Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 925: Pinching ants in general!

Chapter 925 pinches the ants in general!

“The hiring team that takes the mission can fight within a kilometer of the city wall. If you are in danger, you can fly into the city!”

"Nature, if there is a hiring team to take the opportunity to take the opportunity, after taking the task and not fighting for a long time, then it will be considered a mission failure!"

"The Hunting Employers will guarantee the fairness and justice of the mission, and the hiring team that takes the mission will immediately play!"

The mission was revealed, and the president of the employment conference reminded everyone again.

"The lowest extraordinary second-order beast, the extraordinary third-order is not a minority, this task is not what we can take!"

"It's too dangerous. The second-order practitioners are very dangerous unless they have confidence in their own strength."

As soon as the mission came out, when everyone saw the beast that climbed from the sea, there was some change in their faces.

Many hiring groups looked at the outside with a dignified look and gave up this task.

However, there are still many hiring groups to pick up.

The mission of the five-star gold is enough to seduce many hiring groups.

In particular, fighting outside the city, killing the beasts is definitely more than hunting long distances on the wall.

The body of the beast is a huge income.

In the midst of wealthy and dangerous, the monsters attack the city. For many hiring groups, it is a good opportunity to make a big deal.



For a moment, a confident hiring group flew straight out of the city.

Wang Xian's body shape moved, followed by flying out of the city, and the sword was surrounded by people.

One by one, the hiring group flew out and soon reached four or five thousand people.

"Head, this kid is too arrogant, wait a minute if we want to!"

On the wall, a group of knives and squad members slowly walked toward the sky, and an old man swept over Wang Xian and his party.

"Don't worry, there will be three waves of this monster attacking the city. When the monsters attack the city, they will start to work. Now, the town may be dissatisfied!"

The knife-marked face was pulled out of the back of the knife with no expression, and I didn't see Wang Xian.

In his view, the Xianfeng Employment Group is nothing more than a cockroach ant.

When can I do it.

"Okay, let the kid live for a while, huh, what you want to do doesn't need to report to us, but you dare to violate our words, that is death!"

The middle-aged face has a sly smile!

"Everyone, line up the formation, the hiring team to match each other, the second wave of attacks is not the first wave of comparison!"

The knife mark slowly moved from the void to the center of the front, and he swept the surroundings with a one-eyed, coldly said.

"Yes, it is the head of the knife mark. Everyone puts on the formation and takes care of each other so that they can kill more beasts!"

The rest of the hiring team quickly responded.

The knife mark hiring group stood in the most central position.

Around the squad, the hiring groups were arranged in a formation under the command of the knife-marking corps.

Order all the hiring groups, the prestige of the knife marks, can be seen in general.

Two hundred or so hiring groups, four or five thousand people, quickly set up a formation.

However, the Xianfeng Employment Group was left alone and ignored.

The second wave of fierce beasts is still four or five kilometers, and all the people hold weapons.

"The prestige of the head of the knife is strong. Under his command, everyone immediately forms a formation!"

"That is, after all, the strongest hiring group in our holy sea, but the Xianfeng hiring group seems to be being squeezed out!"

"Because of the three major medicinal weapons workshops, the Xianfeng Employment Group seems to have angered the knife-marking corps!"

"This I just saw, the head of the fairy phoenix called Wang Xian is too mad, and I don't give the knife marks a face, I see them in the future!"

"The three big medicinal weapons workshops, a kid dare to participate, I really think that I am the head of the knife mark, I guess, the kid is going to be destroyed!"

"Yeah, how about the dual attributes, how the genius is, dare to provoke the knife marks employment group, purely looking for death! In Shenghai Town, which is the opponent of the knife mark leader?"

On the wall, everyone saw the neatly arranged hiring group. Only a dozen people in the Xianfeng hiring group were in a position that was incompatible. Some people said with some sarcasm.

Today, the strength demonstrated by the Xianfeng Employment Group and the domineering it has shown are shocking many people.

It is embarrassing for many people to have such strength and power for a young person.

Seeing this scene, they said with sarcasm.

Jin Ganyuan looked at this scene faintly and was very satisfied with the behavior of the knife mark.

This is a head of the hiring team who knows the time and is also a capable head. It is not luck to be able to go to this step today.

"The strength is very strong, but it is too strong, but young and vigorous is also a good thing!"

Not far from the location of Jinganyuan, Jinliuyan looked at Wang Xian and everyone said, whispered.

"Smoke, Mu Xiu Yulin, the mad man did not end well."

The long-haired youth next to him said quietly.

Now, he only dared to whisper, and saw the strength and violent character of the young man. He never dared to provoke ridicule in front of him. He could only have a mouthful of addiction and curse here.


At this time, under the city wall, Wang Xian slightly narrowed his eyes, and he was not in the heart of being isolated by a group of hiring groups.

Just let him follow the line and he won't agree.

For the second-order thousand-footed fish and the fierce sea crab, the lowest strength is no threat to him.

When more than a hundred thousand beasts rushed over, Wang Xian rushed straight out.

Killing, start in an instant.

Wang Xian showed two properties of wood fire, quickly killing a single beast.

A group of hiring groups also collided with the beasts.

On the wall, a number of city guards and hiring groups also launched long-range attacks.

Arrow feathers, flames, water swords, wind blades, and overwhelming attacks on the beasts.

"City Lord, let's go hunting the few superb seven-order beasts behind!"

On the city wall, the only super-eight-order powerhouse in Shenghai Town is approaching Jin Ganyuan.


Jin Ganyuan waved his hand.

In the rear position, there are a few superb seven-order beasts. These beasts are not able to deal with the hiring group.

Need to dispatch the demon hiring will be the president of this level.

Two strong men shot, for a moment, the shackles of the city's savage beasts and the humans' screams.

Thousands of fish, looks like lizards, each with a size of two or three meters, with more than a dozen legs with sharp teeth.

The fierce sea crab, the whole body exudes a flame shape and reaches two or three meters. It has a sharp head thorn and can vomit a flame, which is extremely terrifying.

In the case of one-on-one, the extraordinary second-order human beings are not necessarily the opponents of the beasts!

(End of this chapter)

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