Chapter 964, the young man is good.

The atmosphere is a bit quiet.

Even the people behind the Chamber of Commerce and the people in the hiring group were stunned.

What is the situation of this Nima?

The youth is a freshman at the Demon Hunting Academy, and this group of people is the top of the Demon Hunting Academy!

Are you right now?

This Nima?

Wang Xian did not think that this group of people turned out to be the top of the Demon Academy.

He also thought that the other party was the employment group hired by the Ivy Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber of Commerce.

So for them all, he didn't have a good look.

However, I did not think that the other party turned out to be the top of the Demon Hunting Academy.

This has not yet entered the school, and it has been done with the top of the college. How is this school going?

Wang Xian is slightly embarrassed.

He just sensed the strength of this group of people, the old man of the green armor is super 8th-order, the rest are 7th-order sixth-order, the lowest sixth-order!

But with his strength and demon power, he did not fear them at all, so he did not leave his face.

I didn’t think of it now...

"This, this teacher, I am sorry!"

Wang Xian's palm is slightly moving and will directly drop the middle age.

It’s a sin to accidentally abuse a mentor.

The expression on the middle-aged face was also very exciting. Once the figure was moving, I immediately came to the side of the old man.

"Are you a freshman at the Hunting Academy?"

The old man of Qingjia saw Wang Xian let go of the middle-aged man and said with amazement.


Wang Xian’s palm moved, and a notice of admission to the Demon Hunting Academy appeared in his hand.

"You are a freshman?"

The white-haired old man next to him still feels incredible and can't help but ask.


Wang Xian nodded.

The next line of people's face is even more exciting.

A freshman, holding a college elite tutor in one hand, this strength, at least seven levels!

Just now they are still wondering, in the end, where is the enchanting youth, who has such a terrible strength.

But I didn't expect it to become a freshman of their college in a blink of an eye!


"I didn't expect our college to have such a terrible new life, really..."

The old man of the Qing Dynasty does not know what to say. There is a enchanting new student in the college. This is definitely a great event for the Demon Hunting Academy.

But in front of this situation...

"The guy is very strong, but... well, young and frivolous is also a good thing, but it can't be too much, otherwise it may suffer!"

The old man in the green is very eager to say that young people are not too arrogant, but think about it, or change their mouth.

Is such a voluptuous youth, arrogance not normal? Especially this is the students of their Demon Hunting Academy, it should be self-confident!

"President, there may be misunderstandings between us. We originally had a caravan with them, but they threatened us and let us come up with more resources. We forced us to leave their caravan!"

Jinliuyan said immediately.

"Yes, the dean, the head of the king, they are the employment groups we hired. We thought that you and they were a group, so it would be so rude to you just now!"

Zhou Hanhan also came out and said to the old man.

"Oh, I see!"

The old man in the green armor thought a little and slowly nodded. "Since it is a misunderstanding, then everyone should not be so arrogant!"

"Sorry, Dean, it may be a misunderstanding!"

Wang Xian also nodded, his arm moved, and a body was thrown directly from the space ring to Du’s supervisor and Xiao Lao’s side.


"The deputy head of this spiritual beast corps is sent to kill us?"

Wang Xian glanced at them coldly and coldly.

"Hey, is the body of the deputy head of Ling, how come? How can the body of the deputy head of Ling be there?"

"This... Is it... Is the Ivy Chamber of Commerce and the Shaw Chamber of Commerce let the deputy head of Ling go to assassinate the Zhou Chamber of Commerce!"

"There must be, for the body of the beast of the Zhou Chamber of Commerce, I did not expect it, really did not expect!"

Xiao Lao and Du’s supervisor saw the body, and the pupil couldn’t help but shrink.

Later, a group of chambers of commerce and the people of the hiring group opened their eyes one by one, and they talked sullenly.

They understand that the Ivy Chamber of Commerce and the Shaw Chamber of Commerce did not allow them to hijack the Zhou Chamber of Commerce because they had to do it themselves and earn money.

It is not a big deal at all!

Oh, that’s true!

"What? People from the corps of the beasts came to assassinate us?"

They were also slightly stunned by the father, and their faces were embarrassed.

This is to kill all the killings. If it is not Wang Xian, they are now 100% dead!

From the discussion of the crowd, the old man of the blue armor understood it and his face sank immediately.

Being used, I did not expect them to be used.

Saved a group of people who should not be saved.

Wang Xian deeply watched Du’s supervisor and Xiao Lao’s eyes, and followed the eyes of all the chambers of commerce and employment.

"The deputy dean, the instructors, we are not ignorant, just the students are reckless, only to take some food to pay for it!"

Immediately afterwards, Wang Xian smiled and took out three ghost-faced crabs and said to them.

"Haha, okay, I really didn't think that our East China Sea Hunting Academy had such a enchanting new student!"

The old man of the green armor laughed and waved, and all the people came over: "This is not to know each other, it is really playing our face, but we can see that Tianjiao entered our hunting school, we are very happy!"

"Now the students are so horrible?"

The middle-aged bitter man who had just been grasped by Wang Xian’s hand shook his head.

"No, it’s qualified as a mentor at our college!"

A few middle-aged people next to each other nodded.

A freshman with the strength of a violent mentor is so enchanting that the Hunting Academy is unique.

However, the emergence of such students has great benefits for the entire college.

"Come here, the mentor, the dean, we cook for you, huh, huh!"

Zhou’s father saw this scene and was busy preparing for it.

Wang Xian also invited them to sit down and talk to them.

The mentor and vice president of the Demon Hunting Academy were extremely curious about Wang Xian and kept asking questions there.

Even the vice presidents also invited Wang Xian to invite him to join the East China Sea Hunting Academy after graduation.

Not only that, but even giving him many benefits when he is about to start school.

Even the deputy dean waved a hand and gave Wang Xian a house next to the Devil's College.

They want to recruit Wang Xian.

So young, so horrible students, they naturally hope to be able to pull around.

I have seen his strength and can no longer be described with genius.

Now with the strength of Wang Xian, it can be called the strong.

A strong enough to deter a party.

It is definitely worthwhile to make a good deal with this potential.

(End of this chapter)

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