Chapter 974, the first of the new students

“Joining our Demon Hunting Academy has a huge benefit. In our library of the Demon Hunting Academy, there is a database in the database that allows you to view all the records recorded by the students and tutors around the East China Sea. data."

"Some terrains, some precautions, can be seen in the information, you know, this is the accumulation of our Demon Hunting Academy for a thousand years."

“In addition, you can also record information in the library. Once the feedback results are correct, you can earn points rewards!”

Teacher Yuan, with all the three classes, came to the library of the college and introduced them to them.

Wang Xian looked at this huge library with at least a few million books.

This was the main reason why he came to the Demon Hunting Academy.

There is a lot of information available at the Devil's College to get information that other hiring groups can't get.

For the students of the Devil's College, you want to check the information here, you also need to redeem points.

Followed by, Yuan teacher took them to the treasure house of the Demon Academy.

Treasure Hunter Treasures, which store a lot of treasures, you can use a large number of points to redeem, and second, it is a treasure exchange.

Wang Xian was very surprised when he saw some of the items closely.

There are even super-five-order fire spirit beads, and the number of other armor and weapons is terrible.

According to Mr. Yuan’s introduction, the Treasure Library of the Demon Hunting Academy is very precious throughout the East China Sea.

Even the East China Sea College and the Ocean College can't match it.

Many large hiring groups in East China Sea have used money to buy information about the Devil's College.

Moreover, this information is very expensive and expensive to sell, and there is some information that is not for sale. It can only be exchanged for students of the Demon Academy.

After visiting Yuan Yuan, Wang Xian felt that it was a wise choice to join the Demon Academy.

"Tomorrow your horse tutor will introduce you to some things, teach you to fight, and there will be a competition between classes, arrive on time!"

At about 5 pm, Yuan Yuan waved to everyone and finally said.

A group of people nodded and left immediately.

The Devil's College students have separate rooms, one for each person, and the house is small, but it is also very good.


Wang Xian nodded slightly and walked straight toward the back of the college.

"That was the guy who provoked the son's employment group yesterday!"

"This guy is unlucky!"

"Affirmative, I have inquired about it today. The public servant group has a great reputation at the Demon Hunting Academy. There used to be a superb fifth-grade strong student, who was apologized by the public servant group!"

Walking towards the property cultivation tower, he heard the sound of a round of arguments around him, and even some people were thinking about whether he had to talk to him in the past.

Wang Xian also knew the rules of the students in the Demon Hunting Academy. When they heard their conversation, they frowned slightly and their faces showed a slight disappointment.

He frowned slightly and ignored it. He came to the property cultivation tower and took out a brand that the summer director gave him and went directly to the cultivation room.

The cultivation room is small, only three or four square meters in size, and there is a sitting position in the center.

Wang Xianpan sat in the fire property cultivation tower and immediately began to absorb the rich fire properties around him.

“The speed of cultivation is weaker than the Dragon Palace, but it’s not bad!”

When a stock of aura poured into his body, Wang Xian hearted in the dark, immediately closed his eyes and concentrated on cultivation.

The cultivation time passed quickly. When he opened his eyes, it was already the next afternoon.

When I came to the three classes of study, I found no one inside.

Wang Xian thought about it and went directly to his place of residence.

"Dragon King!"

Seeing the arrival of Wang Xian, Yan Jian immediately came over: "Dragon King, a group of dragons will come back tomorrow morning!"

"Oh? Is the dragon thorn already handled?"

Wang Xian picked up his brow and walked over with a smile.

"Yes, listen to Longyi, the three towns have all been handled!"

Sui Jian replied.


Wang Xian nodded.

"Dragon King!"

The next morning, a group of dragons arrived.

"All arranged?"

Wang Xian asked directly to them.

"Dragon King, all arranged, the demon adults are now performing assassination missions, it is estimated that they will be able to come back in three days!"

The dragon nodded a little: "In addition, the dark lines of Qiaolin Town, Shenghai Town and the other three towns, once there is a task, will send us a message through the mother-child communication stone plate!"

"We can receive it directly in the East China Sea, and then let the demon adults perform the mission in the five towns ahead of them!"

“It’s mainly in the East Sea City, radiating five towns around!”

Wang Xian nodded slightly, and the communication channel of the mother-in-law did not have a distance limit. It was a remote communication device.

"Well, the number of demon monsters is not a lot now. When it is more in the future, it will be much more convenient!"

Wang Xian gently knocked on the table: "The next few days, you will develop the dark line of the East China Sea City, and each district will develop ten!"

"It is the Dragon King!"

A group of dragons nodded respectfully.

Wang Xian stood up: "After waiting for the demon to come, we will start to do the task, improve the level of the hiring group, earn the spirit stone, and enhance the strength!"

"Go to the Demon Hunting Academy. It’s been three days since I started school. I haven’t even stayed in one day!”

Wang Xian hesitated for a moment, smiled blankly and walked toward the Devil's College.

"If you don't go to the ring to see the new students, I heard that today I selected the strongest of this year's freshmen!"

"It’s boring, it’s a bunch of rookies, and the strongest is just the third-order!"

"Is your kid not the third-order now? Let's go, let's see, maybe there is a strong pride in this session!"

Wang Xian entered the college. When he had not reached the third class, he heard the conversation of two young people nearby.

"New student competition?"

He groaned: "No wonder I went back to the school yesterday, there is no one inside, it was a freshman game."

Wang Xian looked at the direction of the two young people and walked behind.

The Devil's College has a huge playing field, and even if all the students are in the same place, they can be loaded.

When Wang Xian came to the gate of the competition venue, he heard the cheers coming from inside.

He walked inward, and a young man who was slightly thinner stood on the ring and raised his hands with excitement!

Wang Xian walked inside, but found that the mentor inside went to the outside.


Wang Xian is slightly different.

"Qinshan's strength is simply too strong, defeating Gao Meng within ten strokes. In the extraordinary third order, he is almost invincible!"

"It's really strong, even the magical powers are not showing, it's really powerful!"

(End of this chapter)

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