Invincible Evocation

Chapter 842: Escape

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The powerful and surging power spread out like the ubiquitous water in the ocean.

At this moment, everyone who sensed this scene was horrified, and the expressions of several ancestor-level powerhouses including Zhan Yuxiang changed drastically.

They all woke up to one thing. It turned out that Rong Kaixuan's great power was not to guard or drive the ship he was on, but to control all the ships in one fell swoop.

However, this approach is too appalling, and it is too overwhelming.

Even the ancestor Yuan Shuqi dare not say to protect all the ships in such violent sea storms. What's more, Rong Kaixuan, a little guy with only a master's cultivation.

Although they have all seen the battle scene between Rong Kaixuan and the ancestor-level powerhouse, the powerful combat effectiveness and the control of sea ships are completely different.

Just like a powerful warrior, let him grow crops or control ships, he may not be better than a farmer or a qualified sailor.

In addition to the necessary strength, experience is the most important thing if you want to control the ship well. At this moment, what Rong Kaixuan did was to use the spiritual power of heaven and earth to control all ships in his hands.

This is nothing when the wind and waves are calm, but when the storm is approaching, it is extremely dangerous.

As long as he has improper control, it will lead to a tragedy of ship destruction and death.

The Kodak ancestor stomped gently, and sighed, "Hey, Rong Kaixuan is young after all, so there is nothing more to do. It seems that it is difficult for us to reach Zhongli mainland smoothly."

Beside him, the ancestor of the Beast King Sect Wan Tianjing carried his hands on his back, and said slowly: "Brother Ke, although this son is young, he is truly extraordinary in his cultivation. He already has the capital to compete with you and me." He paused. He said: "Perhaps, he is sure but may not know."

Wan Tianjing suffered a big loss under Rong Kaixuan's hands. Compared with the Kodak ancestor, he understood the horror of this young man better.

Moreover, he has a deep understanding of Rong Kaixuan's well-thought-out methods, so he does not believe that this kid will act recklessly.

Kodak was stunned slightly, looked at Wan Tianjing in surprise, and said: "Brother Wan, this is above the sea. As far as I know, this is the first time that Rong Kaixuan has gone to sea. Could he be able to master water and Is it boatish?"

Wan Tianjing hesitated for a moment. He smiled bitterly and said, "Brother Ke, I just think that this Rong Kaixuan will not do anything uncertain." He looked solemn and said: "Since he chose to control all ships, then It means he should have his own ideas."

Kodak laughed blankly and said perfunctorily: "Maybe."

He wondered what happened between Wan Tianjing and Rong Kaixuan, and why he admired the boy so much.

In fact, he had also heard a little about the fact that Wantian Jing came to Zhenmo Continent from afar, but he didn't know the details. After all, this is the Demon Suppression Continent, not his lair Xuan Da Continent.

However, these sea ships belonged to the Beast King Sect and Pin Baotang. Since Wan Tianjing himself is not in a hurry, he certainly wouldn't be much stupid.

Even if all the sailors on the ship died, he was sure to save the lives of himself and a few disciples and servants.

Strong winds roared, and all the ships swayed in the wind and water, turning in the same direction.

The figure suddenly flashed, Yuan Shuqi had already jumped from the observation platform on the head ship. For the ancestors at this height, it was almost as easy as taking steps.

Kodak was startled slightly, and said in surprise: "Shu Qi, why are you down?"

Yuan Shuqi said angrily: "The spiritual power controlled by Rong Kaixuan is too strong, and even my head ship has to be controlled. Haha, since he works so hard, the old body just takes a rest."

Her tone was still quite unkind, and even contained a trace of anger.

She is a powerful ancestor. Although she can't guard the entire fleet, the problem of protecting a sea ship is not too big. But as soon as Rong Kaixuan made a move, he would take over all the ship movements.

With her ability, if she wants to refuse, naturally there are thousands of methods. But she was annoyed in her heart and just let it go.

Kodak and Wan Tianjing looked at each other, they were dumbfounded. They didn't expect that Rong Kaixuan was so courageous that even Yuan Shuqi didn't give any face.

Kodak coughed lightly and said, "Brother Wan, there are seven boats here. The old man originally planned that each of us would have one boat, so that at least half of the ships could be kept safe. But now it seems that the old man is troublesome."

Wan Tianjing smiled bitterly, at this moment, even his heart was shaken. Moreover, Rong Kaixuan easily offended the two ancestor-level powerhouses of Xuanda Continent in this way, which is extremely unwise.

"Here, the storm is coming." Suddenly, a stern cry rang from all the ships.

