Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1030: Siege battle

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With the joining of the Undead Legion, the formation of millions of monks in the first echelon was killed by the Undead Legion.

Although the army of undead is fierce, it is only a group of dead things in the end, although it has also brought a lot of casualties to the army of the fairy world.

But with the instinct of the soldiers, these millions of immortal monks are still struggling to forge ahead, and some people keep falling.

Lin Lang led the striker, the sword opened the way, chopped all the way, chopped and chopped the undead in front of him.

Not only the Red Talented Legion, but also other legions rushed from a distance. After paying enough for their lives, the first echelon of Xianmeng finally approached the tower of Chongyang Qunguan.

Previously, the relationship between the Xianmeng and the Underworld Army could only be regarded as a trial. After the Xianmeng was filled with enough cannon fodder, it finally approached the city gate.

And then, what they have to do is siege. The Chongyang group is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and there is a circle around it to block it.

Although the magic circle once used by Xianmeng to stay in Chongyang Qunguan has been broken by the underworld, the underworld army quickly established its own defensive array.


The underworld army has a lot of magical powers in an orderly bloom. The Xianmeng soldiers under the city tower continue to explode, and the group of people rushing to the front quickly die.


A large number of celestial monks filled up. In the same way, the underworld army on the tower was replaced by a second group of people, driving the magical power to bombard the ground frantically.

Under the organization of the Heavenly Canal Immortal Emperor, the Underworld defenders carried out an orderly attack, and the monks of the Immortal Realm below feared not to die, rushing towards the towers one by one.

Not to mention that the fairy army is only tens of miles away from the tower, the ordinary fairy king can cross with one breath.

However, on the battlefield in front of you, within a few tens of miles, it is the area where the underworld army bombed the most fiercely.

In this area, supernatural powers erupted layer by layer, the light of thunder, fire waves, evil spirits continued to explode, and the space under the tower had been torn indefinitely, unable to heal.

Do n’t look at it only a few tens of miles away, but the celestial monk wanted to get close to the past, and also killed three days and three nights.

After three days.

The army of the first echelon of Xianmeng has been injured more than half, nearly three million people have been killed, and the number of injured is about two million.

More than half of the damage!

In the eyes, the entire battlefield was filled with a layer of rich blood. Except for the magical powers of all colors, only a gloomy red mist remained.

At this time, even if you take a breath, the nasal cavity will soon be filled with blood. That is not your own blood, but the blood gas between the world and the extreme, which will liquefy and condense as you breathe.

The area within a radius of 100 million miles can be described as mourning, the broken limbs are covered with stars, and there are countless serious wounded fairy monks who were trampled to death.

This is war!

Brutal war to the extreme!

After paying such a large price, the Xianmeng army finally stood firm under the tower. Although the magical power above the head continued to fall, at least the front row of people fell, and the monks in the rear could quickly add up and kill the tower.

at this time.

The sergeants in the rear escorted the war fort and moved to the Chongyang group.

The fortress of war in the army is a simple stronghold. The shell is quite strong, and even ordinary fairy emperors can't break through, and monks can even camp in it.

It can also create a simple stronghold for monks who have attacked the city.

It is said that the cost of a war fortress alone requires more than one billion spirit stone resources.

of course.

In the real battlefield, the role of war fort is far more than that, they can be stacked together to form a siege fortress.

And now.

Many legions are also field-tested. After the war fortresses were transported to the front line, the group of about 100 people in the barracks held a team of 100 people, carrying all the corners of the war fortress and lifting them up.

At the same time, a well-trained soldier rose into the air, formed a protective battle array, and rushed into the sky.

Naturally, it is impossible for them to completely block the attack of the underworld army with the protective battle array, and when the protective battle array breaks down, they will go to resist it physically.

In every war, they escorted the advancement of the war fortress in this way.

The forwards are no exception. With the rupture of battlefields, the figure of comrade-in-arms constantly fell from the sky.

The long front lines of more than one billion miles are connected together, and those scenes seem to be raining, and the monks of Xianmeng fall down cracklingly.

In the turbulent blood and rain, Lin Lang's eyes also became very blurred, blocked by liquefied blood gas.

And beside him, those who had been living together for more than ten years also fell in rows, and there were many familiar forward generals.

In war, human life is just a string of numbers, that is, humble and pitiful. Millions of monks have already died in Immortal Realm, but now even one Underworld monk is not injured.

They stood on the tower and there was nothing that could threaten them.

For a moment, Lin Lang even wanted to rush directly to the tower and fight with those underworld creatures happily.

But he couldn't do it.

Countless supernatural powers came down from the top of the head, and even he could only resolve the surrounding attacks without hurting himself.

A siege is not a fortress for war.

"Everyone, **** the fortress of war. The Red Talent will be the first person to board the tower. We are the soldiers standing on the tower and shaking the flag of the underworld, not the cannon fodder!"

