Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 900: Light of death enveloped

Chapter 900, The Light of Death Shrouds

One day, the dragon assassin organization shocked the entire holy sea town.

When Wang Xian discovered that a group of people in Shenghai Town was shaking, it was also a slight glimpse. It was clear that the killer of this world was difficult to cultivate.

"Dragon King!"

At this moment, the dragon and everyone came to the room and shouted at Wang Xian.

"Twenty dark lines have been found. Do you want to take the next action?"

A group of dragons said to him.

"Continue, if you only assassinate the shark hiring group, you may expose us!"

Wang Xian immediately said, with a palm of his hand: "This is twenty drops of dragon blood, let them swallow, and then each person gives them a communication stone plate!"

"Tonight, I want the upper-level figures in the entire holy sea town to get the contact information of our Longyan Employment Group. Then, the light will cover the entire holy sea town!"

Wang Xian slowly narrowed his eyes and said with a calm face.

"It's Dragon King, let's get ready!"

A group of dragons left immediately.

The dark line of the dragon assassin organization, Wang Xian must be 100% in control, so that even if the dark line is caught, it will not reveal anything.

These dark lines, all of which are going to die, are now worth hundreds of years of life, they will not refuse, even if they know they may die at any time.

But live a day is a day!

What's more, as long as they are hidden, there is no danger.

"The light will cover the holy sea town, but this is the light of death!"

Wang Xiankou muttered.

In the slow past, the head of the horn shark corps gathered all the members who were performing the mission.

After the Northern Qianjun and Qing Guya were assassinated after learning that the arrogant was assassinated, they were afraid that they would be here tonight.

They thought of the young man, and there was a hint of horror and embarrassment on his face.

In order to rush their children to revenge, they went to the killer organization, but did not expect that the other party even found a killer organization!

And it is still such a powerful killer organization.

At night, the North and the Qing family were brightly lit, and even the North Qianjun and Qing Guya gathered in a courtyard, and the face was embarrassed to discuss the countermeasures.

"Call? What to do? What if this killer organization comes to assassinate us?"

"It shouldn't be. Now, according to the news we got, the kid lives in a slum, he should have no such money to kill!"

"I hope so, how is this dragon assassin organization coming from, how can it be so powerful, the undercurrent division in our holy sea town, at most there is only one extraordinary fifth-order killer!"

The two men talked embarrassedly.


Just then, a flying knife suddenly flew toward them.

"Be careful!"

"Be careful!"

The faces of the two men changed dramatically, and they stood up quickly, and they radiated a terrifying momentum.


One flew to the pillars of the house, and the two looked suspicious and looked at them.

"Oh, at this time? That congratulations on death!"

"Why did they send us a piece of paper?"

The two men trembled and their faces looked terrified.

The face of the North Qianjun changed, and he quickly walked over and pulled out the flying knife embedded in the pillar.

He glanced at the piece of paper.

"Is there a word above?"

"What did you write?"

Qing Gu Ya asked quickly.

"It is the contact information of the Dragon Assassin organization!"

The North Qianjun face changed dramatically, looking at the contact information above, and immediately took out the communication stone plate.

At the same time, the entire Shenghai Town, all the powerful forces and families, all received a contact information from the Dragon Assassin organization.

This made all the faces of the entire holy sea town change slightly.

Some people frowned, but some people showed a hint of gloom on their faces.

The next morning, the sun rose still high.

Wang Xian opened his eyes, a smile on his face, and simply ate some breakfast.

"Dragon King, someone has come to us!"

After Wang Xiangang finished his breakfast, a group of dragons walked over with excitement and said to him.

"Yes? Is this fast business going to the door?"

Wang Xian smiled: "What mission?"

"Assassinate the head of an extraordinary fourth-order hiring group!"

The dragon man replied immediately.

"What about the head of the hiring group?"

Wang Xian asked faintly.

The establishment of the Dragon Assassin organization, but Wang Xian did not make this organization zombie.

Dragon thorns have three tasks!

The task of assassinating children is not answered!

The task of assassinating the great good is not answered!

The task of assassinating more than the ability of the dragon assassin to organize is not answered!

The dragon thorns are not answered, but it is also the bottom line for him to retain a killer organization.

"Dragon King, the head of the hiring group that the other party asked to assassinate is not a good person. It is said that he killed many hiring members in the wild!"

A group of dragons know the rules of Wang Xian, and will be 100% in accordance with this rule, immediately said.

"Okay, demon, start!"

Wang Xian nodded and said directly to the side.

"It is the Dragon King!"

The sound of the demon sounded and immediately disappeared.

"Dragon King, there is another mission!"

Not long after, a dragon man came over again.

There is another task.

The reward of the mission is very rich, assassination of a superb third-order powerhouse, if you get the jade to buy the medicinal herbs, you can increase the twenty dragon crystals.

Assassination of a superb fourth-order power, if you change into a dragon crystal, you can reach a hundred dragon crystal.

Assassination of a superb fifth-order power, replaced by Longjing, can get around seven hundred dragon crystal.

Assassination is far more profitable than doing employment.

In just one morning, Long Bing received five missions, of which one was rejected.

Four missions, assassination of one of the extraordinary third-order, two of the extraordinary fourth-order, one of the extraordinary fifth-order.

No one is innocent and unkillable.

"Task, execute immediately!"

Wang Xian issued an order on the spot.

Nowadays, there are a total of twenty-one dragons who have evolved into spears.

Among them, plus the demon, a total of eight extraordinary three-order.

Extraordinary third-order spit, assassination of the fifth-order, with a success rate of 80%.


After the dragon stabbed the mission and received a commission through the dark line, the dragon assassin organized the action.

An extraordinary third-order, two extraordinary fourth-order, one extraordinary fifth-order.

These four people, for the Dragon Thorough, are very weak and weak.

During the day, in a restaurant, a burly middle-aged man took a heavy fear of the table and shouted: "Small two, go wine!"

An old man sat in his shop with a smile.

A young man holds a weapon in his hand and walks toward the forging workshop.

The head of a hiring group led a group of members to go to the red building.

The sun is shining, and the four people are in the middle of the day, and there is no vigilance at all.

The light of death is shrouded!

(End of this chapter)

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