Chapter 995 Fear


The violent sound sounded, and a horrible thorn fell on the sea of ​​clouds and made a harsh sound.

However, compared to physical attacks, the surrounding sound is even more terrifying.

The scream of that voice made Yun Bohai numb.

Next to the war sea hiring group looked at this scene with a stunned look.

The massacre is completely a massacre.

A thorn was drilled out of the ground and attacked directly by a group of people in the public employment group.

In addition to Yunxiaohai's possession of an extraordinary seventh-order armor that blocks the attack of thorns, the other nineteen people have no such good luck at all.

Even the two supernatural sixth-order powerhouses were instantly penetrated under the horrible thorns.

There is no such thing as the power of resistance.

This makes them feel terrible.

They looked at the young man who looked so miserable, couldn't help but swallow a spit, and his heart filled with fear.

Such a heavy injury can release a horrible attack. If it is the peak, can it be easier to drop them seconds?

If it is said that Wang Xian’s attack made the people of the war-based hiring group feel fearful.

At this time, the body of Yunhaihai has begun to tremble violently.

His body is the life-saving armor that his father gave him.

Extraordinary seventh-order inflammation!

But feeling the power of the thorns on him, the clouds and the sea are a little trembling.

His body radiated a hot temperature, and it was like being wrapped in syrup.

A pair of eyes, shaking constantly.

"Touch and touch!"

Five seconds later, the screaming sound came to an abrupt end, and one body fell to the ground.

" could could it be so strong, it couldn't be!"

In the clouds, Haikou muttered, incredulously watching Wang Xian standing in front of a dozen meters.

Wang Xian eyes also looked at him, his face did not have the slightest feeling: "The extraordinary seventh-order armor, really rich!"

He smiled and slowly raised the lightning striker in his hand.

Seeing that he was about to attack again, the clouds and sea owls were wide-eyed and full of panic.

"No.... Don't kill me, I am wrong, don't kill me!"

Yun Bohai said that he was begging for Wang Xian.

"kneel down!"

Wang Xian said to him faintly.

The face of Yunxiaohai changed drastically, and immediately slammed into the ground with a bang.

"I beg you, don't kill me, our servant group will not dare to provoke you in the future, give me a chance, I will give you Lingshi, how much do you want me to give you!"

The clouds and the sea's eyes are red and cried to Wang Xian, and there is still pride.

Aside from the amethyst hiring group, looking at the clouds and the sea, begging for mercy, the complex face.

This is the deputy head of the public servant group, the famous Yungongzi in the Demon Academy, but now he is begging for a new life.

If this is done by the students in the Demon Hunting Academy, it will definitely cause a huge sensation.

"The flaws are coming out!"

Wang Xian looked at the clouds and the sea otters on the ground, a smile on his face, and the lightning in his hand moved.

A thorn is drilled directly from the ground and instantly penetrates the body of the sea.

As for where to get in, this is not a good description.

Chrysanthemum remains.


Clouds and sea owls have big eyes, and their eyes are full of despair and unwillingness.

A group of girls around the Amethyst hiring group, and a group of young people in the battle group near the sea, showed a trace of fear.

He actually killed the clouds and the sea.

This is the most outstanding disciple of the East China Sea City Yunjia, the deputy head of the public employment group!

If this is known to the Yun family, can you let him go?


Wang Xian took a heavy breath and turned to look at the crowd of people in the war.

The leader of the war maritime corps and a group of young people saw him look over and trembled.

"Wang... Wang, Wang Gongzi, we... we were forced, I beg you...."


His words have not been finished yet, and all the swords of the sword suddenly appeared. When they saw Wang Xian, they quickly flew over here.

When they arrived, they interrupted the words of the war hiring group. There were outsiders, and they all called Wang Xian as the head.

Wang Xian looked at the sword and felt the crowds around them, with a smile on his face.

"Kill them!"

He pointed to a group of people in the maritime hiring group and said plainly.

"It is the head!"

Yan Jian all nodded, and the body shape did not stop at all, and went directly to the war-based hiring group.

"Head of the king..."

The people in the war maritime corps were maddened by their faces, and their faces were embarrassed and shouted at Wang Xian, and they quickly resisted their attacks.

However, their strength is the most extraordinary fifth-order, and some of them are super-fourth-order, which is not the opponent of the sword.

Soon, the screams of all the people in the war maritime corps came.

Wang Xian did not pay attention to their group of people. If they wanted to kill themselves, they must have the consciousness of being killed.

Even if they are students of the Devil's College.

Wang Xian looked at a group of people in the Amethyst hiring group and then sat on the ground to continue to recover his injuries.

A group of girls from the Amethyst hiring group saw the body on the ground, and the body was a little cold.

The public employment group has a total of 20 people, and the war-based employment group has more than a dozen people.

They are all elite students of the Demon Hunting Academy, but now they are killed by the new student.

A group of girls looked at each other and their eyes were full of complex colors.

If they were against him at the beginning, would they be the same as the public employment group and the war-based hiring group?

But now, no matter what, he is their savior.

"Several gentlemen, the troubled king leader told him after he woke up, today's grace, we will repay!"

“The Yun family is a famous big family in Donghai City. The people of the Demon Academy know that Yunhai has come to Leidao to kill the head of the king. So, let him be careful, let’s leave!”

A group of girls stood there hesitating for a while, and the deputy head of Xiao said to the sword standing around Wang Xian.

"it is good!"

Yan Jian nodded to her.

The deputy head of Xiao waved his hand to the girls around him, and he sat there not far away to recuperate.

"This injury is really heavy!"

After a dozen hours, Wang Xian woke up and looked at the wound that had recovered, and his face smiled.

Lightning strike wood: the first step of the hole

The wooden property is a virtual item with a ray attribute, which contains a powerful life.

"The treasure of the hole level, the wood attribute, can continue to grow and evolve on the ancestral tree, but it is a good choice to use it as a weapon of its own!"

Wang Xian looked at the lightning striker and slowly stood up.

For more than ten hours, the strong resilience and the vitality of the lightning strikes, the wounds of Wang Xian have been restored.

"The demon, the thunder fish on the mountain are killed?"

(End of this chapter)

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