Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 999: Just fight for the night!


Lin Lang came to the second trial ground. In front of him, there was a golden bell, with complicated runes engraved on it.

Just the perception fell on the golden bell, and there was peace in my mind, and the sound of sacred and solemn chanting sounded in my ear.

"Isn't this the Buddha's treasured treasure bell?" Lin Lang suddenly hesitated. He broke into the Buddha's holy place in his previous life, and was suppressed by a Buddha monk holding a Prajna bell.

At that time, he escaped, and for this reason, he unexpectedly realized that the Emperor Buddhism came in the palm of his hand.

It is strange that he never saw this in the inheritance of Hongmeng scattered people.

"Is the trial not a dream, but a transfer of me to the real world?" Lin Langning's eyebrows reminded him of the previous Daomen and the Prajna bell in front of him, and he already had a guess in his heart.

A sacred object like Prajna Bell needs to be built by countless generations of Buddhas before it finally takes shape. It is far beyond the category of eternal devices, and there is no second in the world.

And no dream space can perfectly replicate the meaning of these holy relics.

There is also an hourglass in the distance. Obviously, this trial is another magical power that Lin Lang came to realize the Prajna bell.

Think of it here.

Lin Lang no longer hesitated, he quickly sat down and entered the state of settling, and began to realize the mysteries contained in the Prajna bell.

He has the foundation to practice the big hand, and also has some experience with Buddhist magical powers. It will be relatively easy to practice.

Soon, he discovered that the Prajnajong was not the only one that contained the big sun, but also the Supreme Way of the Buddha.

Six-character Proverbs!


For a month outside, the time flow rate during the trial was 100 times that. Ten years have passed in the trial space.

During this period, Lin Lang firmly engraved the Six-character Proverbs of the Buddha in his mind and realized many mysteries.

such as.

This is not only a mental method, but it can also be used as a supernatural power, with great power.

At this point, the fine sand was gone.

The space around Lin Lang began to distort, and the seven-dice dice on his head also turned to the four position to stop, and this trial ended.

"It's a pity that there are more magical powers in the Prajna Bell that have no time to realize." Lin Lang shook her head with regret, waiting for the power of transmission to appear.

"I don't know if other people agree with my trial. If everyone is the same, I am afraid that it is a dream."

"Well, I have a better way to verify this!"

"Maybe I can try to take away Prajna Bell. If I can take it to the outside world, it is enough to prove that the illusion in front of me is still the real world."

At the moment when this crazy idea rose, Lin Lang couldn't suppress it any more. He came to the Prajna bell in a few steps and grasped both sides of Prajna bell.

Arms with strength, we must raise the Prajna bell.

Boom boom!

The whole space shakes the mountain, so if the clock component is extremely heavy, it is even more difficult to move without being refined.

Lin Lang exhausted his strength and just opened a gap, but after listening to the noise of the outside world, the terrible Emperor Wei came after him.

Another Buddha, who was so horrible as a monk, came, and with one palm falling, Lin Lang was almost crushed, and he could not tolerate resistance.

"It's really a holy place for Buddha's door!" Lin Lang took a sigh of cold air and shocked so many Buddhas. Whether he could leave safely is unknown.

But next moment.

With a flash of teleportation, Lin Lang appeared in another world.

Outside, a generous palm came from the void. This Buddha was actually chasing Lin Lang's breath and struck out a space across the space.

The gold armour will quickly rush to meet the owner of this palm, the bergamot quickly annihilated, the gold armour will also be directly hit and fly out of the inheritance.


Jin Jiazhan will return to the inheritance, but with haze on his face: "This kid is really a personal talent, almost stole Prajongjong by the transmission energy of the inheritance."

The headless warrior will be helpless for a while, this is the only way to say: "Dare to think and act, maybe this is why Hongmeng scattered people fancy him."

"It's just that you have to pay attention next time, lest this kid will pass the remaining things."


Lin Lang came to the third trial place, but unlike the previous two times, there was no magical power for him to comprehend.

Some are just terrible thunder!

Thunder fell from the sky, almost splitting the heavens and the earth, everything was split into nothingness.

Here is a thunder pool that evolved from thunder, and Lin Lang is on the edge of the thunder pool. Rao is far away from the center area. The thunder also made him thrilled.

It was the most terrifying thunder among the heavens and the earth, such as the Five Thunders of Fortune, the Ten Thunders of Heaven and Earth, the 36 Thunders of God.

There are countless heavenly gods and thunders with a thickness of several hundred meters continuously falling from above the sky.

"Thunderstorm can refine the body, Tiandao Thunder can supplement my heavenly body." Lin Lang's eyes brightened.

This is a life-testing project for others, but for him, it is a huge opportunity.

It just depends on whether he can afford the "opportunity" this time.

