Invincible Evocation

Chapter 831: Peace of mind

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The battlefield suddenly quieted down. The ancestor of the Yu family in Donghua County suddenly stood up. His eyes were filled with incredible color, and his mouth was murmured. It turned out to be repeating like Wan Tianjing. One sentence.

"Ancestor of Guangming, Ancestor of Guangming..."

At this point, neither he nor Wantian Kyoto understood one thing. The reason why Rong Kaixuan allowed the black bear to stay here was not an impulsive behavior, but because of his strong confidence in it.

Even among the powerhouses of the ancestor level, the ancestor of Guangming is one of the top existences. Their strength is so powerful that they can be called undead monsters. Especially when spirit beasts with powerful physical powers like the black bear gourd cooperate with the power of light, they are simply invincible.

The black bear looked up to the sky and screamed, but this time, there was no frustration in its screaming, instead, it was full of ridicule and excitement.

Wan Tianjing stroked his chest with one hand and exclaimed angrily: "Despicable, you hide your head and tail like this, how can you be the whereabouts of the ancestor of Guangming."

The black bear was dumbfounded. It lowered its head and said, "What is the ancestor of Guangming, I don't know. But..." The smile on its face became savage, and said: "How can I play with you? Very interested."

Its figure shook, the flying boat under its feet descended rapidly, and it rushed towards Wantianjing again.

Wan Tianjing was shocked and angry, and hurriedly manipulated the flying boat to escape. At this moment, he could not even think of resistance.

Now that he knew that the other party was an ancestor of light, and he had no ability to kill the other party with one blow. So no matter how miserable he beats the opponent, it is useless.

Therefore, when faced with the attack of the black bear, the only thing he can do is to avoid, constantly avoiding.

After getting out of the black bear's attacks, he suddenly shouted: "Go, leave here."

His voice spread far away, exploding in the void like thunder.

However, what made him feel anger was that there was no response at all from below, or it did not cause any commotion at all.

With a glance down, an indescribable anger suddenly surged into his heart, his eyes went dark, and the injuries he had suffered before seemed to show signs of recurrence at this moment.

The children of the sect and the Wang family who he brought from Zhongli to serve him did not stay outside the city. At some point, they all entered the Donghua County City.

Under the protection of the protective cover, even if they want to come out, they are still very capable.

The black bear dumbfounded, and then laughed: "Idiot, your disciples and grandchildren have been killed a lot by your talented power, so they went to the city to seek refuge. Haha, they would fall into the trap by themselves, it's really laughable. I am."

The rumbling laughter was clearly audible even in the city.

The Wang Tide brothers and sisters looked at each other, and they chose to be silent at the same time.

Although Wan Tianjing was so powerful that the Wang family couldn't provoke him, Rong Kaixuan came back with a bright ancestor.

Such a strong person is also not something they can provoke.

To survive in the cracks, shrinking the head and pinching the tail is the best choice.

As for the innate knights of Zhongli Continent who had traveled across the oceans, they looked at each other one by one. They mustered up their courage and seemed to want to attack the protective shield of the mountain protection formation from the inside out.

However, as soon as they acted, an incredible coercion fell from the sky, and this coercion seemed to exist in substance, locking them firmly. Suddenly, all of them seemed to have been caught in the hold technique, and they didn't dare to move anymore.

Even if they sweat on their foreheads and nose, they dare not wipe it.

The ancestor of the Yu family sneered. Although he could not deal with Wantianjing, there was still no difficulty in controlling these small innate.

Wan Tianjing looked at the black bear foolishly laughing wildly. He suddenly said: "Brother Xiong, the old man with talents is clumsy and does not know your talents. If there is any offense, please forgive me."

The black bear dumbfounded, it blinked suspiciously, and said, "Do you want me to let you go?" It shook its head and said, "No, if I let you go, the master doesn't know. Will you blame me. Hmph, if you are willing to stay here and wait for the master to come back and send it off, I can stop hitting you."

The muscles on Wan Tianjing's face twitched slightly, and he didn't know what he was feeling.

Bright ancestor, this is the legendary ancestor of Guangming.

Such an ancestor-level powerhouse will spare no effort to win over even if it is seen by a powerhouse of Dengtian Fengshen.

Above Zhongli Continent, the ancestor of Guangming has a very special and sacred status. In addition to the legendary prophet who can spy on the future, even the ancestor of the spirit gathering can only Keep pace with it.

Such an existence would willingly call a master to be the master...

Wan Tianjing even wondered if anyone would believe it if he spread the matter on Zhongli's mainland.

