Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1049: The span of three hundred years

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In the Wuxiang Sect, a disciple stared angrily, but he was helpless and could only shrink in his own territory, allowing Lin Lang to destroy their sect.

at this time.

Someone on the side without a sect finally could not sit still.

Only listening to the depth of Wuxiangzong's inner door, the ground was shaken, and the whole space was filled with a terrible will.


At the end of the sky dome, a twinkling star emerged, and only a moment of terrible star power exploded.

Someone secretly attracted the power of the stars, and a brilliant beam of light fell from the sky and fell towards the position where Lin Lang stood.

Lin Lang's response was also extremely fast. His figure flickered, and the whole person moved directly into the cosmic sky, avoiding this blow.

But this terrible energy is directly into the depression of the undefeated clan's defense, and it took a long time to recover.

"Can't think of Wu Xiangzong still hiding an old immortal?" Lin Lang showed a surprised color before someone hit the soul planet and escaped.

But it just appeared for a moment. It is also due to his quick response, otherwise this blow will be enough to kill him half a life.

"Ye Xuanzong's boy, are you looking for death?" There was a growl in the depths of Wuxiangzong, a terrifying as if awakening from the extremely reckless ancient.

Let the whole world be reduced to a space full of fear.

This is an immortal immortal emperor of Wuxiangzong, at least a super immortal emperor who will survive three or even four times.

Being able to dominate the world and based on the fairy world is the result of the co-creation by the immortal emperors of the unsect sect.

Although the other super immortal emperors of the unreligious sect went to the desert of the universe, there is still such a strong man in the overall situation.

This person is Yongjiang Daozun. Before the four emperors, the emperor had an extremely horrible cultivation practice.

Lin Lang is still doing his own thing. He stands outside the boundary of the incompatibility, and the beam of destruction in his hand still strikes everywhere.

"You dare to break away from the enchantment, and it is not only these people who will die by then." Lin Lang said lightly.

He can clearly perceive that this Yongjiang Daozun has a strong cultivation base, but is about to face his fifth-dimensional disaster.

He did not feel confident to survive the fifth eternal disaster, so he has been suppressing his own road fluctuations. Otherwise, the day when he appeared, it was the day when the Tribulation smashed his powdery bone.

And it turns out.

Lin Lang gambled right, that Yongjiang Dao Zun did not show up, still dormant in the depths of Wu Xiangzong.

"Since that is the case, Wu Xiangzong will not come out for the time being." Lin Lang sneered, if the Yongjiang Dao Zun did not appear, he might not be able to let go of Wu Xiangzong temporarily.

But since Yongjiang Daozun chose to secretly attack, then don't blame him for doing everything.

Lin Lang sat directly outside Wu Xiangzong's inner gate, and the two sides confronted each other with a large defense.

Under the eyes of all eyes, Lin Lang actually began to practice, with the heart of the sky to perceive the Avenue of Stars, visible to the naked eye, a vague starry sky appeared vaguely above Lin Lang's head.

In that starry sky, there are faintly faint lights shining, which are unique stars.

"There are a lot of different star roads around him. This is the cultivation method? How does it look like a stage of condensing the soul planet?"

In Wuxiangzong, Old Man Chai frowned and looked at Lin Lang, who was opposite, and was completely at a loss as to what Lin Lang was doing.


Lin Lang is indeed trying to condense the Soul Planet, but his way of condensing the Soul Planet is different from others.

The Soul Planet condensed by others has three, six, nine, etc., and is the only natal star.

But Lin Lang here after he condensed the first Soul Planet, he found that he could even condense the second Soul Planet.

That is to say, he can deposit some souls in the first Soul Planet, as well as the second Soul Planet. As for the limit, even he himself is not clear.

Of course, because the first Soul Planet only entrusted part of the relationship between Lin Lang and Soul, the power it can exert is also quite limited.

at this time.

Behind Lin Lang appeared a vast starry sky, and an unusually large planet revolved around him rapidly.

In this star field, the initial trajectory of the stars was also disrupted by him. Various planets deviated from their original orbits and sometimes collided together, making a terrifying roar.

"This guy ... even practiced before the unphased sect?" Inside the enchantment, a kind of unprofounded sect stared blankly at this scene, and more humiliated.

Lin Youye didn't even put them in her eyes, blocked the gate of the unsectarian, and even started to practice with a big swing.

"Wait, wait for the other Taishang elders to return from the desert of the universe, and the unpredictable crisis will be solved."

The Sect Master of the Unphased Sect is also extremely frustrated, and can only hope that the super immortal emperors who are still in the desert of the universe will return early.

But after all, their expectations fell through. What they didn't expect was that Lin Lang had been sitting outside the Wuxiang Sect for two hundred years.

During this period, all the members of Wu Xiangzong were blocked up and down the center of the inner door, and the atmosphere did not dare to catch their breath.

