Invincible Evocation

Chapter 616: Giant spirit

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Blood sacrifice.

This is an extremely powerful and mysterious ritual in orc legends.

The purpose of this ritual is to create a super spirit body with extremely powerful power. Once this kind of spirit is successfully summoned, it will have a strength far beyond the same level, and even have the power to chase the ancestor-level powerhouse.

However, the blood sacrifice is not so easy to achieve. First, during the blood sacrifice, there must be a large number of shamans working together, and a large number of orc powerhouses willingly incarnate blood rain to provide the necessary nourishment and power for the blood sacrifice spirit body.

Second, in addition to sacrificing a large number of orc elites, the blood sacrifice also needs a super spirit beast with strong power and will as the main body. This subject spirit beast is the most difficult to find.

First of all, it must be an orc shaman, and its cultivation base must at least reach the grandmaster level, and it must also be the pinnacle of the grandmaster, just one step away from the ancestor level.

This is because at the beginning of the blood sacrifice, powerful energy must be condensed. To control and manipulate this force, the strength and will required are all very important. And once the power of the blood sacrifice disappears, this powerful existence will also become nothingness. A few spirit beasts that have reached the realm of the pinnacle grandmaster can willingly become the subjects of blood sacrifices that are destined to sacrifice.

In the beast tide of the past, not every time there will be a blood sacrifice.

This is because the main spirit beast of the blood sacrifice is too difficult to search. Moreover, even if such a peak master shaman is found and willing to become the main body of the blood sacrifice, it may not be able to digest and accept countless beasts smoothly. The strength of the tribe shaman.

Perhaps, at the moment they accept this power, they will directly collapse because they cannot control this power.

Several times before, the orcs have launched blood sacrifices, but it often happens that at the last moment of the blood sacrifice, the blood sacrifice fails due to the lack of the power or will of the main spirit beast, and all the orc shamans are backlashed.

This is a double-edged sword. The winners are invincible, and the losers suffer heavy casualties.

At this moment, the people on the top of the city naturally saw what the orcs were doing, and they all thought of the terrible blood sacrifice to the spirit beast at the same moment. Once this creature is successfully summoned, it will become almost invincible at the level of the master.

Almost all eyes were on the goat wrapped in the ball. The spirit beasts trembled with excitement. They clearly sensed the horror released from the goat and excited them. breath. However, the human powerhouses looked solemn and held their breath one by one.

Ao Li murmured: "Damn it, this group of orcs is really crazy. How could they perform blood sacrifices so quickly? Don't you be afraid that if they fail, these orc shamans will suffer the most terrible Backlash?"

In the rumors of the beast tide in the past, although there is no lack of blood sacrifices, generally speaking, it is the result of the orcs' desperate betting after the two sides have invested the most powerful combat power in the late stage of the battle.

But now, although the beast wave lasted for nearly a month, for the overall time, it was just beginning.

Orcs, not to mention the heavy casualties, and their successors are weak, they can't even be called the loss of muscles and bones. But at this moment, they desperately released the power of blood sacrifice.

Jiang Haiyan's face was green, and she bitterly said: "It was my mistake. I know that this time the beast tide is different, but I still haven't mobilized the strong human race as soon as possible." She clenched the scepter in her hand and said. : "If so... if the blood sacrifice spirit body is really successful later, leave it to me."

Everyone's expressions changed slightly, and the old man Quexing Xing said sharply, "Master Sister, never do it."

Jiang Haiyan waved his hand and said, "As long as you can hold the Liberty City and don't shame your master, then there is nothing to be done." She paused, and said, "If I go, Quenching will command for me."

Liberty City has all clenched fists, staring at the ball under the city wall, cursing heartily.

However, this huge sphere has not been affected by countless human curses at all, and it is slowly changing. Masses of weird meat filled the ball, and they slowly expanded and spread, protruding from different places of the ball, forming a weird pattern.

After a while, these wriggling meatballs finally stopped, and white light appeared faintly.

At this moment, everyone finally understood.

This meatball has changed. It has become a huge, terrifying, huge creature that is hundreds of times larger than the old goat. If it were reduced a hundred times, then it would be an old goat.

With the old goat’s appearance, there shouldn’t be any danger. However, once the size of this creature suddenly expanded a hundredfold, it became extremely terrifying.

Not to mention an old goat spirit beast, even a rodent spirit beast whose body is hundreds of times larger, has transformed into an extremely terrifying creature.


The giant old goat raised his head and let out an earth-shaking roar. Although this voice seemed to sound like a sheep calling. But the loudness, the breadth, and the loudness of that voice is unbelievable.

