Invincible Evocation

Chapter 639: Assassination (thanks to the leader of Glory Ming)

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"Boom boom boom..."

There was a thunderous roar from time to time in the sky.

Far away, the battle between the unknown ancestor and the Buddha statue had reached a fever pitch. The nameless ancestor wanted to end the battle as soon as possible and return to Liberty City, so he had no reservations about his shots. Under his drive, several spirit treasures showed an incomparable fighting power.

However, his opponent, the Buddha, should not be underestimated. The ancestor of the orc swayed slightly, and his huge body shuttled in the clouds.

The glory of Lingbao is blooming here. At this time, their two ancestors have already fought out their anger. In the fierce battle, they no longer have the original restraint and elegance. The nameless ancestor was out of breath long ago, his hair and beard were messed up, and the body of the Buddha was dripping with blood, missing a few big holes.

The clouds in the sky were broken up many times by them, and the spiritual power of the surrounding heaven and earth was extremely chaotic.

This is also the reason why they stay away from Liberty City to fight, because when the powerhouses of their level are fighting, they do too much damage to the surrounding environment.

If the master-level powerhouse is the pinnacle of the human body, then once promoted to the ancestor, the power that can be released is already reborn, beyond the ordinary.

If such a force appeared over Liberty City, it would be a huge disaster for ordinary people of the two races.

The nameless ancestor's eyes were completely red, and he was anxious. After sensing the presence of Butterfly Shadow, he knew that Liberty City was at stake. However, with the restraint of the Buddha, it was still unable to leave the battle group. At this time, he certainly understood that all of this was caused by the two ancestor-level spirit beasts, and they naturally had mixed resentment towards them.

With a long whistle, his hands were slightly raised, and there was a dazzling oval-shaped spirit treasure in his hand. The momentum released by this spirit treasure was almost as terrifying as the essence.

However, the Buddha did not retreat in the slightest, and its physical body was not inferior to Lingbao. When he grinned, his body was even more violent.

However, just as the two sides were about to have the most intense collision, they were shocked by coincidence.

An unbelievable breath that made them all suffocated suddenly passed over.

Afterwards, they felt that the spiritual power of the surrounding heaven and earth had undergone a change far beyond their imagination. The infinite spiritual power of heaven and earth rushed towards a place in an instant, this speed is simply indescribable.

In just a moment, the spiritual power of the heavens and the earth around them has become so thin that it is unacceptable. This huge power that flooded the entire world seems to have disappeared without a trace.


The unknown ancestor controlled the boat-shaped Lingbao under his feet and landed on the ground, and the Buddha also stumbled down. They stared at the direction of Liberty City dumbfounded, with a ghostly expression on their faces.

Although they are ancestor-level powerhouses, they have spiritual treasure guards on their bodies. However, the spiritual power contained in the Lingbao also has a limit. If it cannot be supplemented by the spiritual power of the outside world, it will become a pile of scrap iron.

Therefore, after sensing the changes in the spiritual power of heaven and earth, even the nameless ancestor did not dare to continue flying.

"This, what's going on..." The Unknown Ancestor asked in horror.

He absolutely didn't believe that just one butterfly shadow could make such a big battle.

Although Dieying is also an ancestor-level powerhouse, possessing strength no less than his, but it is impossible to say that it can change the spiritual power of heaven and earth in this way.

"Huh, what's that?" The nameless ancestor's eyes shone slightly, and he looked into the distance. In the void there, there was a thick black cloud that crossed the sky and the earth like a chain. When looking at the black clouds, for some reason, an unimaginable trace of fear appeared in the heart of the unknown ancestor.

He had never felt this way before, even when he saw that adult, he had never been so afraid. However, what he felt at this moment was a deep fear, an instinctive feeling that seemed to be etched in his bones.

And the Buddha beside him had long been lying on the ground, its body was trembling, and even its brain was blank.

Dead, I'm going to die.

It is just a branch of the blood of the Sky Python, but it dares to plot the beast. What a disrespectful profanity. Nowadays, the sacred beast is present, as long as its heart is moved, it can burst and die.

For them, the blood of the beasts is a treasure that is hard to find. Because of its blood heritage, it can stand out among countless spirit beasts and be promoted to the ancestor. However, once the branch bloodline encounters the real sacred beast, they don't have much power to resist.

This is the power of lineage inheritance.

It was too regretful in its heart. It had long known that Xiao Hei had the potential to stimulate in advance and turned into an adult beast. It was too late to cried and hugged its thighs, and it dared to have the slightest idea of ​​blasphemy and disobedience.

Although the nameless ancestor didn't know what it was, the huge pressure spreading at the moment was not so easy to bear.