They dare not even open the defensive shields, because once that was done, Lin Lang rushed into the Innocent Sect, and no one could stop it.

As for cultivation in the inner door, they have no chance. The movement of the outside world condensing the soul planet is also very large, and sometimes it is accompanied by loud noises.

They simply couldn't calm down and practice.

"Could it be that we can only passively wait for the energy of the enchantment to be exhausted?" The disciples of Xiangzong were also full of negative emotions.

at last.

One day after two hundred years, Lin Lang opened his eyes, stood on the void and glanced around.

"Feng Xianzhan should be about the same time." Lin Lang murmured, his figure flashed and disappeared directly from the place.

For him, the innocent punishment was enough, and the loss of an immortal emperor and the whole outside door was only second.

More importantly, in the past two hundred years, in order to maintain the enchantment, the Ancestral Sect continued to extract energy from the nearby area, which has made this star field close to wither.

There are countless stars in the sky, but they are all bleak and dull, and the avenues and spiritual powers in the universe, etc., have also fallen to the lowest level in history.

That is to say, Wu Xiangzong wants to return to the previous cultivation environment, at least it will take thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years to recover, or will move out of this star field.

Other than that.

Lin Lang has been sitting in the void for two hundred years, and the disciples of the unphased sect cannot go out or practice, which is equivalent to the fact that they have a fault for two hundred years.

The potential of the younger generation has been exhausted, and the younger generation is standing still, it is hurting the foundation. The generation without the ancestors will undoubtedly collapse and be completely thrown away by other forces.


this day.

Lin Lang returned to Ye Xuanzong, and now Ye Xuanzong has begun to take shape under the management of a large number of masters, and the major forces in the star are basically integrated by them.

During this period.

Everyone's cultivation did not fall much. Han Zilong successfully raised himself to the state of mind, and so did Zhao Zilong.

In addition, the cultivation practices of Wang Tingting and Sun Yishan also successfully broke into the mid-level fairy king.

Their talent is much worse than Han Zilong's two, and this gap has also widened with the deepening of the realm.

Even Pa Xia's talent is higher than the two of them, and now he has successfully promoted to the peak.

If these people are included, the number of Ye Xuanzong's fairy kings is now close to ten.

Although it is nothing to look at the whole fairyland, but at least when Lin Lang is in the overall situation, Ye Xuanzong is also enough to match the third-class clan power.

"Now that the two of you have cultivated to the state of mind, you should take you to the battlefield of Fengxian."

Lin Lang spoke softly.

Fengxian Battlefield is a place where people can exercise a lot. Everyone is arrogant, and in the fierce competition of the same generation, basically those who survive will be cultivated for great progress.

"Every time after the immortal war, there will be nearly 20 fairy emperors born in the fairy world. The master of the child class has a 60% chance. Is the other fairy king. "

"It's just that the chance of falling is also very high. Ten people can only survive about one, do you still want to go?"

Lin Lang spoke slowly.

As long as the Fengxian battlefield where crisis and opportunity coexist, as long as it can survive for ten years, it can be comparable to the millennium hard work of the outside world.

It's just that the battlefield of Fengxian is too dangerous, and the requirements for cultivation as a realm are relatively high. At least monks who are above the heaven state can only protect themselves.

In the entire Ye Xuanzong, only Han Zilong and Zhao Zilong were eligible. Lin Lang planned to ask the two for their opinions before sending them to Fengxian battlefield.

"Go, of course."

Obviously, Ye Xuanzong's Han Zhao Shuanglong is by no means a terrifying character.

They can go from the ordinary people in the world, without any strong background, and sprint into the fairy world, and they have always been licking the blood on the tip of the knife.

As long as they can improve their cultivation, they basically want to try it.

"Well, this time the Fengxian battlefield is about to open, you are ready to start a few days of cultivation."

Lin Lang spoke lightly.

The three-hundred-year period has expired, and he should go to the Fengxian battlefield to fulfill his promise and pursue his girl.

Lin Lang stayed in Ye Xuanzong these days and did not continue to practice. He stayed in Ye Xuanzong and began to teach Sun Yishan and other Ye Xuanmen personally.


Time shook.

The Fengxian War has officially started.

All the forces in the fairy world, at this time, also dispatched, called the Tianjiao children under the door to leave for the three-hundred-year event.

Three hundred years of time is nothing to the long road of cultivation of immortals. Perhaps it may only be the time when some immortal kings retreat. But in the same way, three hundred years is also a span, and the evil spirits in all forces of the fairy world are enough to grow up in a short time.

In three hundred years, the number of newly promoted ninety-nine and ninety-nine perfection fairy kings is nearly ten million, and there are even more powerful people in the sky, except for some who are too far away to come, can participate in the war There are millions of Tianjiao in the fairy world.

This is a grand event!

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