Taking a deep breath, Wan Tianjing said solemnly, "Brother Xiong, with your strength, why should you recognize a master as your master?" He looked sincere and said, "The old man is the ancestor of the Beast King of Zhongli Mainland, and so is The sect on the mainland who is best at dealing with spirit beasts. If you are willing to leave Rong Kaixuan and join the Beast King Sect, I promise..."

"Shut up." The black bear yelled violently and interrupted Wan Tianjing's words rudely. Then, it looked around openly, and when it turned its head, its face was already terrifying: "You old fellow, you dare to hurt me, it's really uneasy and kind."

After all, its figure swayed, and the originally static figure became impulsive again. Moreover, at this moment, several auras appeared on its body, and these auras swirled around its body, like a giant beast covered with colorful light, rushing forward with great momentum.

Wantian Jing was dumbfounded, even if he wanted to get rid of his scalp, he didn't understand where he had offended this terrible ancestor of light.

I kindly persuaded it to break away from Rong Kaixuan's control and regain freedom. And invited it to join the Beast King Sect, with its strong light talent, it will surely be able to mix in the martial arts. At that time, even if it was one or two people, there was no big problem with the super existence of thousands of people.

However, before he completely released his goodwill, the black bear rushed towards him with a bitter expression on his face. Moreover, this time it still has several powerful light spells on its body to increase strength, speed and endurance.

At the moment when he saw these auras, Wan Tianjing's heart was completely cold.

He had a sudden feeling that, let alone defeating the enemy, even if he wanted to escape, he would have to be strong.

However, he can't stand alone anyway. While his body was shaking, he finally gave up his attendants and the Wang family, controlled the boat-shaped Lingbao, and fled into the distance without looking back.

It is naturally impossible for the black bear to give up. It tries its best to control the Lingbao, and follows closely like a maggot attached to a bone.

Seeing the two Changhong leaves here like lightning, everyone below looked at each other with different thoughts. Especially the Wang family and Wan Tianjing's attendants have mixed feelings.

They came with great momentum, and the ancestors of Wantianjing shot the audience even more, and even the ancestors of the Yu family only dared to hide in the city to urge the formation, and did not dare to fight.

But in a blink of an eye, the form has undergone an earth-shaking change. The ancestor of Wantianjing was defeated by a beast pet of Rong Kaixuan and abandoned everything and hurried away.

All the members of the Wang family, apart from the attitude of spurning and worrying Rong Triumph in their hearts, there is not much panic. However, all the attendants who have been following Wan Tianjing for many years are pale and trance.

In their minds, Wan Tianjing's tall and mighty image suddenly collapsed. At this moment, they are like people who have lost their faith and life goals, becoming nervous.


Suddenly, a cheering sound erupted from the city, and this sound seemed to have contagious power, instantly flooding the entire city.

This is not the voice of a strong man, but the cheering voice of thousands of ordinary people.

After Donghua County was handed over to the Rong family, it was a disaster. In just a few months, two powerful ancestors came to visit. Moreover, what is even more frightening is that they all came with malice.

Such a character, even if it is encountered by Liberty City, will tremble as if facing a major enemy.

However, the fate of these two ancestor-level powerhouses.

One has become a vassal of the Rong family and sits in Donghua County for the Rong family. The other was repelled by a more powerful spirit beast.

The two powerful ancestors, in front of the Rong family, all returned without success.

Such a record, even if it is the Ningguo imperial family, may not be able to achieve it.

At this point, all ordinary people have at least understood one thing, that is, the Rong family is extremely powerful, and they indeed have the power to guard the city.

The originally impetuous human heart finally settled down after experiencing two great calamities. In the hearts of these residents, the prestige of the Rong family was completely erected.

If Wan Tianjing knew that his arrival would have such an effect, I'm afraid he would vomit blood for three liters with anger.

However, at this moment, Wan Tianjing couldn't care about so much. There was only one thought in his heart, and that was to escape from here as soon as possible.

Under his urging, Feizhou had already exerted its speed to the extreme, leaving a long rainbow light in the sky and disappeared instantly.

However, just as he flew faster and faster, he suddenly realized that there was a difference ahead.

A huge lotus platform will not know when it will float on the road ahead of him. Moreover, the man with his hands standing on the lotus platform turned out to be one of the goals of his trip, Rong Kaixuan!

ps: I went to the Ningbo Writers Association meeting this morning. I slept for a long time in the afternoon and finally got over.

Tomorrow tomorrow, the debt will be paid off. Seven chapters short.

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