Chapter 907 Poor boy?

The location of the center of Shenghai Town, in front of the three largest medicinal weapons workshops, gathered dense people.

Life and death Dan Pharmacy!

Holy Forge Square!

Fengxian Dan Medicine Weapons Square!

The three top forces, these three weapons, Dan Medicine Square, occupy 50% or 60% of the mainland's medicinal weapons.

Fifty or sixty percent is already a very scary number, almost a monopoly.

The same is true of the holy sea town, and other small medicinal weapons workshops survive in their cracks.

The Fengxian Dan Medicine Weapons Square has risen in the last two years. The rise is very horrible, and it quickly spreads the entire Xingyue Kingdom.

That is to sell medicinal herbs, and sell weapons, it is clear that Fengxian Dan Medicine Weapons Square will offend the death of Dan Medicine Square and the sacred material Pharmacy!

Today, this situation is obviously the target of the two major forces.

The people around him whispered about this scene.

Liu’s treasurer stood there and his face was extremely embarrassing. The staff of Fengxian Dan Medicine Weapons Square also came out and looked at this scene indignantly.

Targeted by two major forces, the first hiring group of the holy sea, the knife-marking hiring group, the fourth sea hiring group of the Holy Sea.

The two major hiring groups help each other. In this situation, there is no way for the Fengxian Dan Medicine Weapons Square.

At this time, Wang Xian, standing in the store, blinked and looked at the scene.

“It seems that the shops established by Fengqi have been targeted!”

Wang Xian’s face was meditation, and he looked at the head of the knife mark and the Xuhai Sea Employment Group.

Two people, one extraordinary seven-order, one extraordinary sixth-order, and the number of hiring members of the team reached four or five hundred.

Absolutely a big force.

"If you come across it, then help!"

Wang Xian smiled and looked at the people who were stiff. He shouted with a smile: "Where are you in Fengxian, do you still do business? Buy some medicines!"

His voice, abruptly sounded across the street, gave everyone a glimpse.

In particular, a few people in the knife mark green shopkeeper, immediately heard the sound, and immediately looked at the position of Wang Xian.

"This youth?"

An old man around his mouth opened his mouth: "What is this youth doing? Buying things at this time? Is it stupid?"

"It's an idiot. The other party has this kind of thing. The knife marks are even more shouting. He dares to buy things at this time!"

"It's really, there are more and more people who don't have a brain now. Do you guess that the knife marks will take this kid?"

"It's hard to say, but look at the clothes on this kid's body. It is estimated that the most expensive one is to buy the superb medicine!"

All the people around him were concentrated on Wang Xian’s body and whispered.

Even the Liu dispensers on the side are full of mistakes, but at this time, some people dare to come to their stores to buy things, even if they are buying the cheapest medicine, they have to sell.

"Go, welcome this little brother!"

Liu shopkeeper said with a calm face toward a salesperson.

"I didn't expect to meet a guy without a brain!"

After the knife marks saw Wang Xian, after hearing his words, he dared to buy things at the Fengxian Dan Medicine Weapons Square, and his face sank.

"Haha, there is it, look, there is only one stupid guy who will buy things in Fengxian, and some IQs will not buy!"

However, the green treasurer on the side was not angry, but said with a big laugh.

"I hope other people, don't be so stupid like this little guy!"

She said, all the people gathered around with a smile on her face, and finally fell to the treasurer of Liu.

"Liu shopkeeper, still not serving the guest in your store, maybe the other party will buy an extraordinary first-class remedy!"

The sound of ridicule sounded around, which made Liu's treasurer face a dramatic change.

"Haha, Liu treasurer, go ahead, if your service is not good, maybe the stupid kid is not buying medicinal herbs from you, haha!"

Next to it, the treasurer of the sacred forge is also a mockery of laughter.

"In the future, there will be a target for the death and death of the drugstore and the sacred forging workshop. Fengxian is finished!"

"Hey, there are a lot of things in Fengxian that are cheaper than them, but why..."

"There are knife marks and magic sea hiring groups, who dare to go to Fengxian to buy things, that is, some stupid boy dare to go, is to buy, it is estimated to buy an extraordinary first-class remedy, or even less than Extraordinary level!"

A group of people around whispered.

Stupid boy?

Buy the most expensive first-class remedy?

Wang Xian stood in the doorway and heard their ridicule, and his eyes flashed a little disdain.

His eyes swept around and his mouth tilted slightly: "Liu dispenser, I have to buy a lot of medicinal herbs, trouble you over, let's talk about it!"


Wang Xian suddenly opened again, and the face of Liu’s treasurer changed. Some were suspicious and some could not believe it.

"Haha, Liu, the treasurer is going, let's say that the other side wants to buy two superb first-class remedies?"

At this time, there was some slapstick voice from the green treasurer.

Everyone around them feels a little funny. They all have some doubts. This youth is not the person who was deliberately found in the dying medicinal workshop and the sacred forge, and then humiliated them.

Liu treasurer also thought of this, his face was gloomy and almost bloody.

But as a treasurer, if he does not pass, he will definitely become the handle of the other side.

Wang Xian saw a lot of people taunting Liu's treasurer, and his face also showed a faint smile.

His arm moved.

"Oh la la!"

For a moment, in the space ring, a piece of Chinese spirit stone fell on the door of Fengxian.

It’s crisp and pleasing to the eye, giving everyone a glimpse.


Everyone looked away, followed by wide-eyed eyes, filled with an incredible look.

Lingshi, Zhongpin Lingshi, piles of Chinese spirit stone are released from the space ring!

"Oh la la!"

The sound is still not over, slowly, full three meters high, five meters long, two meters thick Lingshi piled up like a wall.

Pure, exuding aura of the middle of the spirit, in the sun exudes a colorful light.

"I want to buy medicinal herbs, buy eight million Chinese medicine stone medicine!"

Wang Xian said with a smile on his face toward Liu.

Liu’s shopkeeper’s eyes widened and he was completely shocked.

The people around the knife marks and the sacred forging workshop were also shocked.

"Oh... this is this..."

Everyone around them also widened their eyes, sucking in a cold air, and the face of the shocked pile of Chinese stone.

Eight million, this is eight million Chinese spirit stone!

An extraordinary sixth-order monster body, worth between 500,000 and 800,000.

The corpse of the demon can refine the medicine and refine the weapon. The value is several times higher than the extraordinary sixth-order medicinal herbs and weapons.

However, these eight million Chinese spirits are able to purchase the bodies of more than a dozen extraordinary sixth-order monsters.

Can buy fifty or sixty of the extraordinary sixth-order medicinal herbs and weapons.

Five or sixty, what is this concept?

(End of this chapter)

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