Invincible Evocation

Chapter 625: Xiantian Fulu

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This is a small box with a square shape. The box is made of gold and iron, not to mention that it is difficult to see through with the naked eye, and even the sense of everyone is completely closed. However, the moment Rong Kaixuan took out the box, his eyes and aura suddenly changed.

In the past, in order to combine the two spirit treasures into one and release a more powerful force, although Rong Kaixuan took advantage of Xiao Hei’s spiritual power, he also tried his best without any reservations. Only then did he attack the blood sacrifice spirit goat. kill. After this battle, his spirit suddenly fell into a low ebb, and it was no longer possible for him to perform astonishingly. However, just as he held the box in his hand, the aura that had once been stunned came back again.

Yuan Chengpeng's eyes lit up, and he immediately shouted: "Triumphant, bright healing spell..."

The rest of the masters were also fierce, looking at Rong Kaixuan with eager eyes. They all sensed the change in the momentum of this young strong man, and they couldn't help but feel hopeful. Perhaps he used a certain secret method that could temporarily stimulate his potential, and it may not be known to release a powerful spell.

Under these circumstances, only Rong Kaixuan's large-scale light healing spells can restore the decline in one fell swoop and wipe out all the invading birds and spirit beasts. As long as these winged creatures are missing from the spirit beasts, and there is no threat of the blood sacrifice spirit body, they will have great confidence in dealing with this beast wave.

However, in the eyes of everyone eagerly expecting, Rong Kaixuan raised his hand. However, no power was released in his hands. He just threw the box in his hand into the distance.

The box was rolling in mid-air, and the lock snapped automatically with a click. A huge bird waved its wings and immediately caught up with the box. It stretched out its sharp minions and grabbed the box fiercely.

"Boom." Under the pressure of the huge force, the box suddenly burst, and countless pieces of metal iron turned into rain and swayed away. However, this attack is nothing for a spirit beast that has reached the innate level. It didn't even evade, so it moved forward against the iron piece.

Yuan Chengpeng and others shouted loudly, but they immediately saw what was swaying out of the box.

Pieces of Fulu fell from the broken box. They were spinning around in mid-air, and they were about to fall on the top of the city.

Rong Kaixuan's eyes condensed, and he shouted sharply: "Broken..."

With his violent drink, those talismans suddenly seemed to have received instructions, and they all burst with a crash.

Afterwards, one by one spirit bodies condensed from the talisman. They were already in mid-air by high-fiving each other, rushing towards the innate-level bird.

The bird glanced down disdainfully, it didn't even put these Talisman Warriors in its eyes. Human talisman, most of them are scholar-level and teacher-level, there can be two or three innate talisman in this box of talisman, and the rest are definitely below innate. For a spirit beast with wings like it, two or three innate spirit bodies could not threaten it at all.

However, at the next moment, it was a little dazed.

One, two, three... seven or eight.

These Talisman warriors rushed towards the innate bird in the sky as soon as they showed their bodies.

Innate-level fighters and division-level fighters have completely different combat effectiveness, which can be seen from their jumping height. Therefore, once this inborn bird sensed their jumping height, it immediately knew that these guys were all innate.

Are all congenital?

The bird and spirit beast is waving its wings vigorously, and it can fight against one or even two innates without fear. But when facing so many humans of the same rank, unless it is crazy or desperate to die, who dares to resist.

However, just as it tried its best to use the last turning technique to avoid the innate attack of human beings, there was a sudden sharp pain on its wings. It turned its head and saw that at some point, a huge **** steel spear had been added to its wing. Its combat experience is also extremely rich. When I saw this steel spear, I immediately understood that it was not a real steel spear, but a terrifying spell condensed by a powerful human spirit.

In an instant, severe pain spread all over the body, and it screamed, still not daring to go down to the fight, but flew high, wanting to escape from here. But at this moment, the air around it suddenly became extremely hot. "Huh..." A red flame rose without wind, enveloping its entire body.

The bird and spirit beast was shocked. If it could speak human language, it would definitely yell at it. Why are so many human masters coming to it as if they had made an appointment in advance.


A few more ice arrows pierced into the flames, leaving the deepest marks on its body.

The bird and spirit beast called out loudly, but it was of no use. After being bombarded by the spell, its body was already injured and fell from the sky. But at this moment, the innate-level spirits who had been waiting below swarmed up, instantly bashing this unlucky innate-level flying beast into powder.

