Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 113: Ski competition

"The two of you are also here." Lin Lang smiled helplessly, the two followers couldn't shake it off.

"Who wants you to abandon us and come and play by yourself." Meng Xi hummed.

Zhou Manyao was not as bold as her, and did not speak up, but she nodded in approval.

"Come on, two big beauties invite you at the same time, you should always choose one." Meng Xiyue shook her little hand with anger.

Lin Lang smiled and shook his head. The millennia of cultivation has lost his interest in this kind of entertainment.

Maybe this is the thing that time wears out. Just like an adult who is indifferent to toys as a kid, he now feels naive about these so-called leisure items.

"Hello, we've met the two beauties again." Wang Hai stepped up again.

"Did you just talk to sister Zhou?" Meng Xiyue was surprised.

With the fall of Meng Xiyue's voice, Zhou Manyao could not help laughing, that this guy came up and asked her contact information, and then the women's self-defense technique was displayed one by one.

Wang Hai coughed, and quickly switched off the topic: "This is my cousin Lin Lang, my name is Wang ..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Meng Xiyue: "I see, you are the Wang family, it's nice to meet you."

Wang Hai was aggressively attacked by this sudden enthusiasm. He just rejected him severely, and now he has taken the initiative?

Is the Wang family's name too big, these two girls want to post? All kinds of strange thoughts came out of Wang Hai's heart.

"I heard that your Wang family is going to have an annual meeting? I'm so envious, I really want to see it."

Wang Hai always feels weird, but it is always a good sign to take the initiative to chat, and then: "Okay, the Wang family will definitely invite two to pass by then."

"No, no, no, I mean this time, anyway, I have been envious of the big villa of the Wang family for a long time, and have always wanted to go in and visit."

"Yes," Wang Hai replied without hesitation.

Wang Wen has some sense of reason, but he always feels that this is not easy. To be honest, he really doesn't believe there will be such an active girl, and he will visit the family at the first meeting ...

After a few chats, Wang Hai finally figured out what happened. It turned out that the two girls had known Lin Lin before. No wonder the attitude before and after the two of them would change so much.

This could not help Wang Haixin's deep jealousy. He didn't have the ability to let the two girls take a closer look. What is his reason for Lin Lang!

At this moment, Wang Hai's competitive and enthusiastic thoughts turned into torrential rivers, drowning reason completely.

"Lin Lang, we are all out to play. Do n’t patronize. How about going out for a lap?" Wang Hai laughed. He wanted to use this to show his strengths to the beauty, Lang is better than going on.

"You go, I'm not interested." Lin Lang shook his head.

"Well, you don't like it and don't force you. How about a few laps?"

Although this is said on the lips, in fact, Wang Hai has already blossomed in his heart, and it is good that you don't come, so that you can have time with the big beauties alone.

But I did not expect that Meng Xiyue shook her head: "I don't want to go if he doesn't go."

Zhou Manyao also nodded, expressing his second opinion.

Wang Hai's face was dark, and Lin Lang had scolded him in his heart, but he still said unwillingly: "Aren't you not slippery? Even Tingting is not afraid of falling, and big men can't be persuaded."

Seeing Lin Lang was still indifferent, Wang Hai calmly said, "Did you not bet on me to test Sichuan University this time, this time let's make the bet closer. Let's play in the last game. You If I win, I will give you my BMW. If you lose, you don't need to make any bets. "

Anyway, Wang Hai never considered losing. He is not only a ski enthusiast, but also participated in the competition organized by the city and won the second place. The level is not comparable to that of ordinary ski enthusiasts.

"Bet with him, a profitable business." Meng Xiyue couldn't help but wait.

Lin Lang glared at her, and then Meng Xiyue shrank her head.

Surprisingly, his radical action was successful this time.

"Okay, I can gamble with you."

"But one is not enough. We originally bet ten." Lin Lang smiled with a smile.

Wang Hai wanted to stop talking and wanted to rush forward and curse a few words of shamelessness, but after all he did not want to lose face in front of the beauty.

