Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1098: Anger on military service

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Of course, followers and slaves are essentially different and can leave at any time.


With almost no means, Xue Ding was defeated by the follower of Lingbo Fairy, and the same was true of the few people who subsequently appeared, and he was seriously injured and returned to the team with few moves.

Wins and losses are within 100 moves.

"Dagger 7, well done."

Fairy Lingbo had a smile in her eyes, and her followers played all over the audience, which naturally gave her a lot of light.

Dagger 7, was trapped in a dangerous place for many years in the early years, and almost fell. Fortunately, Fairy Lingbo rescued him.

Since then, Dagger Seven has been following around Lingbo Fairy. Although he usually doesn't shoot often, but almost every time he was ordered by Fairy Lingbo to cut off many opponents for her.

Dagger 7 has won the support of many Lingbo fairies in recent years, but generally speaking, it is still the status of casual repair.

In such an occasion in front of him, defeating the heroes, Lingbo Fairy is also proud.

"Good guy."

Most of the sons also sink their faces, and the fighting power of this dagger 7 is a little scary. Unless the real sons of these sons take action in person, very few people can beat him in the same realm.

Even the quasi-sons of each family should be slightly inferior.

If there is enough chance in the future, it is also very likely that Dagger 7 will enter the level of Saint Child.

"Lingbo Fairy has a perfect appearance, and there are such good generals guarding him. In the future, there will also be a place for fairies." A Shengzi smiled.

"Your Excellency should not make fun of the little girl."

"The plot is all done by your men, and Ling Bo is not as ambitious as that."

Fairy Lingbo giggled, but did not dare to embrace these "great ideal ambitions" on herself.

The Son also smiled.

After receiving affirmative praise from Fairy Lingbo, the dagger seven mouth also showed a faint smile, and looked around the spot.

"But there are Daoyou to fight, if there is no one, then Dagger will exit first." Dagger Qi headed past everyone, full of warfare.

It felt like all the saints were not in the eyes.

Some of the sons frowned frivolously, but they did not like the sharp personality of Dagger Seven.

As for the other part of the monks who are less powerful than Dagger 7, they naturally hang their heads and do not want to make any contact with this kind of guy who is full of fighting except fighting.

After all, it is a fact that they are not as good as others.

No one spoke for a while, and the gaze of the dagger 7 fell on Jiang Xinyue and his party again.

"Everyone says that there are ten beautiful women in the fairy world.

"However, Dagger rarely saw the top ten beauties shot, I wonder if I could ask Guanghan Fairy for a few tricks."

The dagger seven faintly said.

As he fell down, everyone on the scene was stunned, and then looked at Jiang Xinyue and others with interest.

They never thought that Dagger 7 would openly challenge Fairy Fairy, a rather boring saintly feast, which finally made sense.

Although the dagger seven is a casual repair identity, everyone knows that he belongs to the monk under Lingbo fairy.

As for the fairy of Lingbo and the fairy of Guanghan in order to fight for the position of the virgin, they are very similar.

Dagger 7 openly challenged Jiang Xinyue, regardless of whether the latter faced the challenge or not, the only proper method was that Fairy Guanghan also found a monk who was close to Dagger Seven.

Just look at the few people around Lingbo Fairy...Whether Xiuxi or Xu Fei, these people are not as powerful as Dagger Seven.

Zheng Wentong can barely make his debut, but the odds are not great. If Fairy Guanghan appeared in person and could not defeat the opponent, it was losing face.

There were very few Saints who knew that Lingbo Fairy had broken through the field. Including Lingbo Fairy, there was only a simple cognitive profile of Jiang Xinyue's combat power.

Fairy Lingbo nodded slightly, she was given the advice of Dagger 7, even if she could not defeat Jiang Xinyue, at least she could try out some opponents' cards.

Make a profitable business!

"Your realm is not yet complete, and you have not yet qualified to challenge Fairy Fairy." Lin Lang picked up the wine bottle and took a sip.

Dagger Seven's aggressive gaze came out provocatively and said provocatively: "Listening to the meaning of your Excellency, would you like to come to the field to discuss with me?"

Lin Lang shook his head and placed the wine bottle slowly on the table, saying, "There is no discussion,

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