Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 914: mission accomplished

Chapter 914 completes the task

"Well? Magic Sea Employment Group, what is the situation?"

"The head of the Magic Sea Employment Group came to stop the dozens of young people, what to do?"

Around the crowd saw the head of the Magic Sea hiring group blocked at the door of the employment meeting, blocking Wang Xian in front of everyone, his face with a look of surprise.

Wang Xian stared at the head of the fantasy sea hiring group, and there was no expression on his face. He asked faintly: "Why do you hire people from the group, why do you meet us, and you still have time to contact you!"

"I am asking you!"

The head of the fantasy sea flashed a cold man's eyes, staring at Wang Xian.

"I am also asking you!"

Wang Xian stared at the old man without showing weakness.

This scene made everyone stunned and his face horrified.

"Don't dare to fight against the Magic Sea Employment Group. What is their identity?"

“The Magic Sea is able to rank in our holy sea town. There are not many who dare to provoke them. Who is that young man?”

Some people around him looked at Wang Xian with a strange look.

Wang Xian came to Shenghai Town for less than half a month. Although there were several sensational incidents, not many people knew him.

"Kid, I think you are looking for death!"

In the eyes of the head of the Magic Sea, a strong murderous murder was shot. For a moment, the surrounding air seemed to solidify.

"The person who is looking for death is dead!"

Wang Xian smiled faintly, his fingers moved, and a corpse appeared directly on the ground.

The corpse was the middle-aged captain of the Magic Sea hiring group. At this time, his eyes widened and his eyes were full of horror.

The body that appeared out of thin air made everyone stunned.

In particular, a group of people in the Magic Sea hiring group, the eyes are instantly bloody, and the face is extremely embarrassing to stare at the body on the ground.


Wang Xian’s arm waved, and the body was once again in the space ring, with a smile on his face: “Trouble, let go!”

"Kid, I think you want to die!"

The scream of anger came from the mouth of the illusion of the sea of ​​illusion, and the members of the illusion of the sea were also cold and clasped with weapons in their hands.

"The person who is looking for death is dead, and the person who wants to die, I see, it is fast!"

Wang Xian stared coldly at the head of the Magic Sea Employment Group and a group of members, **** for tat!

There is no slight weakness.

"Hey, what was that? It seems to be the body of Xiuhanshan!"

"No, the super-five-order strongman Xiuhanshan was killed!"

"He is one of the only three extraordinary fifth-orders of the Magic Sea hiring group!"

A group of people around saw the corpse just now, with a shocked look on his face, staring at Wang Xian.

The atmosphere is somewhat solidified.

"Step aside!"

Wang Xian looked at the crowd full of murderous, coldly said.

"Boy, you give me a wait, if I don't kill you, I will sneak into the holy sea town for decades!"

The head of the fantasy sea repaired the buried hill and stared at Wang Xian.

"Ha ha!"

Wang Xian smiled disdainfully and walked straight ahead.

A group of members of the Magic Sea hiring team opened a road, and the bloodthirsty eyes stared at all of them.

"Who is that young man? So confident?"

"Silver Samsung's hiring group, Xianfeng Employment Group, first heard!"

Around the look of Wang Xian on their badges, said in amazement.

"Silver Samsung?"

Xiu Qianshan's gaze is slightly congested.

"When the captain of the Hanshan responded with a communication stone plate, he said that the other party was only a bronze star. How did it suddenly become a silver Samsung?"

The old man of a fantasy sea hiring group said with a dignified face.

Silver Samsung's hiring group must have a superb fifth-order powerhouse, but the other party's so fast advance to the silver Samsung, some incredible.

They have spent five decades on the magic sea and five stars.

The level of the hiring group can be upgraded by completing ten tasks of the same level.

However, if a task fails, the points for the two tasks are deducted.

Once it fails once, the previous two successful ones are all void.

Even a hiring group failed too many times and was able to drop the rating.

This is why a silver five-star hiring group has spent more than 30 years.

The Xianfeng Employment Group like Wang Xian is completely different. It has an extraordinary seventh-order combat power, generally superior to the fifth-order, and the natural level is improved very quickly.

When you get to the back, the speed will slow down.

Of course, this is only relative. With the strength of Wang Xian's strength, the Xianfeng Employment Group will soon be able to reach the gold level.

After colliding with the Magic Sea hiring group, Wang Xian went straight to the Fengxian Dan Medicine Weapons Square.

When he came to the door of Fengxian shop, he found that there was no one at all.

The threat of knife marks and the participation of the Magic Sea hiring group yesterday made the hiring group of Shenghai Town dare not come to the Fengxian Dan Medicine Weapons Square to shop.

Today, the entire store is completely empty.

"This... young master, I didn't expect it to be you, would you like to buy an remedy?"

When Wang Xian walked into the store, the front waiter gave a slight glimpse and asked with respectful respect.

"Buy Dan medicine, Liu treasurer?"

"Liu dispenser is behind, I immediately call the shopkeeper!"

A middle-aged man in the counter said quickly, and walked quickly to the back.

"This young want to buy medicinal herbs again?"

Liu shopkeeper came out and asked for Wang Xian.

"Well, 500,000 Chinese medicine stone medicine!"

Wang Xian nodded directly and took out the remaining Tianxing Cao Tiancao after the mission: "And, I have some star grass and sedge grass in my hand, you count the price!"


Liu's shopkeeper's eyes are shining, and his eyes are excited. "This young master, we are willing to buy at a market price of 1.5 times, thank you for this young master!"

Wang Xian waved his hand: "Change to the remedy for improvement!"

"Yes Yes!"

Liu shopkeeper nodded quickly and his face was flushed.

It is also close to a million transactions in the Lingshi, although it is far from the last time, but it is also a huge business.

Even after the end of the business, some of the medicinal herbs in Shenghai Town were out of stock.

One person buys out 70% of the medicinal herbs in the Fengxian Dan Medicine Weapons Square. It is a bit scary to think about it.

"This young master, look!"

Wang Xian received the medicinal herbs handed over from Liu’s treasurer and inspected it. He was very satisfied.

This Liu shopkeeper is obviously not a short-sighted person. Both purchases have given great benefits.

Wang Xian took the medicinal herbs worth one million Chinese spirits and walked toward the place of residence.

After digesting these medicinal herbs, the strength of the scorpion and the golden swordfish can get a good improvement.

"This young master seems to be called Wang Xian. I don't know why he helped us with the Fengxian Dan Medicine Weapons Square. The strength is really strong. Two times, I bought nine million medicinal herbs."

Liu shopkeeper looked at Wang Xian’s leaving figure, his eyes flashing.

“Hey, congratulations to the promotion of the promotion to a silver-level employment group, and open the reward!”

Seeking a monthly ticket! !

(End of this chapter)

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