Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 4447: Thirteen Stones of Origin

Chapter 4447 Thirteen Origin Stones


Wang Xian flew cautiously in the direction of that group of chaotic giant beasts.

Concealing his figure with all his strength, coupled with the power of divination to cover up his breath, unless it is a chaos-level existence, it is possible to sense him in advance.

Otherwise, it would be very difficult to find Wang Xian before Wang Xian found him.

After flying for several hours, Wang Xian sensed that the group of chaotic giant beasts were not far away.

"It's the same as the divination information."

Wang Xian thought to himself, proceeded cautiously, trying his best to hide his figure.

Ten minutes later, Wang Xian saw the lair where all the giant chaotic beasts were.

It's a huge space.

In this space, there are dozens of caves, and in each cave, there is one or two chaotic giant beasts.

In the center, there are several chaotic behemoths flying there.

Wang Xian hid behind a rock, and his dragon eyes looked through the rock carefully.

He took out the divination lamp and continued to determine the exact location of the Stone of Origin.

"In the largest cave in the center, in this cave, should be the place where the avenue level chaotic behemoth is located, and this guy is still inside!"

Wang Xian watched, his eyes sparkling.

With the power of divination, he precisely locked the specific positions of the three Origin Stones.

"All the chaotic behemoths are here, if I rush over, I have to rush over within one tenth of a second, and then leave!"

"Escape from here before all the chaotic behemoths can react!"

Wang Xian was calculating in his heart.

Since he came here, Wang Xian naturally wanted to take a risk.

Be sure to make a move on the three origin stones.

Moreover, with his current strength and the ability he has now mastered An Lie, it is not considered a risk.

As long as he encounters a crisis, he can leave here in an instant!

There is plenty of time to escape.


Wang Xian was thinking in his heart, and with a movement of his body, he rushed forward in an instant.

At this moment, Wang Xian used his speed to the limit.

All the power of chaos is transformed into the power of space.

At the moment of flying regardless of space resistance, another teleportation was performed.

In an instant, he came to the entrance of the largest chaotic behemoth.

A pair of dragon eyes stared inside, toward the location of the Stone of Origin.

Located in the entrance of the cave, the Dao level chaotic behemoth has already sensed Wang Xian's existence at this moment.

It stared at Wang Xian instantly.


The power of chaos in Wang Xian's body circulated, condensed in the golden pupil, and a ray directly attacked it.

Feeling the terrifying attack, the chaotic behemoth quickly stretched its wings.

The body immediately became illusory.


A golden ray shot into it, making a terrifying explosion.

The illusory chaotic behemoth dodged this mortal attack.

"Ho Ho!"

It let out a sharp and angry roar.

The roar spread throughout the space.

"Ho **** ho ho!"

"Ho **** ho ho!"

In an instant, all the chaotic behemoths around immediately roared and flew towards this side in unison.

An overwhelming terrifying power surged towards this side.

Wang Xian's gaze narrowed slightly when he saw the giant chaotic beast dodging his attack.

He quickly stared at the Stone of Origin.

With a movement of his body, he immediately rushed over with terrifying power.

Such a powerful force made the Dao level chaotic behemoth dare not stop it at all.

It looked angrily at Wang Xian grabbing towards the Stone of Origin.

But there is no way.

Wang Xian rushed over, stretched out his hand to wind energy, and grabbed the Stone of Origin in his hand.



The Dao-level chaotic behemoth was extremely angry, and it emitted a special sound wave from its mouth.

At the rear, all the chaotic behemoths also emitted sound waves at the same time.

Horror and sound waves distorted this space.

A force of death rushed towards Wang Xian.


Wang Xian sensed this attack, and his face changed slightly.

Without the slightest hesitation, he teleported away in an instant.

"Ho **** ho ho!"

"Ho **** ho ho!"

A group of extremely angry chaotic behemoths were left behind, roaring unwillingly.

"Hehe, it worked."

Wang Xian teleported to the location of a demon altar, and when he saw that the three Origin Stones had been obtained, his eyes showed excitement.

In a short period of time, a total of six Origin Stones were harvested.

This has been able to improve his strength quite a bit.


Wang Xian didn't stop, and continued to fly outside.

With time, Wang Xian went deeper and deeper into the location below the place of origin.

"There is a chaotic behemoth here, the existence of the control level."

Decades later, Wang Xian found a giant chaotic beast inside a cave.

He flew straight over.

After seeing this chaotic behemoth, he flew directly over and killed it easily.

Chaos giant beasts are also valuable resources for Wang Xian.

A chaotic behemoth at the control level, among other things, if you are lucky, it can make the Dragon Palace give birth to two strong men in the realm of heaven and earth.

The Stone of Origin and the Chaos Behemoth are all among Wang Xian's hunting targets.

With the power of divination and the ability to block the death mark, Wang Xian doesn't have to worry about being besieged if he hunts down the chaotic giant beast.

For the next period of time, Wang Xian searched for the Stone of Origin while hunting the chaotic behemoth.

One after another, the stones of origin were in the bag.

Time is also passing day by day.

"The deeper you go, the more difficult it is to find. The number of chaotic giant beasts you encounter has reached five or six."

Ten thousand years later, the number of Origin Stones in Wang Xian's hands reached thirteen.

As he went deeper, he encountered several groups of chaotic behemoths.

Among them, the groups of three chaotic behemoths are very powerful.

He even saw a group of five Dao level chaotic behemoths.

In the deep position, I also saw black holes one by one.

As for where the black hole leads, Wang Xian doesn't know.

"Continue to go inside."

Wang Xian continued to fly inside.

It has only been more than ten thousand years since I came here.

The time is short.

Wang Xian hoped to get dozens of Origin Stones so that he could completely integrate himself with the Primal Chaos Stones.


When he came to a place to continue divination.

When he saw the information on the divination, he was slightly taken aback, with a look of astonishment on his face.

According to the information displayed on the divination lamp, there are more than a dozen stones of origin, located in one of the front.

"Twelve pieces, actually twelve stones of origin are located in one place? This??"

There was a fiery look in Wang Xian's eyes.

He divination again.

During the ten thousand years of searching, he also came across several Origin Stones in one place.

The most frequent one was that there were six stones of origin among the five chaotic behemoths on the great road.

But this time, there were twelve yuan! !

(end of this chapter)

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