"Don't say ten, just a hundred." Wang Haiang said.

"Okay, then a hundred."

Lin Lang set the bet directly.

"You!" Wang Hai really hasn't seen a donkey like this before, in a blink of an eye, the bet from hundreds of thousands is too high to tens of millions, but he doesn't care much, no matter how big the bet will not affect the final victory .

He is confident in his own ability.

"Then let's make a decision!"

Soon, Zhou Manyao played the role of referee and spectator, planning the route forward.

"Don't you wear snow gear?" Meng Xiyue frowned, looking at Lin Lang.

"No, just shout and start." Lin Lang said casually.

"it is good."

"You two will slide from the top of this mountain to the top of the other mountain. Whoever comes first will win, no problem?" Meng Xiyue made a serious comparison.

They nodded, indicating that it was okay.

"Okay, so now pk starts!"

Meng Xiyue cut his arm downward.

At this moment, Wang Xuezhang suddenly slammed the ground. Because it was downhill, the whole person rushed out like a sharp arrow off the string.

On the other hand, Lin Lang didn't even wear protective gear at this time, and finally put on the skis slowly, including the rest of the snow poles, and then stood still.

"He has slipped out so far, don't you hurry up?" Meng Xiyue couldn't help but say.

"Not in a hurry." Lin Lang said lightly.

"Well, you are wayward."

However, Wang Wen sneered aside. Although he is not as professional as Wang Hai, he also knows that the master only fights for the first line. After being so far away, he has basically announced the end of the game.

When Wang Hai walked halfway there, Meng Xiyue finally couldn't help it: "If you don't chase him, you will reach the end."

Lin Lang still shook his head.

"Enough way!" Meng Xiyue gave two thumbs up.

Finally, when Wang Hai was about to reach the finish line, Lin Lang stretched out and slid down the snow hill.

"Hey, you forgot to take the pole!"

Meng Xiyue exclaimed.

"No." Lin Lang's faint voice came.

How can anyone use ski poles for skiing? Meng Xiyue muttered in her heart, but when she looked up again, a very strange scene appeared in front of her eyes.

I saw the snow covered by Lin Lang at the foot, and it was cut to form a long strip that was one meter wide and stretched to the top of another snow hill in front.

It is this long belt that transports Lin Lang forward slowly, even on flat ground. You can move forward without stepping on this snow belt.

On the other hand, where Wang Hai was, it was also a snow belt, but it was transporting his body backwards.

Two people seem to be standing on two tracks that move in opposite directions, one stepping on the snow belt and the other going backwards, which is weird.

"A ghost has come out!" Wang Hai was aggressive for a while, even if he slipped up hard, it wouldn't help, and he couldn't stop his downward trend.

"Give me up."

Wang Hai couldn't help screaming, looking at the end point that was close at hand, but at this time, it was like an insurmountable nature, and it was difficult to approach it no matter how hard he tried.

Lin Lang didn't even need a snow stick, and he passed his hand in his amazement at a speed of half a meter per second.

There is no doubt that Lin Lang won, in such a strange way.

Does skiing really need poles? Meng Xiyue asked a question mark in her head.

When everyone approached the past, they asked about this weird change.

"He cheated!" Wang Hai said indignantly.

"How did I cheat?" Lin Lang said with a smile.


"You are lucky to have an avalanche."

In theory, the speed of the avalanche must be faster than the speed of skiing, but can this small snow mound really do it?

Wang Hai couldn't say why, so he could only find a slightly reliable explanation.

"If you lose, you will lose. I will ask your father for a hundred BMWs." Lin Lang said lightly.

"One hundred is one hundred!"

Wang Hai still kept his mouth open. Anyway, he meant playing, he really didn't believe Lin Lang dared to ask his father for it.

Just when Wang Hai was glaring and dissatisfied, a cold voice sounded behind everyone.

"I heard that someone robbed my girlfriend's ski suit?"

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