Lin Lang roared, and after several orders were issued, he himself joined the **** team.


Two war forts are stacked together, and a line of Lux walks along the inside of the war fort and climbs above the fort.

Take over the third war fortress that was transported up below. The towers of the Chongyang Qunguan are too high, and they must at least stack seven war fortresses in order to barely touch the walls of the Chongyang Qunguan.

And now.

They only built two.


Lin Lang held the emperor sword, the sword gas without any fancy action roared out, and wiped out hundreds of magical powers.

Beside him.

It was standing more than 10,000 forward soldiers who were escorting the fortress of war with all their power.

Block 4, Block 5, Block 6!

When the forward was transported to the seventh fortress, there was not much height from the wall.

At this time, the underworld army above it is naturally impossible for the red tassels to let the war fortress reach the level of Chengguan.


The Emperor Tiancan gently waved his hand, and suddenly tens of thousands of underworld sergeants rushed down the tower. At this moment, they were connected with the short soldiers of the forward.

After the monks who escorted the war fort were solved, they could disintegrate the offensive of the Red Talent Army and even have time to dismantle the war fort below.

"The ninth battalion is responsible for escorting the war fort, and the seventh battalion, follow me to kill this group of underworld monsters."

Lin Lang swung his sword forward and took the lead. In the rear, more than 10,000 forward soldiers followed his footsteps, fighting with the underworld army.


According to Lin Lang's establishment, the forward army has a total of 150,000 people, and every 10,000 people are organized into a battalion by him.

But the reason why Lin Lang led the Seventh Battalion was that the 60,000 monks before the Seventh Battalion had all died in the siege.

Fifteen thousand people were laid off by nearly half in just a few days, and their combat power was severely lost.

The Hongying Legion is still good, with less than 100,000 losses. Looking at the entire First Echelon, the casualties of other legions far exceed this figure.

The other four second-rate army regiments have nearly 200,000 casualties. Needless to say about those miscellaneous legions, there are not many people who have been wiped out by the whole army.

Lin Lang carrying the sword, it was too late to fight on the battlefield, of course, he had nothing to command.

The forwards do not have so many complicated tactics, only recklessness, rushing over the enemy's front is their victory.

"Kill kill!"

The army of the underworld above seems to be endless, even though the forest is extraordinary, it is comparable to the battlefield Shura harvesting life.

But there were too many people on the other side, just let him kill him, and he was exhausted and soft.

His clothes were completely wet with blood, and it looked like he could wring out half a bowl of blood with just one twist.

In this complex and changeable battlefield, Lin Lang is not necessarily invincible, and there are wounds on his body.

It's just that for him, this little injury is basically like tickling, and it will heal in a few breaths.

Seven days later.

The soldiers of the seventh and eighth battalions were killed and injured, and the forwards also successfully built the war fort to the ninth floor.

It is only one step away from the tower.

"Why is this legion's combat power so strong?" The Emperor Tiancan monitored the entire battlefield, and the Red Talent Legion was naturally noticed by him.

"The problem is with the kid." Tian Can Immortal Emperor's eyes flashed, although other immortal emperors of the Red Talent Army were also fighting on the front line.

However, only the monk below the realm of Immortal Emperor Lin Lang seemed like a tiger entering the flock, and the army of the underworld killed was disbanded.

The Emperor Tiancan looked around and looked at the two of them. These two are the Underworld Immortal Emperor, one is the Immortal Immortal Emperor, and the other is the well-known Second Immortal Emperor.

"Yuan, he will give it to you. If you don't kill him, you don't have to come back to see me." Tiancan Immortal Emperor said lightly.

The immortal emperor named Ning, who is also named Yan, is also the immortal emperor, not to mention that he belongs to the youngest among the immortal emperors, but the combat power is not as simple as the surface.

He was the saint child level arrogance of the last generation in the underworld, and later broke through the realm of the immortal emperor. Basically, it is an invincible existence at the level of ruining the immortal emperor.

"Let me deal with a pinnacle fairy king, Tiancan, wouldn't you be kidding me?" Ren was disdainful.

"I said, this kid is not as simple as it looks. He has gone out of invincibility, and there are more than one. He can hit you ten in the same realm."

The Emperor Tiancan said indifferently. As for the second emperor immortal on the other side, he was not prepared to use it.

The battlefield is by no means a battlefield of the Hongying Legion. As one of the commanders of the Underworld, he must take care of dozens of battlefields.

At every siege point, he must ensure foolproof. Other immortal emperors like the Red Talent Legion had already been blocked, and sent stuns to deal with Lin Lang. He thought it was more than enough.

"Well, I would like to know the evil spirit of this fairyland." Yan licked his lips. The words of Emperor Tiancan's Emperor made him also interested in Lin Lang.

His figure flashed, and he jumped directly down the tower and rushed to Lin Lang's position.

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