Chapter 991 spike?


The sound of a violent crash came.

The water blue pattern trembles as if it can disappear at any time.

A group of people in the Amethyst hiring group stood in the pale face and looked at the thunder fish in front.

Some of the girls, looking at the figure standing on the left with a shocked look.

The two thunder fishes were filled with a playful look and walked slowly toward him.

"It's over, it's over, that new life is going to die!"

A girl from the Amethyst hiring group said palely.

"Don't worry about him, now, we are going to die!"


"Ah, the formation is going to crack!"

Some girls around said that the first few super-order sixth-order squid suddenly released lightning and went to attack.

For a moment, all the girls turned their heads and stared nervously at the surrounding array.

The water blue array has a huge ripple, and the position above it slowly appears a small crack.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Amethyst hiring group was so embarrassed.

"When I and the two captains stop them, you must first escape!"

The deputy head of Xiao bite his teeth and looked at the two women beside him, and said with perseverance.

"No, deputy head, let's fight together!"

"Yes, deputy head, we will not escape, we will fight with you!"

The girl of the Amethyst hiring group heard the words of the deputy head of Xiao, his eyes biting his lips reddishly.

"Don't say it, can escape one is one!"

The deputy head of Xiao’s head glanced at them and said harshly.

"It’s that we dragged the deputy head of your hind legs. If you want to escape, you are also fleeing!"

A girl’s voice said a little choked.

"Shut up, obey orders!"

Deputy Chief Xiao Xiao shouted and held the long knife in his hand.

"Touch and touch!"

At this time, three super-order fifth-order squid slammed into the battle.

The water blue pattern is violently shaken, and the cracks in the sky are getting bigger and bigger.

All the girls in the Amethyst hiring group looked at the thunder fish in front.

In the position of more than two hundred meters on the left, two extraordinary fifth-order squid slowly walked toward Wang Xian.

It took a slap in the face, and his eyes fixed on him, and soon he came to his position ten meters.

"Hey, hey!"

Two super-class fifth-order squid looked at each other and suddenly speeded up and flew directly toward Wang Xian.

"Two things to find dead!"

Wang Xian was scattered and his body looked very fierce.

However, it is very easy to deal with some superb fifth-order beasts.

He looked up and stared blankly at the two thunder fish that rushed toward him, slowly lifting the lightning strikes in his hand.


When the distance between the two sides is only one meter, the lightning striker in the hands of Wang Xian directly shoots two blue-green spears.

The spear easily penetrates the heads of two thunder fish.


Two thunder fish fell heavily on the ground.


At this time, a more loud voice came from the side. Wang Xian looked up and found that more than a dozen thunder fish had launched an attack toward the formation.


The violent surge, the crack began to expand rapidly.


It was covered with a square kilometer of lightning that fell on top of the array. The array trembled and slowly disappeared.

"Listen to my command, I and the two captains resisted them, you fled!"

When the formation was broken, the deputy head of Xiao, who was standing at the forefront, yelled at the two women beside him.

A knife of more than 2,000 meters.

A burst of huge flames.

A sand that descends from the sky.

Three powerful supernatural powers, directly attacking more than a dozen thunder fish.

"Hey, hey!"

However, those thunder fish seem to have been prepared, and the three super-six-level thunder fish shine brightly, and the scales of the lightning condensed directly meet the three supernatural powers.

The rest of the thunder fish attacked them.

"No, you rush!"

The deputy head of Xiao saw this situation, and his face showed a hint of despair, and the girls behind him shouted again.

"Deputy head, we have to fight with you!"

"Yes, even if it is dead, we will not escape!"

Later, a group of girls from the hiring group gritted their teeth and shouted with red eyes.



A thunder and lightning flashed, and the deputy head of Xiao raised his head and immediately raised his long knife.

"Now I want to escape and can't escape!"

The thunder fell on the long knife and passed it on to him, causing him to numb all the time, and spit out a large black blood in his mouth.

She said desperately.


The deputy head of Xiao fell heavily on the ground, and the thunder fish excitedly roared and quickly attacked them.

"I am fighting with you!"

Two extraordinary sixth-order women saw Xiao’s deputy head wounded and greeted five extraordinary six-stage thunder fish.


However, in just a moment of collision, the two of them were swept directly to the ground by the fish tail and directly hit hard.

"Hey, hey!"

A group of thunder fish saw the strongest of them fell to the ground, making a scream of excitement and the attack stopped.

It’s like walking slowly like a prey.

"Deputy head, captain!"

The girls behind the Amethyst hiring group ran desperately to their side.

"Cough, I hope we can be sisters in our next life!"

Deputy Director Xiao looked at them, and his face was pale and smiled.

"Deputy head, we are not good, we are too weak, dragging your hind legs!"

A girl shed tears and said, crying.

"I don't want to be born in the same month of the same year, but I want to die in the same month of the same year. We will be a sister in the afterlife!"

A group of girls from the Amethyst hiring group said sadly.

Around, a group of thunder fish slowly came over and prepared to enjoy a rich dinner.

On the side of Wang Xian, watching quietly, seeing the desperate self-employed group slightly picking a brow!

"Oh, it’s really touching!"

Wang Xian was full of surprises about their performance between life and death, hesitated and whispered.

His abrupt voice sounded around, making the girls of the Amethyst hiring group completely stunned.

Even a group of thunder fish turned their heads to see which one is looking for a dead guy, disturbing their meal.

"Wang... Wang Xian!"

"The new student, he...he didn't die?"

"What is he doing? How can he not escape without death?"

A group of girls from the Amethyst hiring group looked over and had a shocked look on their faces.

A small face with tears stared at him with wide eyes.

"It's a touching friendship!"

Wang Xian saw them look over and had a faint smile on his face.

This makes the owner of the Amethyst hiring group a bit dull. What is he doing?

"Hey, hey!"


A sudden appearance of the guy is forced in front of them, and the thunder fish obviously will not be used to him.

Thunder, and instantly attacked Wang Xian!

(End of this chapter)

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