The countless thunders in the sky, just picking one out is enough to kill any fairy king, even the prince Tianjiao is no exception.

For others, maybe it's too late to dodge. But Lin Lang in front of him seemed to see the treasure.

With his arms stretched out, he just walked into the thunder pool, and a terrible thunder instantly fell on him.

Almost a moment.

The surface of Lin Lang's body was split red at the same time, at the same time, the pores of his body opened wide, and began to **** thunder energy wantonly.


In Lin Lang's body, countless thunder particles began to explode for the second time, and all the energy finally merged into the small world in his body to build a chain of avenues.

Xuanhuanglei is contaminated with Xuanhuangqi. Even a ray of Xuanhuangqi can weigh tens of millions of tons. It is easy to crush the true immortal.


A xuanhuang thunder descended on Lin Lang. He resisted with his flesh and continued to bend over under the weight of Xuanhuangqi, as if he was driving a pile with a huge mallet. It didn't take long for Lin Lang to hit the ground.

Similarly, under the tempering of mysterious yellow gas, Lin Lang's physical strength improved again, he slowly stood up and walked forward again.

Repeatedly, Lin Lang's body has been split into coke by thunder and thunder, emitting black smoke.

If Lin Lang can barely bear it, then the next Tiandao Thunder Calamity will make Lin Lang almost fall.

In front of him, every day is a heavenly thunder with a diameter from a few meters to a hundred meters, which contains terrible Tianwei energy.

Even though Lin Lang possessed the heavenly body, under the violent bombardment of heavenly thunder, he only transformed part of the heavenly atmosphere into the body.

The conversion rate is less than 5 percent.

It is very difficult for ordinary people to take a breath of heaven, and they can achieve the conversion rate of Lin Lang, even if few people can do it.


Lightning and thunder in the sky, under the layers of thunderclouds, Lin Lang was covered with a layer of silver, like a cloak, and filled with the mighty thunder like the immortal thunder **** between heaven and earth.

Nourished by the breath of heaven, Lin Lang's physique has become even more tyrannical, which is comparable to the body of a sacred artifact. At this time, it is as immortal as the immortal body.

"It's almost there!"

Lin Lang gritted his teeth, he also knew that he had reached the limit, but now that he has touched the barriers that must transcend the immortal realm, how can he give up lightly.

"come on!"

Lin Lang gritted his teeth and rushed to the deepest part of Leichi, and the silvery thunders like dragons fell suddenly.

In the first contact, Lin Lang's already scorched body flickered and flesh flew instantly.

The second Tiandao Silver Thunder fell, Lin Lang vomited blood, and his body was broken in half.

He took out seven holy potions from the space spirit ring, and swallowed them like a jujube.


The medicine force exploded, and the huge medicine force unbridled impacted his already broken body, and part of it was transformed into the purest energy to help him recover quickly.

After a few breaths, Lin Lang straightened his body and looked up to the third Tiandao Silver Thunder that came later, but this one was 500 meters in diameter and contained the power to destroy the world.


When the third Tiandao Silver Thunder fell, Lin Lang's location was instantly annihilated, and his body quickly collapsed.

Under heaven, nothing can resist.

Bang Bang!

After Lin Lang's flesh disappeared, his sacred bone immediately began to diminish. Under the shroud of silver light, in the end, he only had one last drop of blood.

"Don't break, don't stand, break and stand!" Suddenly, this drop of blood suddenly condensed an indomitable will.

Although dead, the soul is immortal!

Lin Lang's spirit of energy was fully resuscitated at this moment, and that drop of blood quickly changed into two drops and three drops.

In the middle of the thunder pool, at this moment, as if time was going backwards, the flesh that had already disappeared between the heavens and the earth rolled up from all over the world, and soon Lin Lang's body was reunited.

"It's a pity, almost." Lin Lang sighed before he had experienced a real life and death, and the heavenly breath accumulated in his body had reached a critical point.

How can the physical body beyond the realm of the immortal king be so easily forged, there is no shocking opportunity, even the Son can not do it in his life.

Beyond the physical body of the fairy king, that basically represents the first step out of the invincible road. As long as it is not in the era of many evils, it is not difficult to be invincible.

How easy is it to achieve this? After a life and death, the heavenly body is even worse than that.

"I don't bet on the future, I just fight for the day and night!" A sudden burst of light burst into Lin Lang's eyes. Such a forged body in front of him was too hard to find.

If you missed it, there is no hope in this life to impact that physical invincibility.

He is unwilling!

Rather than die for the second time, he also has to seize the opportunity this time. Thinking of this, Lin Lang did not shy away, rushing forward to the depths of Lei Yun.

And in the depths of Lei Yun, a terrible horrible thunderstorm of several miles in diameter has been brewing!

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