Chapter 983 arrives one by one!

On the edge of the island, the hiring group of the Demon Hunting Academy stared at Wang Xian with curiosity and drama.

Some of them came to Leidao for a day, and some came for more than ten hours.

Students at the Demon Hunting Academy do this kind of special task and generally cooperate.

If someone is in danger, you can ask for help through the communication stone plate.

Two hours ago, when one had just arrived, the luck was not good enough to encounter five extraordinary sixth-order thunder fish.

They immediately called for help, and many of the hiring groups in Leidao quickly rushed over to hunt the thunder fish.

Extraordinary sixth-order thunder fish, one worth five or six hundred thousand Chinese spirit stone, five is more than three million.

Although they have a large number of people, they still have a lot of gains.

However, what surprised them was that they encountered the man of the current situation on campus, the new king.

In the college forum, Wang Xian was all talking about these two days.

Moreover, it was also met by a group of people in the Amethyst Employment Group.

Wang Xian looked at the unsatisfactory Amethyst hiring group, and picked up his brow slightly, staring at them coldly.

"Oh? Still not convinced? Kid, grandma is very upset to see you!"

The girl of the Amethyst hiring group raised her brow and slowly walked toward Wang Xian.

Her body exudes a faint pressure, and the extraordinary fifth-order momentum is revealed.

"Green sister, you don't need to do it, let us come, this kid offended Qin Qing, we will help you teach him lessons!"

Around, the head of a hiring group came out with a smile and smiled and said to the girl.

"Right, let's come, young sister, how do you teach this kid, this little thing, give it to us!"

One by one, the young people quickly said.

In the presence, the Amethyst hiring regiment has the strongest strength, and this time the five superb sixth-order beasts are hunted by them, and the rest of them naturally want to please.

One by one, the students came out and looked at Wang Xian with a full face and looked at them with a smile.

"Green sister, forget it!"

At this time, Qin Qing stood behind and suddenly said.

"Well? Xiaoqing, how can I forget this, this kid hurt your brother!"

The girl glimpsed a little, pointing to Wang Xian, pointing at her.

"forget it!"

Qin Qing shook his head in a complicated face: "Things have already happened, and... and it is also a hill first, so... forget it. If one day, my strength will become stronger, I will be myself. Learn with him once!"


Qing sister saw even Qin Qing, the party who said this, and raised a brow: "That's it, since Xiaoqing said so, this time I will spare you!"

She said, facing the king fairy slightly up!

"Oh, this is your choice!"

Wang Xian saw their argument and said faintly: "This time, it is your luck!"

He said, walking straight toward the island, and the members of the Dragon Palace followed.


Qingjie saw Wang Xian say this, under the blasphemy, his face instantly showed an angry look: "You kid really don't know how to be good, it seems that some are tidy!"

"Grass, too arrogant, Qin Qing classmates spare you once, your kid is still pretending to be forced, Qing sister, as long as you say a word, we will do it immediately!"

"Yes, it’s too arrogant!"

When everyone around them heard the words of Wang Xian, they were also angry and shouting.

Qin Qing’s classmates have greatly let go of you, and you dare to say such things.

It’s just looking for a fight!

Qing sister stared at Wang Xian without hesitation. He saw him fluttering inward and frowned slightly: "Forget it, don't care about this little guy, it's so arrogant, it will suffer sooner or later!"

"Let me say that the goddesses of the Amethyst hiring group are still very kind. If I have, I have already abolished him!"

"Yes, that's right!"

A group of people said hello.

"Well, assign a thunder fish, and I will come up with a spiritual stone that is equivalent to the thunder fish!"

The deputy head of the Amethyst Employment Group opened the door and ended their topic.


A group of people nodded quickly and got the corresponding Lingshi according to their respective strengths.

"Hey? Someone is coming!"

After five minutes, they saw someone flying over here.

This time, there are about twenty people flying around.

"It’s a group of people in the cloud and the sea, the public employment group!"

"The deputy head of the public servant group came in person? Are they going?"

“Bringing a lot of people, and the strong outside the college!”

Everyone looked at them, their eyes were stunned, and their faces were surprised.

A group of twenty people flew toward Leidao. The center was a handsome young man with three special stripes on his face.

Beside him, there are five young people and more than a dozen middle-aged.

These middle-aged students are not students of the Demon Hunting Academy, but they belong to the public employment group.

Students from the Devil's College can be recruited from outside the school by establishing an employment group.

The strength of recruiting off-campus members must not exceed the founder.

The college will conduct an investigation of the hiring group with members outside the college. Once it finds that there is external power to use the identity of the students of the Demon Academy, it will be severely punished by the Demon Academy!

No one dares to drill this loophole.

Within the college, the top ten hiring groups have outside members and are very strong.

The strength of the members of the public employment group is even stronger.

Next to Yunxiaohai, there are two extraordinary sixth-order powerhouses.

The rest are all extraordinary fourth-order fifth-order!

"Deputy Head of Xiao!"

Yunxiaohai saw a group of people on the island, looking at the deputy head of the Amethyst hiring group in the center, smiling.


Deputy Chief Xiao Xiao nodded faintly.

"Seeing that I didn't see the new king!"

The clouds and the sea swept around, and the corners of the mouth tilted slightly, and asked with a smile.

"I saw it, the deputy head of the cloud, the guy just got in!"

A student heard his words and said quickly in the inside.

"Oh? Thank you, let's go to the meeting, the freshman who dares to threaten us, deputy head of Xiao, goodbye!"

Yunxiaohai looked at the inside and walked inside with a smile.

"The strong people of the public servant group went straight over!"

"Lian Yun deputy heads have come over, it seems that Wang Xian that kid can't get out of here!"

"One hundred percent must be killed by the public hiring team, or the cloud deputy head will not come over!"

"I want to say that the kid is looking for death, arrogant, this is finished!"

A group of students around saw a group of people entering the Leidao Island in the clouds and seas, and they whispered a whistle.

"Hey, that kid is going to be bad!"

"It’s not bad, it’s the despicable and hot of the public servant group, the new one is planted!”

Several girls from the Amethyst hiring group also whispered.

(End of this chapter)

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