Chapter 902 Crazy Holy Sea Town

The middle-aged words made the surrounding people slightly silent, and nodded slowly.

First, this killer organization was born, mysterious and extraordinary, and the strength is terrible, can not rush to provoke.

Second, the killer organization has its own bottom line. The task of the child is not answered, and the task of the kind person is not answered.

Only these two points, this killer organization is not what they can manage.

Even some of the city guards have some admiration that this dragon assassin organization can stick to its own bottom line.

"Let it go, let their families come to pick up the body!"

The middle-aged man waved his hand and said to them all.

"It's an adult!"

A group of people nodded and looked at the ground and shook their head slowly.

Among the deceased, the young man was the most outstanding student of Shenghai College in Shenghai Town, and passed the assessment of Donghai College with excellent results.

It is now being killed!

For this young man, their city guards also know some, like women, have once tarnished a girl, not a good person.

"It's really a killer organization with personality, I want to join them!"

The woman in the center spit out her tongue and said with a smile.

"Okay, don't make trouble!"

The middle-aged one took a picture of the girl's head and smiled and walked outside.

At this moment, in the holy sea town, all the people, all talking about the dragon assassin organization.

"Too horrified, how can the horrible fifth-order powerhouse be directly killed on the street?"

"The head of a silver Samsung hiring group, being killed by a group of people, is the most terrible!"

"The dragon assassin organization was born, too strong!"

"Mom, I heard that many people now know the contact information of the Dragon Assassin organization. Will no one kill Laozi?"

"I feel that the dragon assassin organization is even more terrifying than the undercurrent. They even killed people directly in the downtown during the day, and they have not been discovered by anyone. It is incredible, it is definitely a very powerful killer!"

Whether in the hotel or in the hunting empire, everyone is talking about it.

During the day, the city beat the strong, no one found, horrible!

"It’s so strong, this killer organization is so strong. The task I released this morning was completed at noon, and the way is so shocking, it’s just amazing!”

"Haha, this dragon assassin organization is so good, it's great!"

When the people who hired the dragon assassin organization got the news, the face showed an excited look.

Don't solve your own opponents and make them happy.

"No, the dragon thorn is too powerful, will anyone spend money to hire a dragon thorn to assassinate me!"

But soon, they worried about it, the dragon assassin organization is so powerful, will someone hire them to assassinate themselves.

Not only these people, but the entire Shenghai Town is full of people.

With the strength of the dragon assassin organization, will anyone hire them to assassinate themselves, and if anyone, isn’t it finished?

Living in the holy sea town, those big families, which ones are not competitors?

Will competitors hire dragon thorns?

Everyone, everyone is shocked.

However, some people have no conscience.

"What are you afraid of? I have never had anything to worry about in my life. I have never done anything wrong with it. On the contrary, there are many people who have benefited me, even if they have offended many people, but they will not take my task with the rules of the dragon thorn. !"

"Yes, my father's life is bright and upright. In Shenghai Town, our Tang family's reputation can be ranked in the top three. Since the Dragon Assassin organization has issued the rules of three not killing, it will definitely stick to it. Otherwise, a killer organization, no Will do more!"

"I am not afraid, but you guys don't want to do anything wrong. We have a lot of enemies. If you don't have clean hands and feet, you should be assassinated!"

"Don't worry about my father, we have not done anything bad. Today we will open the temple and relieve some people!"


The Tang family in Shenghai Town is also a relatively strong family. In the lobby, everyone in the Tang family talks.

On the same day, the Tang family announced the opening of the charity to relieve those who were in trouble.

Compared with the peace of mind of the Tang family, others are a lot more.

In the evening, the three kills about the dragon assassin organization were also known to many people.

This surprised many people at the same time, but also some admire, a killer organization has set such a rule, have to say, is absolutely the first of the mainland.

However, the true conscience is really a kind person, and in this world dominated by the strong, there are very few.

This made many people crazy.

"Dragon King, from this afternoon, many people have contacted us for the Dragon Terror Employment Group. Up to now, 30 missions have been accumulated!"

"The highest task is to assassinate the extraordinary sixth order, the lowest is to assassinate the extraordinary second order!"

In the evening, a group of dragons came to Wang Xian’s room and reported to him.

"Thirty missions? So much?"

Wang Xian was surprised and asked quickly.

"It's a dragon king, a lot, now the entire holy sea town is talking about our dragon assassin organization!"

A group of dragons said with enthusiasm: "These 30 tasks, we need to filter!"

"Okay, according to our rules, we will take over the task. If the assassination of the sixth-order task meets the conditions, we will take it!"

Wang Xian said directly.

"It is the Dragon King!"

A group of dragons nodded.

"Oh, the road of the strong, not lost because of the interests and strength, congratulations to the host to obtain the hidden task set by the light and dark dragon god, to get the heart of light and dark, the heart of the dragon!"

Just then, the sound of the system came, Wang Xian slightly glimpsed.

"Is this OK?"

Wang Xian was surprised: "The heart of light and dark, the heart of the thorn dragon, what is this?"

Just after his words were finished, a dragon suddenly appeared beside him.

The dragon is half bright and half dark, and looks very strange.

It is only the size of a palm, and it contains the power of light and darkness.


This dragon has a shape and moves directly into the heart of Wang Xian.


For a moment, Wang Xian felt the violent shaking of the five elements in his body, as if to reject the entry of light and darkness.

This light and dark heart seems to feel very helpless, and can only directly enter the head of Wang Xian.

For a moment, Wang Xian suddenly felt that his head seemed to burst.

“Congratulations to the host’s integration into the darkness!”

“Congratulations to the host to understand the light of the gods!”

"Congratulations to the host to understand the power of nothing!"

"Congratulations to the host to comprehend the magical powers!"

"Host level upgrade!"

"Congratulations on quality to understand the hedgehog!"

The sound of a series of systems came, and Wang Xian was full of mistakes.

"What is this dark heart? How can it be as powerful?"

Wang Xian was shocked.

Seeking a monthly ticket! !

(End of this chapter)

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