Suddenly, the orcs whose morale was already low uttered thunderous roars of joy, and they turned around again and rushed towards Liberty City.

Qiu Sheng's face changed drastically, and he roared wildly: "Attention to the soul, the meteor fire rain."

Although this combined spell is not the most powerful in the innate level, it is one of the most practical spells. It is also the most frequently used large combined spell under the command of Qiu Sheng.

The spirits behind him put away their horrified eyes and raised the spirit rod in their hands. Under Qiu Sheng's integration, the energy of the fire system quickly condensed in the sky.

Generally at this time, the orc shamans will start to summon the orc spirit body and impact the spell, so that they cannot cause too much damage to the spirit beast that begins to charge. However, this time, perhaps because it was too exhausting to perform the blood sacrifice, the orc shamans just panted violently, but didn't even want to do it.

Qiu Sheng raised his eyebrows lightly, and he was overjoyed. Without the interception of the orc shamans, this meteor fire rain could at least burn 30% of the spirit beasts and interrupt their imposing attacks.

However, this pity thought just flashed, he saw it.

The huge goat lowered its head, and a huge thunder light suddenly appeared on its two sharp horns. This light was released, and it instantly reached the space area covered by the meteor shower.

"Not good." Qiu Sheng roared, his eyes faintly showing a hint of fear.


There was lightning thunder in the sky, and before the fireball of the meteor shower took shape, it was completely crushed by the countless thunder rays, without even a single trace.

Earlier, when Qiu Sheng used a large-scale spell, the orc shaman summoned together. Although it was able to break the spell nine out of ten, there would still be some remnants, causing a certain degree of blow to the orcs on the ground. But at this moment, the giant goat spirit body just hit it casually, but it completely broke the spell, and the two were judged to compete.

The blood sacrifice spirit body is so powerful.

The giant goat looked in front of him. It opened its huge legs and feet, and rumbling up, and at the same time, the double horns on its head were dazzled by electric light, and it was split by two lightning bolts, striking humans for the first time Above the city.

Suddenly, two huge beams of light exploded on the city, and the human warriors stationed in that area screamed terribly, their bodies trembled in the electric light, and the whole person quickly turned black. After a short breath, when the electric light disappeared, dozens of warriors had already collapsed to the ground, and even one of them was a human warrior of innate level who could not escape the disaster.

The milky white light released by Rong Kaixuan quickly enveloped the past, but these people were already dead and could no longer die, and the Bright Healing System was simply powerless.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Every step the giant goat takes, it is like stepping on the human heart, and everyone's heart is filled with desperate emotions from the unfree master.

How can such a powerful thing be resisted?

Jiang Haiyan took a breath, and finally a trace of fright flashed in his eyes.

Blood offerings to spirit beasts does not just refer to orc blood offerings, but to humans, it is also the same blood offerings.

To stop its raging destruction, countless lives must be used to fill it, and such a person must also be a master-level powerhouse.

She sighed and stepped out, a strong light flashed from the spirit staff in her hand.

Jiang Haiyan had a word in her mouth, and the white light on her body became stronger and stronger. Not only that, this white light spread downward at the same time. Gradually, the entire Liberty City seemed to be stimulated by some kind of force and had a huge resonance.


An incomparable, indescribable colorful brilliance suddenly skyrocketed from below Liberty City. This was a huge and incomparable light shield. The moment it appeared, it immediately enveloped the entire Liberty City.

This is Liberty City's most powerful guarding force, a force that can only be stimulated at the most critical moment in the animal tide. However, at the time when the tide of beasts has just begun, Liberty City is actually about to open this biggest hole card.

Countless spirit beasts came to Freedom City, but this time, they could no longer climb the city. Their bodies are blocked by this colorful light shield. They constantly use their breath and body to strike, but they are like worms shaking trees, unable to cause the slightest damage to the city wall.

But when the giant goat came under the city wall and began to bombard with its huge double horns, everyone's complexion changed.


The moment the monster's body hit, the colorful mask made a huge rumbling sound, and there were heart-palpitating fluctuations.

The blood sacrifice to the spirit beast, with only one's own power, has already shaken the mountain guard of Liberty City.

"Ha, nice little thing, let me play with you."

Suddenly, a tepid voice rang from Liberty City and reached everyone's ears.

ps: Baihe went shopping for a day with his classmates today, and just came back to finish a chapter.

I will go back tomorrow, there is only one watch today.

Last month and this month, a total of 15 chapters are owed, and Baihe will make up all of them when he returns.

Sorry, Khan...

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