Chapter 833 sensation

Today, Xiaoyu’s strength has reached the realm of the gods.

On the whole river and lake, the most powerful background is Xiaoyu.

With a strong and horrible brother, no one dares to provoke the entire rivers and lakes.

Even because of the relationship between the son of Huang Tianxian's head and Xiao Yu, the entire Huangtianxian door has benefited a lot.

And Huang Tianxian door wind Lingtian became the most famous little white face of the entire rivers and lakes, the guy who eats soft rice.

Every time I hear this title, Feng Lingtian can't help but pump it, but it takes a long time to break through the gods.

And Xiao Yu's talent and strength are too horrible, he is not qualified to match it.

Secondly, his strong background, the father of the middle level, in the background of Xiao Yu, can only be destroyed.

Especially today, Dragon King once again demonstrated his invincible strength and unparalleled domineering.

A horrible and evil superior is a man.

Because of the relationship between Zhu Xianmen, and directly killing everyone in the Garden of Eden, it is a hegemony!

"If this thing is announced, I am afraid it will cause a sensation!"

A group of people from the four major fairy doors glanced at each other and said quietly.

This matter does cause a huge sensation.

The Dragon King’s killing of the eight gods of the Western Divines caused a huge sensation in the whole world.

As they thought, in the evening, the people of the four major Xianmen released the news that the eight gods of Eden were killed. The news spread quickly throughout the world.

In the fairy gate of the rivers and lakes, it caused a sensation.

"It’s just too domineering. The Dragon King is not a dragon king. It’s good to kill. They directly kill the two gods of Zhu Xianmen because of a big opening of the lion's door. Then we can kill them eight for the same reason. Fairy God, it’s just too deflated!”

"Thank you for the Dragon King, thank you Dragon King for venting our disciples, killing them, killing them, killing them so good, killing them a group of arrogant guys!"

"British, with a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye, is not the style of the Dragon King, this time to support the Dragon King!"

"The Dragon King is getting more and more powerful now. This time it was really a breath for our Chinese fairy door!"

"The Dragon King is not the Dragon King. The Xuanyuan and Yuwen clan are still investigating the specific reasons. When they find a saying for Zhu Xianmen, the Dragon King directly kills their eight gods, so cool!"

The rivers and lakes are boiling on the Internet. In the last day or two, because of the killing of the gods by the gods, the gods in the gods caused great sensation on the rivers and lakes.

In particular, the disciples of Zhu Xianmen are even more sad in their hearts, but they have no way to do so. They only want to let the Xuanyuan family of Yuwen clan and the beasts of the beasts help them export.

This is the same root.

The matter of Zhu Xianmen did indeed arouse the sympathy of other Xianmen disciples, and they all denounced the ancient Greek gods.

Today, however, the beasts of Xianmen, Huangtianxianmen, Dahongxianmen, Yongchang Xianmen declare that Eden and Dragon Palace cooperate in the field of medicinal herbs.

Because the lion's big opening was directly killed by the Dragon Palace.

When this news came out, everyone was stunned.

At the beginning, when a group of disciples in the rivers and lakes heard the gods saying that the celestial gates were smashed by the lions, they were smashed.

This is simply the most junk reason, the most unbelievable reason.

But they are useless even if they are again, but today, the Dragon King gave this to the Western Divine for this reason.


That is a cool!

This makes everyone can't help but sigh the dragon king's domineering.

At the beginning, the holy medicine holy medicine Xianmen sneaked into the Longmen Forge, killing the Longmen disciples and being destroyed by the Dragon King.

At that time, everyone felt that the Dragon King was domineering.

After half a year, they once again realized the domineering of the Dragon King.

This time, all the disciples of Xianmen are all supporting the Dragon King online.

"This dragon king..."

In the Xuanyuan family, the Yuwen clan was discussing the matter with Zhu Xianmen. He heard the news and his face was speechless.

"The Dragon King directly shot and killed the eight gods in Eden. For us, it is not a good thing. It may lead to the contradiction between Xianmen and the gods!"

The elders of the Xuanyuan family shook their heads slowly and said.

"This is what the Dragon King did. Even if they are revenge, they will find the Dragon King. But now the Dragon Palace, at least the power of the two gods can compete with the Dragon King!"

"Yes, the Dragon King is too strong, and the mad beast sends a message. The Dragon King has conquered a superior of the island nation. Now the power of the Dragon Palace is unfathomable!"

The two great fairy gods sighed slightly, and the dragon king’s shot was also a solution to the fairy door.

However, at this moment, in the far west.

The **** domain, a self-contained domain, in the vast and innocent Western realm, the seven gods occupy a huge space.

The Eden Divine domain is more powerful in the realm of the gods, and the entire **** domain has more than twenty gods.

Inside the Eden Divine, you can see it as if it were a garden. There are all kinds of trees growing in it. The whole godland is full of vitality.

In the center of the gods, a dream building stands.

In the center, a piece of white metal, a dozen meters in size, hangs in the sky.


At this moment, one piece of information appeared on the white metal, and the servant guarding the side saw the information, his face was big, and immediately flew into a hall.

"What? Oklahoma Angels are killed by the Chinese Dragon King!"

An angry voice rang in the gods, and a burly old man flew out of the hall with a golden hammer in his hand, staring at the information on the white metal.

His face is gloomy.

Soon, a famous **** in the gods came, his eyes swept over, and his eyes were shocked.

God fell, and eight people fell.

This is a big thing for the entire Divine.

In the Western Divine, every **** is degraded, causing great sensation. Today, the fall of the eight gods is tantamount to an earthquake.

In particular, the reason why the eight gods were killed was so absurd.

This is obviously a provocation against their gods.

Soon, the news spread throughout the seven gods, making the whole gods boiling.

Everyone hit their eyes on the ancient Greek gods, for all the reasons, or caused by the ancient Greek gods.

The Seven Gods are not single-minded, but also have various differences and disputes.

They did not unite to revenge in the East, but waited quietly for the results.

Like the treatment of Zhu Xianmen, they are waiting quietly. Other gods are also an attitude that does not matter.

Only the faces of the ancient Greek gods and the Eden Divine are extremely embarrassing, and angry arrogance sounds in the gods!

(End of this chapter)

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