

When the master of the palace gave a reminder.

Wang Xian's has teleported to a location.

He locked his eyes on a strong man at the control level.

Believe that when the king of the gods of the universe fights, they are surrounded by barriers.

The power of faith is defending.

And their defense is still the superposition of all the strong ones.

It is to prevent being broken one by one.

However, it was obvious that they underestimated Wang Xian's strength.

Wang Xian appeared in front of a master-level belief god, and Tianyuan Golden Eyes burst out with terrifying energy.

Directly penetrate the defense in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, the Disk of Nothingness ignored the attack of space and landed on his body in an instant.

"no no!"

In just an instant, the strong man who controlled the level was directly obliterated by the terrifying power of space.

Before dying, he let out a tragic cry.


"Come closer together, don't disperse, get closer!"

"Not good, the defenses we spread around can be penetrated by the Dragon King, be careful, the strength of this Dragon King is terrifying!"

"Senior Shenyi Palace Master, what should we do? The Dragon King has made a move!"

Wang Xian instantly obliterated a king of gods who was at the control level.

This caused the pupils of the rest of the kings of the gods to shrink slightly, and expressions of horror appeared on their faces.

Although they were fighting against a strong man in Dragon Palace just now.

But between them, there is energy defense.

It is to prevent the attack of the Dragon King.

They are not stupid, so they will naturally take the Dragon King's combat power into consideration.

However, Wang Xian's instant shot still caused them to lose one control-level existence.

This is a little scary!

"Defend, don't attack, defend with all your strength!"

The master of Shenyi palace roared loudly!


In the next moment, they didn't hesitate at all and went all out to defend.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom!"

The attacks of all the strong men in Dragon Palace fell on their defenses, but they did not break through them.

Although it is said that the king of gods who believe in the universe is weaker than Wang Xian and the others.

But if they defend with all their strength, it is still very difficult to break through.

When one layer of their defense is breached, their other strongmen will lay down another layer.

Such a continuous defense, even if Wang Xian is added, cannot be directly penetrated.

"Will it just shrink back? This is not a good choice!"

Wang Xian stared at their defense with a cold look in his eyes.

He injected energy into the golden pupil, and a terrifying golden ray pierced towards them!

"I come!"

Seeing this golden ray, the master of Shenyi Palace changed slightly.

With a loud roar, he injected all the power of faith into the pagoda of light in his hand.

The Bright Pagoda forms a powerful defense.

Wang Xian's attack pierced through the defense of the king of all gods.

But when it fell on the defense of that day's Yuan Fortune Supreme Treasure, it failed to defeat it.

"Attack a little and see how long they can defend!"

Seeing that his attack was blocked, Wang Xian's expression remained unchanged!

Believe in the strength of the king of the gods of the universe, after all, they are much weaker than Wang Xian and the others.

It can be defended for one year, two years, or even ten or a hundred years, but can it be defended for thousands of years?

Can't defend!

Some of them run out of energy.

And if they didn't defend, if they escaped, it would be easier for Wang Xian to chase them down and kill them one by one.


All the powerhouses in Dragon Palace responded.

They followed Wang Xian and launched a terrifying attack towards one place at the same time!

"Boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom!"

The sound of vibration kept ringing.

The king of belief in the gods was wrapped in the power of faith, and each of them looked very embarrassed.

"I will cast a defense, and you will inject the power of faith into my body. All of us practice the power of faith, so we can make the defense stronger and more terrifying!"

"This is our advantage!"

A series of attacks made Shenyi Palace Master and the others shake their bodies violently.

At this time, his eyes were fixed, and he shouted loudly!

"The gods protect you!"

"Absorb Faith!"

The master of Shenyi palace let out a roar, and he slowly folded his hands together.

A huge phantom condensed by the power of faith slowly enveloped them.

Seeing this scene, all the kings of the belief gods focused their eyes, and injected all the power of faith into the body of the master of the gods.

The huge phantom began to solidify.

Form an incomparably vast defense!


When Wang Xian saw this defense, his eyes froze slightly!

He waved his dragon claws.

"Bump, bump!"

Huge paw prints appeared on Xu Ying's body, but they were recovered quickly.

"This defense is very strong!"

Wang Xian stared at the defense, his eyes narrowed slightly: "The biggest advantage of Faith in the Universe is that their energy is the power of faith, and this power is fused and superimposed."

This is a huge advantage for the kings of the gods!

They can better integrate the power of all the strong ones together!

In this case, it is very difficult to hunt alone.

Even if Wang Xian united with all the powerful people in Dragon Palace, they would be very strong to break through.

"Prime Minister Turtle, let Anlie bring the Dragon Palace disciples here, and then go to believe in the universe to hunt down the gods and weaken their strength!"

Wang Xian immediately sent a voice transmission to Prime Minister Gui!

Since they are going to fight a protracted war, then Wang Xian will fight a protracted war with them.

Forces of Faith have their merits.

But again, there is a fatal weakness.

That is, as long as their believers are hunted down, their strength will naturally decrease.

"It's the Dragon King!"

Prime Minister Turtle responded immediately, and then withdrew from the battlefield!

Wang Xian stared at the giant formed by the condensed power of faith in front of him, and opened his mouth.


A terrifying dragon's breath attacked the giant with the power of faith.

The giant trembled violently, but still resisted his attack.

"Okay, our power of faith has a strong fusion, we can completely fight back."

The Holy Palace Mistress stared and shouted loudly!

"If you want to integrate all the power into one attack, the difficulty will increase a hundred times."

The master of the palace said.

If they can really superimpose power together, then they believe that the universe will be invincible.

After all, personal power is personal, and it is difficult to integrate it perfectly.

The defense is okay, it just needs to be injected with energy.

As for the attack, everyone needs to perform exactly the same action at the same time.

There cannot be the slightest difference.

This point is very difficult, after all, there is still a gap in strength between them.

"However, even if you can't achieve a perfect fusion, you can still fight back a little!"

The master of Shenyi Palace said loudly: "Next, obey my order!"

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