Chapter 950 Level Improvement!

"The gap between the hole and the extraordinary is very big. The super-seven-order demon, even the super-eight-order demon, may not be able to fight the hole!"

"First upgrade the demon to the extraordinary sixth, then upgrade the other strength!"

Wang Xian thought about it.

The biggest area of ​​the hole and the extraordinary is the transformation of the magical power.

Extraordinary cultivation of magical powers, and when it comes to the hole, it is to transform the magical power into the law, and the power is increased by dozens of times.

This is a powerful watershed and it is very difficult to cross the threshold and fight.

After a break, Wang Xian led a group of dragons to the Dragon Palace.

Unsurprisingly, Wang Xian’s extraordinary eight-order seventh-order corpse lifted the scorpion to the sixth.

In addition, the two demon worlds of the extraordinary world have been upgraded to the extraordinary fifth-order!

In the waters of the super-continental continent, those who have been promoted to the extraordinary second-order demon, also began to kill the beasts.

Today, the speed of development of the Dragon Palace is more than ten times that of the past.

More and more members of the Dragon Palace have broken through to the extraordinary realm. This horrible development speed is absolutely shocking.

This time, Wang Xian spent two days in the Dragon Palace, and even woke up the girls in the mood.

When I come back this time, when I leave, I may not be able to come back as easily as I stay in Shenghai Town.

Donghai City, a long distance from Shenghai Town, it takes four or five days from Shenghai Town to Donghai City!

Come back at least two or three months.

After Wang Xian had a good temperature with a group of girls for a day, they completely could not get out of bed, and then led the demon to leave them again.

A group of girls began to retreat again.

"Two days, it's quite punctual!"

When Wang Xian just returned to Shenghai Town, the information of Liu’s treasurer was passed over.

Wang Xian smiled and walked toward the Fengxian Dan Medicine Weapons Square.

"Head of the king!"

Seeing Wang Xian’s arrival, Liu’s treasurer and Yi’s supervisor quickly came over.

The supervisor, who had just left for a few days, immediately rushed over after learning that Wang Xian had purchased the 200 million yuan of the essence of the medicine.

If it is not during the recent period, the Fengxian Dan Medicine Weapons Square will be hit, and there may be more people from Fengxian.

"Is the medicine ready?"

Wang Xian went over and asked directly.

"Well, well, head of the king, let's take a look!"

More than 200 million Chinese spirits are not counted, and an extraordinary seventh-order medicinal herb can be worth more than 10 million yuan.

But the preciousness of these remedies is self-evident.

Wang Xian looked at it and was very satisfied. He handed over 200 million Chinese spirits directly to them.

"The head of the king, it is really a happy cooperation. In the future, you need to buy the medicinal herbs and you can directly talk to the Liu treasurer. Then we prepare in advance, and you will be more convenient at the time!"

When the transaction was completed, Yi supervisor said with excitement.

"Yes, the head of the king, you will want the medicine in the future, tell me in advance!"

Liu shopkeeper quickly accommodating the road.

"I am afraid I will not be in the holy sea town after two days!"

Wang Xian looked at them and said with a smile: "Tomorrow, I will go to Donghai City and enter the Demon Hunt Academy!"

"Hey, you are going to Donghai City?"

Yi supervisor was slightly stunned and followed quickly and said: "That is really a coincidence. The Fengxian Dan Medicine Weapons Square in Donghai City is my responsibility. If there is any need, the leader of the king can come to me and buy the medicine. Can tell me directly!"

"is it?"

Wang Xian picked up his eyebrows: "Well, there may be something that needs to be easily supervised by the supervisor!"

"The head of the king is assured that I am familiar with the East China Sea. What can I help you?"

Easy to say that the eyes are shining.

"Well, that's the troublesome supervisor to help me find a courtyard. It's a little better. I will go directly to see it, can you?"

Wang Xian said without any politeness.

"Do not worry, give it to me, wait for the head of the king to come, I will entertain you!"

Easy to accept the smile of the face.


Wang Xian smiled and nodded, and he took two sentences and left Fengxian directly, and walked toward the residence.

"I will upgrade my strength first!"

When I came to the room, Wang Xian put a medicinal herb directly into the entrance.

"Hey, devour the extraordinary sixth-order medicinal herbs, extract the Dragon Crystal 1800!"

"Hey, devour the extraordinary seventh-order remedy, extract the Dragon Crystal 7500!"


“Hey, congratulations on the upgrade of the host level, reaching the fifth level!”

"Hey, congratulations to the host to understand the light and darkness of the gods!"

Name: Wang Xian

Race: Five Elements Dragon (Human)

Level: Extraordinary fifth order

Longjing: 68340/1000000

Shentong: rule the aquarium (aquarium that rules below its own level)

Phagocytic organism (phagocytic extraction of dragon crystal)

Five lines of control

Gongfa: Shenlong

Shentong: the fire of the dragon, the golden crack, the woods, the watery city, the wrath of the earth, the soul, the spirit, the dark fire dragon, the darkness, the light, the light, the darkness!

Has Dragon Palace: Level 2.

Dragon Palace member: 3355

"The next time you want to upgrade a million dragon crystals, the day, if you change to a Chinese stone, it is more than a billion, too much!"

Wang Xian’s mouth was pumped, and more than a hundred million Lingshi, I don’t know how long it will take to earn.

Looking at the more than 60,000 dragon crystals that he still had, Wang Xian immediately called the demon to everyone.

They are taught one by one.

It consumed more than 60,000 dragon crystals, and all the demon and gold swordfish were upgraded to the extraordinary fourth order.

In the future, the dragon crystals required by the demon and the golden swordfish will reach tens of thousands of tens of thousands.

The improvement of strength is getting more and more difficult.

Eighteen demons reached the extraordinary fourth order.

The two demon are superb fifth-order.

The demon is super sixth!

Ten gold swordfish are super fourth.

Together with the extraordinary fifth-order Wang Xian, this is the top strength of the Dragon Palace.

"Although it is getting harder and harder to upgrade in the future, but now my strength is not bad!"

Wang Xian has been very satisfied with the fact that it has reached this point in less than a month.

"This strength should be able to mix in East China Sea!"

Wang Xian’s mouth tilted slightly and walked straight toward the place where the hunter hired.

In recent days, the unusual activity of Shenghai Town, after the monsters attacked the city, came to many chambers of commerce.

The Chamber of Commerce from Donghai City has the most, Wang Xian is ready to take an **** mission, and then travel to the East China Sea.

"There is a large task on the mission stone plate. The **** merchants will return to Donghai City and recruit at least 20 employment groups!"

“Depending on the level of the hiring team, it is rare to give the task a level of **** mission!”

"Exactly the Xianfeng Employment Group can follow this caravan to Donghai City!"

Wang Xian thought about it and went into the hunting and hunting camp.

As soon as he entered the employment meeting, Wang Xian discovered that today's employment hall is somewhat different.

In the entire hall, there are a row of people who are in the ranks of chambers of commerce, at least a dozen of chambers of commerce, and every chamber of commerce is recruiting hiring groups!

Seeking a monthly ticket! ! !

Thank you for your rudder! Thank you!

There are other friends who are rewarding, not listed one by one, in short, a thousand words is a thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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