Chapter 919 Sneak Attack

Xianfeng Employment Group!

When Wang Xian came to the tree world, a singer, and finally the last wood fire burial, his powerful strength, possessed the dual attributes of the talent, instantly shocked the entire Shenghai town.

Genius, Tianjiao, enchanting....

For everyone, he is more enchanting than the enchanting.

"What kind of employment group is the Xianfeng Employment Group? Why haven't you heard of it?"

"Strong, too strong, and the other eleven members of the Xianfeng Employment Group are all super-fourth-order strengths. Twelve of them have killed at least 10,000 beasts. It’s just like this!"

"The young man seems to have such strength when he is not old enough, and he may become a superpower on the future!"

A group of people looked at Wang Xian and the golden swordfish with a shocked face, and their faces were incredible.

Only twelve people killed thousands of beasts, including several superb fifth-order, super-fourth-order beasts, and some powerful ones.

This record can only be achieved by two or three hiring groups in Shenghai Town.

In this battle, Wang Xian is considered to be a famous place in Shenghai Town, and the Xianfeng Employment Group is also a formal stage for entering the extraordinary mainland.

"Ha ha!"

Listening to the comments and shocks of the people around him, Wang Xian smiled faintly, and now his strength is less than one tenth of the peak period.

Even if it is exposed to some strength, it has no effect at all.

"Continue, kill!"

Wang Xian did not stop and continued to kill around.

This is a very rare opportunity. After this monster siege, the Xianfeng Employment Group has a great chance of upgrading to the gold level.

In addition, the bodies of these tens of thousands of beasts belong to them.

An extraordinary fifth-order monster body is worth 50,000 yuan in the essence of the stone, killing dozens of words, can have millions of income.

By then, their strength can be improved.

"It's too fierce! After the release of the two magical powers, it can still be so powerful!"

Seeing Wang Xian attack again, there was a shocking look on the faces of all the people around him.

"Even if I release all my magical powers, I won’t consume too much!"

Wang Xian’s face showed a smile, and the rattan in his hand swiftly swung, quickly killing a beast.

"Head, this person is not... not what we can provoke!"

In the rear, a few young people next to the long-haired youth, who provoked Wang Xian last night, looked pale and looked at Wang Xian’s figure, and said to the long-haired youth.

"As long as he doesn't provoke us, we don't provoke them!"

The long-haired young man said with a guilty conscience, thinking about his own ridicule, his face was very embarrassing.

The strength of the other side can completely crush him. He can't think of it anyway. In the small holy sea town, there are such enchanting youths.

"A strong boy!"

On the top of the city wall, Jin Ganyuan looked at Wang Xian's figure with amazement and his face was strange.

It is able to reach the extraordinary fourth-order fifth-order at this age, and it is the top existence in the whole kingdom. Moreover, the other party even has dual attributes, which is somewhat counter-intuitive.

"If this child does not fall, the future is not limited!"

The president of the employment association on the side is also staring at Wang Xian.


"Easy supervisor, that is, the young man spent more than nine million Chinese spirits in our Fengxian!"

At this time, in an area of ​​the city wall, Liu treasurer stood beside a woman and pointed to Wang Xian in the battle.

"Xianfeng Employment Group? The other party actually has such a name, know his origins? Why help us Fengxian?"

The woman was about one meter tall and tall, her body was good, her eyes staring at Wang Xian, and she asked curiously.

"I don't know, he seems to be from other places!"

Liu’s shopkeeper shook his head and hesitated. He continued: “But I feel that he seems to have something to do with our Fengxian.”

"We can support us under the threat of two major hiring groups in Shenghai Town. It should be some source, but we don't know why!"

The woman’s face showed meditation: “But in any case, since the other party has helped us, we have also handed him a good job. In the future, he will buy the medicinal herbs and get 20% off!”

“It’s easy to lead!”

Liu shopkeeper nodded.

"Now our weapons and medicinal herbs in various places have been suppressed by the dying dynasty and the biological weapons workshop. Shenghai Town is relatively lucky!"

The woman population murmured: "This time it’s really time to meet the monsters and attack the city. The medicinal herbs that I brought can be sold!"

"Haha, fifteen super-class sixth-order golden swordfish, the rest are forbidden to hand, hand it over to me!"

In the middle of the battlefield, a sudden burst of laughter sounded.

I saw the knife in front of the knife in the front position, holding a long knife and rushing toward the front.

There, it was the leader of the golden swordfish, and the fifteen superb six-order beasts.

As long as you kill these fifteen extraordinary sixth-order golden swordfish and destroy the rest, it is only a matter of time.

The knife marks rushed straight up, and the rest did not dare to follow the past. The entire battlefield, only the knife marks are extraordinary seventh.

The remaining hiring groups continued to clean up the golden swordfish.

In half an hour, hundreds of thousands of golden swordfish are now only a hundred thousand.

"A strong boy!"

On the other side of the battlefield, the head of the Magic Sea hiring team repaired the mountain scorpion and killed the golden squid. From time to time, he looked at Wang Xian, who killed the Quartet.

The strength of Wang Xian’s eruption made him feel shocked.

But the more this is the case, the stronger the killing in his heart.

"Can't wait any longer, you have to solve this kid, otherwise Hanshan will die!"

In the eyes of Xiu Qianshan, it’s very cold, biting your teeth, and making up your mind!

The battle is going on and the killing is going on.

Wang Xian did not know how many golden swordfish he had killed. Every attack could kill more than a dozen golden swordfish.

These low-grade golden swordfish did not have the slightest rebellion under the attack of Wang Xian, and they did not dare to resist.

In fact, Wang Xian owns Long Wei. Once Long Wei is used, 80% of the entire battlefield must be controlled by him.

After all, the golden squid belongs to the aquarium, and most of its strength is below the third level.

If he really uses Longwei, it will be a bit shocking!

"Dragon King, be careful!"

Just then, a reminder entered his ear.

Wang Xian’s face changed slightly, and the radiant eyes swept directly behind him.


Sneak attack!

Wang Xian's face changed dramatically, his eyes flashed cold and his body shaped for a while, and Longwei directly covered a square kilometer.


He was hurriedly escaping toward the back, surrounded by an extraordinary swordfish that went to the figure.

"The **** golden swordfish was discovered!"

Xiu Qianshan's face changed slightly, and the long sword in his hand swept away, directly killing the golden swordfish that he rushed toward him!

(End of this chapter)

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