Invincible Evocation

Chapter 836: Kick down the city

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In the sky, a rainbow light suddenly passed through the void and flew toward the boundless distance. This rainbow light did not conceal its existence. From the ground, it looked like a huge fire dragon soaring in the sky.

Below, countless cattle, sheep and red deer were frightened, and even the people working in the fields looked at the sky dumbfounded, with a ghostly expression on their faces.

Being able to fly in the sky, even if it is driving Lingbao to fly, generally requires an ancestor-level cultivation. However, the ancestor-level powerhouse is so rare on the Demon Suppression Continent, even the grandmaster-level powerhouse is rare to see it, let alone their level.

In addition, not all ancestor-level powerhouses hope to make such a big move by swaggering the market. Therefore, it is quite rare for ordinary people to see this kind of grand occasion, and it is rare for ordinary people to encounter it once in a lifetime.

On the Xuan Ling Yutai, Rong Kaixuan controlled the airflow in the wind. Under his urging, the speed of this Lingbao became faster and faster. However, both he and Wang Xiaoxiao were anxious.

The ancestor of freedom Jiang Haiyan loved Wang Xiaoxiao very much, and she even taught Wang Xiaoxiao the potential skills. Whether it was the grace of giving art or the feelings like a family member, Wang Xiaoxiao was upset.

In the same way, the old man Quexing Xing and the real person Yu San were also extremely important figures in Rong Kaixuan's life. Without them, God knows whether Rong Kaixuan would have such an achievement as he is now.

That's why Rong Kaixuan was so desperate to urge Lingbao to be released. He wanted to use his actions to announce the status of Freedom City in his mind.

Anyone who wants to move Liberty City will have to consider his existence.

Hurry up, hurry up...

This was the only thought in Rong Kaixuan's mind.

Finally, far ahead, under the clouds, a small black spot appeared at the far end of the horizon could be faintly seen.

Rong Kaixuan's eyes lit up and he gradually slowed down.

Wang Xiaoxiao said solemnly: "Triumph, are we here yet?"

Rong Kaixuan, whose cultivation base was far less than this, naturally couldn't see anything. Moreover, although Xuanling Yutai is guarded by the power of thunder and lightning and the power of lotus leaves, it saves her the pain of wind blowing, but for her not used to it, her sight will still be affected somewhat.

Rong Kaixuan nodded slightly and said, "Yes, we are almost here." There was a faint tremor in his voice, because he was afraid to see what devastated situation in Liberty City.

Wang Xiaoxiao stretched out his hand and shook hands with him. The two looked at each other, and both saw a trace of terror in each other's eyes.

It is because of the unknown that is the most terrifying thing.

Although Xuan Ling Yutai reduced his speed, he still ran much faster than the strong. In a short while, both of them saw the familiar city clearly.

The moment they saw Liberty City, the two of them suddenly let go of their hanging hearts. Because the city looks intact at least on the outside. And from a distance, you can see that the people in the city walk in an orderly manner, without any sense of panic.

This shows that no major changes have occurred in Liberty City.

Wang Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief, she suddenly clenched her small fist, and said fiercely: "It's all about Wantianjing, which makes me worried."

Rong Kaixuan was startled, and asked in surprise, "What?"

Wang Xiaoxiao was still a bit aggrieved, and said: "Triumphant, if it were before, would you worry about the safety of Liberty City?"

Rong Kaixuan thought about it seriously, and said, "No."

Liberty City has been standing on the mainland for five hundred years. During this period, I don't know how many crises it has gone through. It has also endured several beast attacks, but it has always stood firm.

Although the unknown ancestor passed away, not many people knew about it. Instead, Jiang Haiyan's promotion to the ancestor spread to the world.

How many people dare to provoke such a city on the Continent of Demons.

In normal times, Rong Kaixuan and Wang Xiaoxiao would not be so worried. However, Wantianjing came from far away from Zhenmo Continent, and the attack on Donghua County City was vivid. Since Donghua County City can meet a pinnacle ancestor, then Liberty City.

It is for this reason that Rong Kaixuan and Wang Xiaoxiao came here day and night.

However, after seeing Liberty City intact, they knew that they were really worried.

"Here, Master Rong is here."

The Xuanyu Lingtai had already landed to a certain height, and the people below would naturally recognize the origin of this thing. After the beast tide, Rong Kaixuan's reputation in Liberty City is almost no less than that of the ancestors of freedom.

Therefore, upon seeing the light released by Xuan Yu Lingtai, there was a sensation underneath.

Rong Kaixuan controlled Xuan Ling Yutai to land on the top of the city, and all the city guards saluted them one after another. As soon as Rong Kaixuan's eyes turned, he recognized that many of these people were those who had received the light of healing from himself and Wang Xiaoxiao.

After the beast tide, many people joined the city guard, which was indeed unexpected.

Rong Kaixuan nodded slightly, and said in a deep voice, "Don't come here without problems." He paused, and then said: "Everyone, what happened to Liberty City recently?"

