Chapter 966 Donghai City

"Roll, get out of our sights immediately, don't appear in our sights, or don't blame us!"

Wang Xian and Zhou’s Chamber of Commerce are at the forefront, and everyone in the caravan is behind.

Several hiring groups said to Du Lao, who is full of ruthlessness, and Xiao Lao.

The Ivy Chamber of Commerce and the Shaw Chamber of Commerce are all desperate.

All their supplies were taken away and now they are driven out of the caravan, how do they get back?

What is the difference between this and death.


A member of the hiring team pushed Xiao Lao and pushed him to the ground.

This time, their employment group was a heavy loss.

However, all the reasons are all due to the Ivy Chamber of Commerce and the Shaw Chamber of Commerce.

If it weren't for them, this task would be smooth and smooth, there would be no such death, and no need to worry every day.

They can get a fairly good reward!

Then, following the Xianfeng Employment Group to the East China Sea, they also have to come up with a spiritual stone.

So, when they learned about what the Green Rattan Chamber of Commerce and the Shaw Chamber of Commerce did, everyone was angry.

"You must not die!"

Xiao Lao fell on the rock, his eyes red and whispered.

But responding to them is a cold look.

Watching the caravan quickly disappear into their sights, Du’s supervisor and Xiao’s desperate squatting on the rock, eyesless.

Without protection, with their extraordinary second- and third-order strength, the chance of surviving is less than 10%.

"Head leader, all the goods of the caravan add up to about 13 million Chinese spirits. This is their receipt, look at it!"

"When I wait for Donghai City, I will sell all the goods to the head of the king!"

Zhou Fu counted all the items, and smiled and came to Wang Xian’s side, and said with respect.


Wang Xian nodded and smiled on his face.

Although the commission for this mission is only 50,000 Lingshi, the harvest is not low.

Not counting the one-off extraordinary eight-order array method, it is not bad to harvest one thousand seven hundred and eight million Chinese spirits.

The caravans are driving fast, and they are wary of them. As long as they don’t encounter the powerful monsters and beasts of the hole level, they are not too dangerous.

After two days of bumps, Wang Xian, they all came to the front of a huge city.

A hundred meters high wall, a huge black gate of 70 to 80 meters high.

The rows of elite soldiers stood neatly on the wall.

The huge city is very incomparable, exuding a quaint atmosphere.

Compared with it, Shenghai Town is not a grade at all.

East China Sea, with a population of tens of millions, depends on the ocean. The entire city has existed for more than 3,000 years.

Donghai City is one of the top ten cities in the Kingdom of Xingyue.

The Kingdom of Xingyue has ten major cities and eighty towns.

Donghai City is one of them. It owns the East China Sea Marine Monk Corps and guards one side.

The head of the city and the head of the Marine Monk Corps are the terrorists at the level of the hole.

In Donghai City, there are three major colleges, Donghai College, Ocean College and Demon Hunting Academy.

The Devil's College is a civilian college compared to the former two.

Because, as long as it is a strong and capable family, it will not let his son and daughter join the Demon Academy.

The biggest future for the students of the Devil's College is to stay at the Demon Hunting Academy and become a mentor.

The rest, usually join a hiring group, a good point is to set up a hiring group.

However, members of the hiring group live on the tip of the knife and may die in the wild at any time.

The so-called often walked by the river, there are non-wet shoes, often doing tasks in the wild, who can guarantee that it will not be embarrassed?

Therefore, no parents are willing to let their children go to the Demon Academy.

Moreover, the students of the Demon Hunting Academy need to go out to perform tasks during the college.

Every assessment is required to go to the field and complete the corresponding tasks.

The chances of a college death are great, and it can be seen from the time of assessment.

This is also the origin of the name of the civilian college.

To enter Donghai City, each person needs to pay a Chinese spirit stone, which is a rigid rule.

Wang Xianyi entered the inside from the entrance of the gate at least two hundred meters wide and passed the twenty-thine-meter-thick wall tunnel.

A huge and prosperous city appeared in the sight of Wang Xian.

The wide streets are full of thirty or forty meters, and the streets are divided into human figures and carriage lanes.

"Let's let go!"

Just then, there was a buzzing sound behind.

Wang Xian turned and looked at it. More than a dozen members of the hiring group riding a giant rhinoceros came in and walked on the road of the carriage.

The three-meter-sized rhinoceros exudes a strong atmosphere.

These rhinoceros beasts have at least the third-order strength.

This makes Wang Xian's eyes sparkle.

"This time to kill red-tailed fish depends on the shelle brother!"

"Give me the peace of mind, just follow what I said, and make sure that we are fully loaded this time!"

More than 20 people walked out of the city with excitement, and Wang Xian’s eyes were full of surprises.

Known as the Bayer Brothers, it is not a human being, but a monster with two shells carrying a shell.

That's right, it's the monster, working with humans, hunting the beast!

Along the way, Wang Xian also learned about Donghai Town from Jinliuyan and Zhou Hanhan.

This is a huge city where there are not only beasts but also beasts.

The beast has wisdom, not all monsters are enemies with humans.

There are many monsters united with humans.

After the monsters are registered in the human city, they enjoy the same treatment as human beings.

They also need to abide by human rules.

Because the monsters have their own talents, the strength is generally stronger than humans, and many hiring groups also hope to recruit a monster member.

This creates a situation in which the beast and the human being live together.

Even in the East China Sea, there is a small monster race.

Humans provide them with safe accommodation and resources. They guard the East China Sea for human beings and solve some special problems.

"Head leader, I will sell all the materials first, so that Han Han and Miss Jin will take you to visit Donghai City!"

Zhou Fu said to Wang Xian with a smile on his face.

As for the caravan owners, after entering the city, they quickly left.

"No, I am going around!"

Wang Xian shook his head.

"It doesn't matter to the head of the king. We don't have anything. The East China Sea city is very big. Do you know where the Hunting Demon Academy is? Where is the hunting demon employment? Or let us know with you, thank you for taking us. arrived safely!"

Jin Liuyan said with a smile on his face toward Wang Xian.

Wang Xian hesitated and nodded. "Well, thank you!"

"Don't thank you, we still want to know about you, the powerful man with unlimited potential, to protect our little girl in the future!"

Kim’s face was full of smiles.

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(End of this chapter)

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