Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 936: Gold four-star mission

Chapter 936 Gold Four Star Mission

"Dragon King!"

One day later, more than forty members of the Dragon Palace came out of Longchi and stood in front of Wang Xian, shouting respectfully.

Plus, there are no more than 50 **** in the dragon pool.

Plus the sword, twenty-one gold swordfish, eleven extraordinary fourth-order, ten extraordinary second-order.

Thirty-one demon, the demon is super-five-order, evolved into a dragon-thorn dragon species, comparable to the extraordinary eight-order.

Two extraordinary fourth-order, eighteen extraordinary third-order, ten extraordinary second-order.

Today, this is the power of Wang Xian.

The big upgrade is a big improvement, and it has more than doubled the upgrade.

"In the town of Shenghai, in addition to the mayor Jin Ganyuan, even if it is the president of the hunting hunter, he is not afraid!"

Wang Xian smiled on his face.


Wang Xian shouted at the turtle.

"Dragon King!"

The turtles squatted down.

"The strength of the Dragon Palace is still too slow. Now there are 20 extraordinary second-order members in the Dragon Palace, organize them, and enter the extraordinary mainland sea through the passage to hunt!"

"It must not be able to discover the existence of the channel and improve the strength of the members of the Dragon Palace as soon as possible!"

Wang Xian ordered the turtle to order.

"It is the Dragon King, and the minister immediately plans to speed up the power of the Dragon Palace!"

The turtle's phase identification said.

"Well, try to avoid losses!"

Wang Xian nodded, his eyes swept over the sword and the demon all over the crowd: "Return to the extraordinary continent!"

The sword and the demon all nodded, followed by Wang Xian and returned to the extraordinary continent through the passage.

"There is still more than ten days, the Devil's Academy is about to start school, get ready to enter the East China Sea!"

Back in the holy sea town, Wang Xian thought about it.

Donghai City is a large city facing the sea. It is ten times the size of Shenghai Town and it is close to the endless ocean.

The surrounding area of ​​Donghai City is safer than Shenghai Town, but there are many dangerous places in the sea from a certain distance from the East China Sea.

The development of a place is often related to the surrounding resources.

The beasts hunt humans, and humans also kill the beasts.

In some places, if there are more vicious beasts and it is easy to hunt, it is natural that the people attracted there will be very fast.

Crisis and adventures are accompanied by too comfortable places, but not strong ones.

Wang Xian is destined to leave Shenghai Town and go to Donghai City to develop.

"Dragon King!"

When Wang Xian had just arrived at the residence, a group of dragons were waiting inside.

Seeing him coming, I quickly greeted him.

"Well? What happened?"

Wang Xian asked directly to them.

A group of dragons went to other towns to develop the business of the Dragon Assassin organization.

"Dragon King, we went to Qiaolin Town, which is bigger than Shenghai Town. Now we have found the dark line, just wait for the Dragon King to control them!"

"In addition, the dragon assassination organization in the history of Shenghai Town, entering the town of Bridge Town should be very easy!"

Long Yi respectfully reported to Wang Xianhui.

"Qiaolin Town? If this is the case, then let the demon go over them."

Wang Xian thought about it and said it directly.

The killer organization is very profitable. In Shenghai Town, it has earned nearly ten million Chinese spirits in just a few days.

Bridge Town is bigger than Shenghai Town, so the commission for harvesting will never be less than that of Shenghai Town.

More than 10 million Zhongpin Lingshi, equivalent to seven or eight thousand dragon crystals, can make at least two demons go up to the extraordinary fourth order.

If you encounter a mission to assassinate the extraordinary seventh-order, then the reward will be even more terrifying!

"It is the Dragon King!"

A group of dragons and **** nodded.

Wang Xian took out the task stone plate, and the location was ready to hunt the beast and improve his strength as soon as possible.

“Hey? The mission of Shenghai Town is obviously much more than the previous two days, especially the task of escort!”

Wang Xian’s face showed a curious color.

"Silver five-star mission: **** the Hanlin caravan to Donghai City, and accept the mission conditions, at least the silver Samsung's employment group!"

"Gold one star mission: **** the Beihua Town in front of the Tianzhu Caravan, and accept the mission conditions, at least the silver four-star employment group!"

"When I first entered the city, I saw many businessmen coming to Shenghai Town. It should be the reason for the monsters to attack the city!"

Wang Xian’s heart is dark.

After the monsters attacked the city, they left the bodies of the beasts everywhere. These bodies are huge treasures.

Shenghai Town can't consume so many dead beasts, so there will be businessmen to buy them, or after the purchase of Shenghai Town merchants, go to another place to sell.

"And, after the monsters attacked the city, there were almost no vicious beasts in the monster's nest. At this time, it was easy to get a lot of spirit grass."

Wang Xian thought in his heart, his eyes fell on top of a task.

Gold four-star mission: **** the Star Airlines caravan to Qiaolin Town, due to time constraints, you need to cross the Bridge Forest Animal Park!

“The mission of Qiaolin Town?”

Wang Xian brow picked and picked: "Golden four-star mission, but also the task of Qiaolin Town, or take this task, by the way, I also go to Qiaolin Town?"

Wang Xian knocked on the table next to him and then stood up.

"Let's go to Bridge Town together!"

He said directly to the dragons and the demon.

"Hmm? Good dragon king!"

A group of people nodded.

"Go, go to the employment meeting first!"

The **** mission cannot be directly accessed on the mission stone plate. After the approval of the caravan, it is necessary to take over the task.

The reward for the mission can also be negotiated again at the time.

Wang Xian, everyone went out, and walked straight to the position of the employment meeting.

Because of the one-day stay in the Dragon Palace, the location of the employment meeting was suddenly a lot more.

Even the merchants wearing luxurious clothes are more than the warriors of the hiring group.

This time, the monsters attacked the city, which made many hiring groups make a big break and prepared to rest for a period of time, so that the hiring group that took the task was only half of the usual.

Many caravans are preparing to hire strong employment groups to travel to another city.

At the door, there were many caravans, and some caravans even held signs that read employment tasks.

Wang Xian walked directly inside, and the caravans that were able to release gold-level missions would not be at the door.

The golden four-star mission must at least face the superb sixth-order beast.

The reward of only the task is six million Chinese spirit stone.

In this kind of task, there will be no more than five hiring groups in Shenghai Town.

Wang Xian entered the hall of the Hunting Employers and immediately saw a very eye-catching caravan.

Five middle-aged and young people dressed in brocade and luxurious clothes, with a sign in front of them, with a task on it.

After many glances, the hiring team could only help but leave.

The rewards are very generous, but they are not qualified to accept this task.

Wang Xian glanced and walked straight.

Seeking a monthly ticket!

Yesterday I only wrote three more, and there are two more correct ones to make up. These two are going to be after the early morning, and everyone can see it tomorrow morning! Don't wait!

(End of this chapter)

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