Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 960: Caravan under the panic

Chapter 960 Caravan under the panic


Suddenly, the sound of the sudden rush made the entire hiring team of the entire caravan face slightly change, and quickly looked in the direction of the hidden weapon.

"Warning, be careful!"

The head of a hiring group shouted loudly.


Everyone pulled out the weapon in his hand and stared at him with vigilance.

"Touch and touch!"

Just then, a piece of metal was inserted into the carriage, and everyone looked at it quickly.

There was a bad premonition in Du’s supervisor and Xiao’s heart. They looked around with embarrassment and their faces turned to the carriage.

"this is?"

When they first arrived, a member of the hiring group had already walked over and took down the hidden weapon mounted on the carriage.

"This...the beast hiring group? is this the badge of the sorcerer's hiring group?"

The member of the hiring team made a terrified, shocked pull out of the badge.

"The badge of the sorcerer's hiring group?"

Du’s supervisor and Xiao’s face changed dramatically.

How is the badge of the sorcerer's hiring group here?

The badge is not directly on the clothes, it is difficult to fall even if it is fighting!


For a moment, they were filled with cold sweat on their foreheads, and the two looked at each other and hurriedly walked over.

"This is the badge of the deputy head of Ling!"

At this moment, the member of the hiring group opened his eyes and said loudly.

"The badge of the deputy head of Ling, this... no, no!"

Du supervisor and Xiao Lao quickly walked over and took the badge in the hands of the man.

They saw this one badge, and the pupil couldn't help but shrink.

The number of badges is the same as the number of strong people who have just left.

"What happened? Is it?"

The two faces changed dramatically.

"Right, what are the deputy heads of Ling? Why are they not here?"

"Oh, it’s true that several strong men of the sorcerer’s hiring group are gone!"

At this time, people around the hiring group and the Chamber of Commerce suddenly found that the deputy head of Ling disappeared and his face changed slightly.

"Those badges?"

The faces of some chambers of commerce were slowly dignified, and they looked at Du Du and Xiao Lao.

Obviously, what are they hiding!

"Du supervisor, Xiao Lao, deputy head of the group?"

Finally, the head of a caravan couldn’t help but ask.

Their caravans arrived in Donghai City from Shenghai Town. On the way, the superb seven-order beasts are hard to come by, but the superb sixth-order beasts are absolutely not uncommon.

Especially for the huge caravans, the caravans can deter some weak beasts from attacking.

But as long as it is the beast that dares to attack the caravan, the strength is not weak.

Moreover, the huge caravans lack flexibility. If there is no strong person to sit in the town, it is not as safe as a small chamber of commerce.

However, today their caravans are superior to the seventh-order powerhouses, and they are a little scared.

Now the journey is only one-third away. The next journey is still very long. Without the super-seven-order powerhouse, it is difficult to reach Donghai City safely!

Du’s supervisor and Xiao Lao’s face were gloomy.

This sudden appearance of the badge completely scared them.

The deputy head of Ling, they may have an accident.

And once something goes wrong, their two chambers of commerce can be finished!

There is no spirit beast employment group, how do they go back to Donghai City.

What worries them most is who is giving them the badge?

Zhou’s Chamber of Commerce and the Xianfeng Employment Group?

The heads of a Chamber of Commerce saw the appearance of Du and Xiao Lao, and their faces were slowly embarrassed.

They must know what the deputy head of Ling went to do!

And now the situation is that the other party has an accident!

"Du supervisor, Xiao Lao, you said something, what do we do now?"

The head of a chamber of commerce asked with a sullen face.

All the eyes of the entire caravan are staring at them, and their faces are extremely embarrassing.

"There are two-thirds of the distance. Do we have to go back?"

Du supervisor looked at Xiao Lao with a sullen face and asked in a low voice.

"Go back, how can we go back? We have already gone a third of the distance. If we go back, then when can we return to Donghai City, how much will we lose this time? We can't afford to lose it!"

“Yes, even if you go back, you will release a mission in Shenghai Town to get a strong employment group from East China Sea to pick us up, and the commission is higher!”

I haven't waited for Xiao Lao to speak, and the person in charge of the Chamber of Commerce heard around immediately said loudly.

This made Du's supervisor and Xiao Lao's face instantly embarrassed.

"But now we don't have the 7th-order strongman to sit in the town and continue to move forward. Such a huge team, encountering five or six extraordinary six-order beasts is a great trouble!"

The head of another chamber of commerce said awkwardly and embarrassedly.

They stared at Du's supervisor and Xiao Lao one by one, and their eyes flashed.

This huge chamber of commerce is united, and as an organizer, the Ivy Chamber of Commerce and the Shaw Chamber of Commerce have received tremendous benefits, otherwise they do not need to hire a strong employment meeting to go with them.

Now the sorcerer’s hiring group is obviously out of the way, and they are also suffering!

What makes them most angry is that Du’s supervisor and Xiao Lao clearly hide something from them.

"Go ahead, we will return all the spiritual stones to you!"

Du’s supervisor and Xiao Lao’s face are extremely embarrassing.

"Your business we don't care about the hiring group, but now because of your situation, this task has been greatly difficult. If you don't give us a satisfactory answer, we have the right to refuse your mission!"

However, when they had just finished speaking, the head of a hiring group came out and looked at all the chambers of commerce.

"Yes, the difficulty of this task has directly doubled, reaching Donghai Town, but there is a great chance of death. We quit this task!"

“There is another way, the respective chambers of commerce will leave alone, and the small number will also reduce some crises!”

Two more hiring groups said.

Because of the task publisher's reasons, their task difficulty has more than doubled, they have the right to terminate the task, and get a part of the compensation.

In this case, if you continue to move forward, it is extremely dangerous for a group of hiring groups.

Acting alone, although the danger is still very large, it is much lower.

Du’s supervisor and Xiao Lao heard a lot of hiring groups and they were a little trembling.

Whether it is to terminate the task or act alone, it will bring them to a desperate situation.


They quickly exclaimed.

"This is not what you said!"

An hiring group stared at them coldly.

"We are willing to give you a satisfactory reward and the caravan will continue!"

The two bite their teeth and whispered.

This time, they are simply losing money! !

(End of this chapter)

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