to prepare and hide."

Jin Bao suggested in a deep voice!

The undead and Tushacheng nodded in agreement.

If it is an ordinary enemy, they may still resist it.

But this time the opponent is too strong.

Not counting the powerhouses at the Dao level, there may be more than a dozen other powerhouses in the Tianyuan Fortune Realm.

Such a strong strength, in their view, the Dragon King is also very difficult to resist.

"It's okay, just wait for them here, I'll see who wants to take away the heaven-given treasure of good fortune, ha ha!"

Wang Xian said with a light smile.

"Huh? Dragon King, are you sure?"

When the undead heard it, their eyes narrowed slightly, and they asked.

"rest assured!"

Wang Xian smiled.

"Dragon King, as long as you have confidence, Tianci is the powerhouse of our six universes. We are comrades-in-arms in the same universe. Even if a war breaks out, we will not retreat."

The undead expressed his point of view and said solemnly!

If it really comes to the stage of the war, they will also lead the strong people in the clan to flee.

But surrender without a fight, and exchange treasures for peace?

This made them unacceptable.

It is the first time to ask for the treasure of heaven and earth, but after that day, don't you want them to make offerings?

Wang Xian nodded and glanced at them: "It's fine to be at ease, I'll solve it for him as a gift from God."


Although the three of Undead were surprised, they also nodded when they saw Wang Xian was so confident.

The undead took out a communicator and sent some messages.

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