Yuan Chengpeng and other master-level human powerhouses all smiled bitterly. They watched the battle from the sidelines and naturally saw clearly. It turned out that in the box thrown by Rong Kaixuan, there were dozens of spiritual talisman.

The rank strength of these spirit talisman was far beyond their expectations.

Because these are actually innate-level spirit talisman, once they are condensed and formed, they are immediately innate-level strong.

The bird was triumphant at first, thinking it had ruined Rong Kaixuan's treasure. But it didn't expect that it was facing many innate spirit bodies, and the strength of these spirit bodies was extremely powerful, although one might not be as good as the flying beast. But a combined blow was enough to kill it instantly.

Among the dozens of spiritual talisman in the box, most of them are innate-level spiritual warriors, and the remaining ten are actually innate spiritual curses of various lines.

An innate spirit body fighter is a very powerful master, and with such a large number of innates gathered together, even if it is a master-level expert, they have to weigh it.

It can be said that Rong Kaixuan, in order to defend Free City, throws so many spirit talisman all at once, absolutely doing his best. However, at this moment, the fighting in Freedom City has spread. Although the combat effectiveness of these dozens of innate spirit bodies is extraordinary, how can they be compared with their masters. Even people like them are helpless, so what can these innate spirit bodies do?

Rong Kaixuan waved his hand gently, these spirit bodies suddenly gathered together and rushed in one direction. The battle sequence consisting of a team of pure innate powerhouses is terrible, and when they begin to charge, they are absolutely invincible. Any bird that fights with humans will be torn apart by them, even if it is a master-level bird that encounters it, it will frown and retreat.

Grandmaster-level spirit beasts are also smart, they know that it is impossible to kill these innate spirit bodies all at once. And once they are entangled by them before they are killed, coupled with the reinforcement of human master-level powerhouses, they will even be in danger of falling. Therefore, when these innate-level spirit bodies began to sweep, there was no enemy of one unit.

However, Yuan Chengpeng and others sighed secretly in their hearts.

Although these spirit bodies are powerful, they are unfortunately too few in number. Once released and integrated into the entire battlefield, it will be a drop in the bucket, and there will be no more waves.

However, they immediately noticed that Rong Kaixuan's wrist turned and he took out a box again.

When he saw this box, even characters like Old Star Quenching were stunned involuntarily. Could it be that what is contained in this box is also a powerful innate spirit body?

Sure enough, when Rong Kaixuan threw the box into the distance and exploded in mid-air, a piece of spiritual talisman once again fell. These talisman "pop" sounded, all torn apart out of thin air, and powerful spirit bodies appeared on the battlefield like this.

Following Rong Kaixuan's instructions, these dozens of innate spirit warriors and more than a dozen spirit cursers moved in another direction.

Rong Kaixuan still seemed unwilling to give up, and his wrists changed again.

This time, the many master-level human experts who stared at him already had a deep feeling that could not be described in words.

Because in the hands of Rong Kaixuan, the same box appeared again. If there is any difference, it is that the number of boxes has increased. Rong Kaixuan throws one hand to both sides.

"Flap, pop..."

As the box burst, more innate spirit bodies appeared in front of everyone. They seemed to know that the situation was critical. Once it appeared, they immediately attacked the birds in the sky.

For a while, the sky over Liberty City was gradually flooded with various spells.

There may be nothing for an innate soul, two, ten, or hundreds of them, and they can't play any tricks.

However, when this number reaches thousands, or even tens of thousands, then the power they possess is enough to overwhelm the ocean.

Rong Kaixuan kept his hands constantly, and as his movements became adept, he got faster and faster.

The old man of Quenching Star had long stopped fighting, and they, the master-level powerhouses, surrounded any spirit beasts with Rong Kaixuan and dared to approach them, and they all joined forces to kill them instantly. However, their gazes towards Rong Kaixuan were filled with a hint of horror.

In the entire city, the shouts of killing gradually disappeared. But this was not because of the massive casualties of the human warriors, but because almost all the battles were taken over by the spirit warriors who suddenly emerged.

The fighting spirits in Liberty City seem to be more than the number of combatants in humans.

Looking at the still mechanical release of the spirit talisman, as if endless small boxes were thrown out one by one by Rong Kaixuan, a very strange thought arose in the hearts of these master-level experts.

Fortunately, this kid belongs to our human race...

ps: It's the third one, 14 chapters short^_^

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