He does not have the blood of a sacred animal in his body, so he will not be unable to move in fear like the Buddha, but under this coercion, he is also nervous and does not dare to relax at all. Although he also discovered the strangeness of the Buddha, under the pressure of this unknown fear, he would not trouble the Buddha at this moment.

In case that horrible existence is hostile to them, maybe the Buddha can block them.

"Boom, boom..."

Two powerful and unbelievable thought fluctuations passed far away. By the time they were in front of them, this force was already minimal. However, they still feel extremely dizzy.

"The spiritual power of heaven and earth... has been sucked away by this thing." The nameless ancestor said with a slight condensed expression: "What kind of existence is this? Is it a beast?"

Although he had never seen a divine beast before, he understood the horror of this creature. However, he couldn't figure out how could the beast come to this world.

After a while, the black that made them extremely frightened gradually rose, and slowly flew into the depths of the clouds, where they were never seen again. At this moment, the two of them woke up from the extreme shock.

The Buddha looked at his body. After a long time, it burst into laughter, and there was a strong feeling of rebirth in that laughter.

Alive, I'm still alive.

The Buddha's laughter suddenly stopped, and it immediately twisted its body and fled towards the distance without looking back. Although it didn't understand why Tongtian Floating Python had to let it go easily, since it had taken a life, it naturally didn't want to die in vain.

What should I do if Tongtian Floating Python comes back temporarily, so once it understands it, it will immediately escape.

In fact, if Xiao Hei had gradually evolved into a floating python, he would naturally not leave in a hurry. At least he would have to find and eat the venomous floating python.

But at the moment it succeeded in incarnation, although it possessed the power of a divine beast, it was seriously injured at the same time. Moreover, this world's repulsive force against it is also getting stronger and stronger. If it continues to stay here, I am afraid that this newly grown body will break apart.

Therefore, although it was unwilling to accept it, it could only leave in a hurry.

Naturally, the Buddha did not know the inside story, but how far he fleeed.

The unknown ancestor looked at the Buddha statue away, a wry smile appeared on his face. This old guy can escape, but he can't. I really don't know how Liberty City will look like after such a monster appears.

When he shook his figure, he drove the boat-shaped Lingbao into the sky. However, in just a moment, he landed, put away the Lingbao, took a big stride, and flew towards Liberty City.

Now that the spiritual power of heaven and earth has not recovered, he dare not fly hastily. If the spiritual power in the Lingbao is exhausted, and the situation is not replenished, then the end will be very miserable.

At this moment, above Liberty City, it was even more shrouded in a strange atmosphere.

The human masters and warriors stared at each other with big eyes. They looked into the distance, even if they were idiots, they knew that this time the tide of beasts was over.

Gradually, everyone's eyes moved down and fell on the orcs still hovering above the city. In battle, those who can ascend the city are the true elites of the orcs. Including giant lions and golden macaques, they are extremely powerful. However, having lost the beast tide as their back-up, they suddenly became a lone army and went deep, let alone attacking Liberty City, even if they wanted to get out of here, it was not an easy task.

Suddenly, the giant lion roared, and many spirit beasts attacked one after another, and they fled towards the city in panic.

The human powerhouses rushed forward, and in the chaos, most of the spirit beasts escaped except for dozens of spirit beasts that were killed by random knives.

Because at this moment, all human cultivators, including Jiang Haiyan, are involuntarily in love with each other, and the reason for blocking them is just a subconscious behavior. After experiencing the Xiaohei mutation and the bloodbath of the beasts, no one has the mind to fight anymore.

Rong Kaixuan looked down and shook his head wearily. It was incredible that the animal tide ended in this way.

Turning his head and looking behind him, his face suddenly changed.

Xiao Hei seems to have said that what Jiangshan canonized?

He suddenly raised his head, his body trembling with excessive fear.

Jiangshan canonized a finger? how can that be.

Xiaoxiao has a heart disease, and Jiangshan canonized Yizhi must have the power of the soul to be able to release. How can she inspire the power of this finger.

However, without the power of this finger, how could Xiao Hei incarnate into a floating python.

He turned his head and immediately saw the familiar figure lying in Jiang Haiyan's arms.

How sharp his eyes were, he immediately judged that Wang Xiaoxiao had passed out in a coma at this time. His eyes were completely red, and he screamed: "Xiaoxiao..."

He stepped out, dragging his tired and dying body, and ran towards Jiang Haiyan.

However, at this moment, his eyes suddenly showed two more brilliance.

The two daos were hidden in the dark, and the forces that had been poised to take off suddenly soared, turned into infinite killing intent, and rushed towards him like lightning and thunder.

ps: Thank you, the leader of Glory Ming, for your great popularity, thank you, and add more for you^_^

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