Countless sailors stood where they were accustomed, and they tied themselves firmly with long ropes, so that if the ship bumped, they would not be thrown onto the sea.

If a person falls into the sea at this time, then it is basically a bad luck.

However, those ancestors and grandmaster-level powerhouses are still as stable as a mountain, even the big waves can't make them move at all.

In the distance, huge waves have been set off on the previously calm sea.

"" the sea made a huge roar, and the waves came one after another, floating like a silver ribbon, and disappeared without a trace.

Gradually, the waves got bigger and bigger, and the waves rushed towards the fleet in the sea like hills. In an instant, the splashing waves flew into the air, reaching a height of seven or eight meters. After the waves stayed in the air for a short time, following the sea breeze, they fell to the ground, white dots and sparkles, instantly bewildering people's eyes.

The storm on the sea that scared all sailors has finally arrived.


Another huge wave came as expected, and these huge sea ships looked so small and helpless under the power of this world. They were thrown high by the waves, floating on the waves like toys.

However, at the moment when everyone thought that the ship was about to be overturned by a huge wave, all the ships suddenly lit up.

A huge beam of light was released from all the ships on the sea.

These rays of light are connected to each other, even if there is a severance of sea space, they cannot stop their connection.

These rays of light are semicircular, enveloping the sea ships, and all the rays of light are connected to each other, they are like huge ropes, which firmly bind the seven sea ships together.


Although the huge waves are infinitely powerful, they are simply unable to overturn the seven connected ships at the same time.

Rong Kaixuan's eyes shone slightly, and his wind-driving stick lightly tapped in a certain direction.

Suddenly, more surging power filled the void. There was a subtle change in the wind direction in the storm. They seemed to be drawn by some kind of force, and they blew towards the same place.

On the sea boat, the expressions of several powerful ancestors suddenly changed. They looked at each other, and there was a hint of horror in their eyes.

They clearly sensed that this was not the power of Rong Kaixuan's release of spells, but that he had borrowed the power of the sea breeze from nature at this moment.

Although the heaven and earth spiritual power he released is powerful, how can it be compared with this sea? No one would be optimistic about Rong Kaixuan if he wanted to drive Gangfeng against the storm. However, now Rong Kaixuan did not blindly escape after releasing the spell to control all the sea ships, but first linked all the sea ships with the spell. In this spell, there is even the gravity method of the earth. .

The heavier the self-identity, the more stable the sea. Rong Kaixuan first controlled the weight of the sea ships to form a complete formation, and then contacted the special spirit body of the wind system.

The special spirit body of the wind element is the darling of the wind. When the storm comes, it is like a child returning home.

After passing its judgment, Rong Kaixuan easily found a location with less storm, and used its ability to control the natural wind to drive the ship.

Feeling that the sea ship was moving slowly before the huge waves, everyone was in awe, especially the ordinary sailors, begging the gods from all walks of life to bless them and not let them die.

Rong Kaixuan's eyes were slightly closed, and his mental thoughts were connected with the special spirit bodies of each department. Although it seemed that he was the only one to instigate the spell, in fact, more than a dozen powerful people worked together.

He urged his power to the extreme and also used it to the extreme. Every bit of power can be used to the maximum effect in his hands.

Although the big waves in the sea are dangerous, the huge waves that are more than ten or tens of meters high come oncoming and descend from the sky, smashing almost all the ships to pieces.

After sensing the power of these storms, even Yuan Shuqi, who had always been aggrieved before, was slightly startled, and his face changed slightly.

Because she knew that even if the head ship had her escort, it might not be able to withstand such a powerful storm.

However, Rong Kaixuan controlled all the boats and passed through the waves along the way, and he escaped slowly from the center of the storm. Although there was still thunder roaring behind them and lightning staggered, the space in front of them became brighter and brighter.

The sailors who had been frightened and crawling on the ground were overjoyed one by one. Although they did not dare to jump up, they shouted with excitement.

Because they know that they are about to escape.

Rong Kaixuan let out a long sigh, and his heart was quite proud. However, he knew that to be able to do this, in fact, the special spirit bodies of the water system and the wind system were the biggest heroes.

It is precisely because of their existence that they can find the weak points in the storm, and find a relatively stable channel little by little, and finally escape.

The first ship, the second ship, when all the ships came out of the storm, almost everyone roared in excitement.

The ancestors of Kodak looked over from the ship in the distance, and their hearts were full of shock.

This kid Rong Kaixuan, he actually did it.

However, at this moment, a huge black shadow suddenly emerged from the storm. It opened its huge, unimaginable sharp teeth, and bit the last sea ship into two pieces. .

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