The city guards looked at each other, and one of them said loudly: "Master Rong, everything is safe in the city, the orcs have no guts to come to us for trouble."

"Yeah yeah……"

Everyone was talking one after another, looking at Rong Kaixuan's eyes with incomparable admiration.

They had all experienced this battle of the beast tide, and naturally understood who was the biggest hero in this battle.

At this point, Rong Kaixuan was completely relaxed, but he was also dissatisfied with the ancestor of freedom.

Since nothing happened in Liberty City, why did she call herself in such a hurry.

"Kaixuan, are you angry?" Wang Xiaoxiao asked in a low voice suddenly.

Rong Kaixuan was startled, and his heart was suddenly startled. I don't know when, my mentality has changed so much.

Jiang Haiyan summoned himself as an ancestor-level powerhouse, which is nothing to blame. But I thought she was making a fuss.

You know, what an honor it is to be summoned by an ancestor-level powerhouse, let alone Rong Kaixuan and Wang Xiaoxiao, even the top veteran masters would be very much desired.

With a wry smile, Rong Kaixuan gradually calmed his mind. He shook his head and said, "Xiaoxiao, I'm fine."

Regardless of his future cultivation level, the Star Quenching Old Man and others are always his elders and guides. In front of them, he is still a younger generation, and he cannot become arrogant and domineering because of his strong strength.

The two of them shook hands with each other, their eyes met, and their hearts were peaceful.


As the figure flickered, the old man Quexing Xing and the real person Yu San came to the top of the city almost side by side.


However, before the two of them approached, the black bear behind Rong Kaixuan was a roar with cross-brows and vertical eyes.

It was an ancestor-level spirit beast. Although this roar did not make every effort, it was definitely not something ordinary people could bear.

In an instant, the whole city became quiet, not to mention those city guards who were fixed in place one by one like a ghost, even the galloping old man and the real person of Xingxing stopped in fright. Footsteps.

There was a look of horror in their eyes.

The ancestor level, this is definitely the power of the ancestor level powerhouse.

However, why did an ancestor-level spirit beast suddenly come to Liberty City? Could it be that the tide of beasts will erupt again?

Rong Kaixuan was startled, he turned around angrily, and sternly shouted: "Duck, you call a fart." He shook his figure and came to the black bear Duck, so he kicked it directly.

Naturally, the idiot did not dare to resist and dodge the slightest, it stood in place like a real idiot.


Rong Kaixuan's feet were heavy, and he kicked the whole body of the black bear and flew into the air. Like a broken kite, the black bear's body drew a beautiful arc in the air, heavy. Fell to the ground.

The old man Quexing Xing and the real person Yu San were dumbfounded, they had not yet recovered from the shock of the scene of Shi Cai.

Another figure abruptly appeared in front of them, it was Jiang Haiyan, the new free ancestor. At this moment, she was holding a spirit stick and looking ahead with a solemn expression, and the expression of an enemy almost made the surrounding air freeze.

Rong Kaixuan was embarrassed in his heart, and never thought that the black bear would cause such trouble.

Fortunately, he didn't leave it in Donghua County City, otherwise God knows what it will mess with its lair.

"Haha, haha." Rong Kaixuan hurriedly hit a few haha, said: "Meet the ancestors, two masters, the disciples want you to die."

He stepped forward, bypassing Jiang Haiyan, and hugged the old man Weixing Xing and the real person.

The two old men were both startled, they instinctively wanted to avoid, but Rong Kaixuan's embrace gave them a partial hug.

A dumbfounded glance at each other, the elderly Que Xing said: "Triumph, your kid is not afraid of other people's jokes, hurry up and let go."

"Hey." Rong Kaixuan replied, nodding his head with a smile, and let go.

The old man of Quenching Star took Rong Kaixuan's arm and smiled and said, "You kid, let me see if you make progress... Hey, ah, you kid, how did you get promoted to Grand Master."

Even with his cultivation, he almost jumped up at this moment.

The gazes of Jiang Haiyan and the real person Xuan San condensed at the same time, even the ancestor-level spirit beast that suddenly appeared was not as popular as Rong Kaixuan at this moment.

Grandmaster, Rong Kaixuan has actually been promoted to Grandmaster.

Rong Kaixuan nodded his head with a smile, and slapped his mouth: "Two masters, this is all you have taught well, so that the disciples can overcome all difficulties and be promoted to master in one fell swoop..."

"Bullshit." The old man Que Xing stared, and said, "The old man has lived for so many years. This is the first time I have heard that the old man has such abilities."

Rong Kaixuan touched his scalp awkwardly, his eyes rolled steadily.

Jiang Haiyan finally couldn't stand it anymore, she said solemnly: "Triumphant, who is that?"

Everyone looked over, and saw that under the city wall, the black bear was squatting down with a frustrated face, and his aggrieved appearance was no different from a little daughter-in-law who had been bullied.

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